Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out

I am really only playing devil’s advocate here, i do not condone what they have done but I never understood the passion that people have towards animals being mistreated. I know people who have nontraditionally domesticated animals as pets and never saw the difference between hurting the "house pig" and hurting the pig that will be the bacon I eat in the morning. And no you may not eat dogs and cats, but that doesn’t mean that dogs and cats aren’t eaten.

And you don't know for sure what any of those animals go through before they are slaughtered so I don’t wanna hear that.

Again I’m not saying I condone it nor do I do it, just don't understand some people’s logic. Maybe I’m ignorant to some of the facts.
I am really only playing devil’s advocate here, i do not condone what they have done but I never understood the passion that people have towards animals being mistreated. I know people who have nontraditionally domesticated animals as pets and never saw the difference between hurting the "house pig" and hurting the pig that will be the bacon I eat in the morning. And no you may not eat dogs and cats, but that doesn’t mean that dogs and cats aren’t eaten.

And you don't know for sure what any of those animals go through before they are slaughtered so I don’t wanna hear that.

Again I’m not saying I condone it nor do I do it, just don't understand some people’s logic. Maybe I’m ignorant to some of the facts.

I do know what they go through and their slaughter is humane as possible. it's actually pretty common knowledge when you READ.

Domesticated pets or livestock animal cruelty is just that. You can be charged with animal cruelty for mistreating a pig you plan to kill the same day hours later.

Just because you harvest and eat something for food doesn't mean it doesn't have fear or feelings, and it doesn't mean you can just make it's last days or minutes some torturous hell.

If your harvesting an animal that's even more reason to make it's final days more worth living and comfortable.

Your point is cruel in nature and riddled with ignorance.
These couple pages really opened my eyes to some of the filth on this board.

And furthermore, there is no relevance to animal cruelty and slaughter with intent to eat. JoeyD12 eloquently described what I would have said.
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Is this just in the United States? Or are all animals that are slaughtered throughout the world? I just don't see the "humane killing" of animals a common practice throughout every slaughterhouse.

Not sure what being charged for something has to do with anything. Just because you can be brought up on charges for something does not make it morally wrong. Just illegal.

Again i just don't understand how one can be wrong and the other not. People will get all up in arms about kicking a street cat but will fight a mouse with a broom if you saw one in your house. (Think about my argument before you respond to that part)

As i have stated, maybe I am ignorant to some of the facts, and would be more than willing to hear any point that is justifiable and would make me think differently. I always hear it's wrong but no one can give me a reason why it's wrong in this instance but not another. (Back to the cat/mouse example)
Is this just in the United States? Or are all animals that are slaughtered throughout the world? I just don't see the "humane killing" of animals a common practice throughout every slaughterhouse.

Not sure what being charged for something has to do with anything. Just because you can be brought up on charges for something does not make it morally wrong. Just illegal.

Again i just don't understand how one can be wrong and the other not. People will get all up in arms about kicking a street cat but will fight a mouse with a broom if you saw one in your house. (Think about my argument before you respond to that part)

As i have stated, maybe I am ignorant to some of the facts, and would be more than willing to hear any point that is justifiable and would make me think differently. I always hear it's wrong but no one can give me a reason why it's wrong in this instance but not another. (Back to the cat/mouse example)

Actually it's illegal because it's deemed "immoral" by societies standards, that's generally why we form LAWS. Based off moral grounds. I'm sorry I had to explain that to you.

Yes slaughterhouses in North America have RULES and REGULATIONS that are punishable by law if not followed. Of course that's the the same all over the world that has nothing to do with the issue at hand.

I just told you why it's wrong, what did you not understand about what I last posted... Like your obviously trolling at this point and choosing to ignore my entire previous post.

If I have to explain to you why killing a domesticated pet, is different than killing a rodent that might cause sickness to your health or your kids health the your flat out ignorant.

You just wanna play games. You Buddhist? One life holds no value over the next? You probably don't even know what I'm talking about... You don't understand? Really?

I'm not arguing this anymore on this thread, that's not the purpose of it. This thread is for entertainment, not your personal education in common sense.
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Google Image search "Animal Cruelty" and ask yourself the same questions while looking at the pictures. And everyone else that feels like animal cruelty is NDB should look also.
Is this just in the United States? Or are all animals that are slaughtered throughout the world? I just don't see the "humane killing" of animals a common practice throughout every slaughterhouse.

Not sure what being charged for something has to do with anything. Just because you can be brought up on charges for something does not make it morally wrong. Just illegal.

Again i just don't understand how one can be wrong and the other not. People will get all up in arms about kicking a street cat but will fight a mouse with a broom if you saw one in your house. (Think about my argument before you respond to that part)

As i have stated, maybe I am ignorant to some of the facts, and would be more than willing to hear any point that is justifiable and would make me think differently. I always hear it's wrong but no one can give me a reason why it's wrong in this instance but not another. (Back to the cat/mouse example)

Certain animals through domestication are held in higher regards then others. Not sayings its right but that's what it is.
Wow I didn't realize that would rustle so many jimmies.

Bottom line is that kicking that kitten, whether it was domesticated or not, was completely unnecessary. The kitten wasn't harming anyone. The other dude was even petting it's head gently. Little did the cat know that the guy petting him was actually playing place holder. They were both wildin with foolish behavior that was amusing to them but cruel in the eyes of many others.
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The picture was aggravating in itself but dude took it to another level with the "what's the difference" nonsense.

A lot of people have pets or animals and look at them like legit family. I grew up with dogs my entire life and I cried like a little girl when my first dog died that I owned as an ADULT. that I had bought and raised on my own. I still get choked up thinking about it. His death was also extremely traumatic I saw the whole thing so it upset me more than a peaceful death. People take that **** personally.

This **** is ruining the thread someone post some funny **** ASAP lol
Yea I’m not gonna continue this for the sake of the thread and the misinterpretations of what I’m saying. Like I have said from the jump, I’m not condoning nor do i indulge in animal cruelty, i was trying to make a point of how I see it hypocritical for people to hold certain animals in such high regard (domesticated cats and dogs) and not others in reference to how they should be treated. Maybe it is the inner "Buddhist" in me lol. I respect everyone’s opinion and even stated that I may be ignorant to some facts.
Clearly doing it...





The way they slaughter animals isn't very "humane" IMO I've seen videos of what they do the cows/pigs/chicken. Needless to say I was raised vegetarian... I slip up and eat chicken from time to time though.
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The way they slaughter animals isn't very "humane" IMO I've seen videos of what they do the cows/pigs/chicken. Needless to say I was raised vegetarian... I slip up and eat chicken from time to time though.

Slip up? Eat what you want Holmes.
u should try some bacon on that chicken, it's delicious. Get some protein in your life my dude.

Cow and pigs they hit them with an electrical shock to the head that knocks them out and then they cut their throat, but before that they are calm, if they aren't calm adrenaline is released into the muscle and the meat tastes bad.
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