Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out

Problem is you can't apply that logic to ALL of society based solely on a few random anecdotal incidents. There's 325 million people in the US. If you go through life with the mindset that you could die because of the infinitesimal chance the other person in your scenario is going to KILL you over inane nonsense, you're a sociopath.
First and foremost you cant apply the original scenario to 325 million people. We can all agree that all 325 million people would fall under I won't do nothing but call the cops (most logical thing to do), I'm going to result to violence ( a lot of you NTers), and I'm going to kill the person (although in the minority, there are still a shot load).

The concept that if you go around putting hands on people and are not expecting death as an outcome is the dumbest ( I don't care who says otherwise ) thing anyone can do.

Companies pay top dollars for people to draft up ORMs (Operational Risk Management). You give each scenario a point value and at the end you tally the points, then you put measures in place to mitigate all the possible scenarios to reduce risk. In a physical altercation no matter how unlikely in any ORM death would be number 1.

Anyways, the argument which you fail to realize is, once again, if you put hands on someone you have to understand there will be crazy people that will try to end you. Is that better????? I truly go about life that way.

BTW, there are a bunch of successful people with Psychopath traits.
Well, let's just see if Roy's defense attorney goes with the defense that the trans person had a dozen-punch, boot-stomp, attempted murder coming because of that gentle touch to the face.

"Your honor, she should've known she'd be beaten within an inch of her life for that touch to the man's cheek. It's just the "Mad Max" world we live in *shrug* "

You're out of your gourd trying to justify that reaction. We disagree, fine. But I never want to know anyone IRL who thinks like you.
I swear you must be a little slow.

LoL btw, look at the other NTer that clearly justified the shooting by saying the hood matters.

Now does that seem logical to you? Probably not, but is a reality on the world we live in. People think different.

Now you are trying to prove a point by saying the judge will give a harsh punishment, but that doesn't have nothing to do with ... if the trans never would of have put his hands that probably never would of have happened.

Come around my way and let me gently mush you. See if you just shrug it off and laugh about the gentle touch. People react different ... stop being slow and comprehend what's being said.
I swear you must be a little slow.
Come around my way and let me gently mush you. See if you just shrug it off and laugh about the gentle touch. People react different ... stop being slow and comprehend what's being said.

Yeah, I would shrug it off and laugh, because I'm not a lunatic :lol:. Especially if we're acquaintances or friends (as was the case w/ Roy and the victim - they were friends). Mush me gently and I'll laugh. Hit me twice open handed or once closed fist and we'll throw down. But I'm not going to curb-stomp you to death after you're KO'd for a gentle touch to my cheek. Especially if we know each other. You're ignoring that entire aspect of this situation. Roy wasn't some hood-thug stranger that some crazy ****** got vocal with on public transit and then pawed. They were friends riding a bus together (along with the awful excuse of a human being who recorded it and put it online, who obviously knew both of them). And guy sat still - cool as a cucumber - not showing any inclination to getting violent or even agitated, and then went volcano on the victim and literally tried to kill her. That's indefensible, period, regardless of whether this happened in the hood, the suburbs, the mountains or on the moon.

So are there lunatics in the world like this nut who will kill you if you touch them / look at them / happen to be in the general vicinity of them? Of course. But nobody should ever think that it's simply a fault in society that leads to someone trying to murder someone else - especially a friend or acquaintance - for a touch / look / approach and go through life with their head on a swivel expecting death at every turn. If everyone did that we'd have anarchy.

Oh, and as for the kid getting shot at, Rochester Hills is 89% white, and it was an old white dude who shot at him. It wasn't the ghetto, so I have no idea what argument you're trying to make on that one, unless - like I said earlier - you're looking to justify the shooting for the same reasons you're justifying the beatdown/attempted murder on the bus.

SMH ..

Why a retired firefighter (of all people) gotta shoot a kid in the morning? Could they (him and his wife) have simply not opened the door for the kid and/or told him to go away? :smh:

Makes you wonder if this guy was actually doing his job as a firefighter. :stoneface:
Problem is you can't apply that logic to ALL of society based solely on a few random anecdotal incidents. There's 325 million people in the US. If you go through life with the mindset that you could die because of the infinitesimal chance the other person in your scenario is going to KILL you over inane nonsense, you're a sociopath.

And that mindset will make it more likely that you get assaulted - every tiny slight, every time someone cuts you up in traffic and you instantly go on the offensive in case they’re crazy? That makes you the problem.
Yeah, I would shrug it off and laugh, because I'm not a lunatic :lol:. Especially if we're acquaintances or friends (as was the case w/ Roy and the victim - they were friends). Mush me gently and I'll laugh. Hit me twice open handed or once closed fist and we'll throw down. But I'm not going to curb-stomp you to death after you're KO'd for a gentle touch to my cheek.
Goes to show you that everyone handle things differently.

You are agreeing with me that everyone reacts to situation differently.

Especially if we know each other. You're ignoring that entire aspect of this situation. Roy wasn't some hood-thug stranger that some crazy ****** got vocal with on public transit and then pawed. They were friends riding a bus together
Even more reason for the trans not to put her hands on him. Clearly the dude has problem, been arrested over 20+ times and has a history of domestic violence. A walking ticking bomb. Again, proving my point... if you put hands on someone you need to know the consequences whether you are playing or not.

And guy sat still - cool as a cucumber - not showing any inclination to getting violent or even agitated, and then went volcano on the victim and literally tried to kill her. That's indefensible, period, regardless of whether this happened in the hood, the suburbs, the mountains or on the moon.
again, proving my point. You never know what's going thru someone's head or how is someone going to react. In this case, Roy was waiting for an excuse to explode.

So are there lunatics in the world like this nut who will kill you if you touch them / look at them / happen to be in the general vicinity of them? Of course.
glad you can admit that for every action there's a reaction and those reactions can lead to extreme violence because of people like Roy.

But nobody should ever think that it's simply a fault in society that leads to someone trying to murder someone else - especially a friend or acquaintance - for a touch / look / approach and go through life with their head on a swivel expecting death at every turn. If everyone did that we'd have anarchy.
but they need to understand that is a possibility especially when dealing with people like Roy. I don't see dudes in the hood ******* around with top hood dudes. Because they know the slightest disrespect can cause them their life.... you think Roy was looking at the trans like a friend? Probably was thinking of I let this trans get away with that. I'm the laughing stock. I'm going to show her and everyone I'm nobody to **** with. This is real life, if you think is not... then that's on you.

Oh, and as for the kid getting shot at, Rochester Hills is 89% white, and it was an old white dude who shot at him. It wasn't the ghetto, so I have no idea what argument you're trying to make on that one, unless - like I said earlier - you're looking to justify the shooting for the same reasons you're justifying the beatdown/attempted murder on the bus.
I want making that point, another NT did. Reading is your friend, comprehending is your love. Try them.
So will the NRA try to claim that he's really one of the mythical "good guys with a gun?" :nerd:

Thank god the kid's OK. This country's a f***ing disaster.

A responsible gun owning hero just protecting his wife and his loved ones. He feared for his life. But how many people die from guns in Chicago? But what about Hilary's emails? But who's gonna protect you after crooked Obama takes away all your guns?
A responsible gun owning hero just protecting his wife and his loved ones. He feared for his life. But how many people die from guns in Chicago? But what about Hilary's emails? But who's gonna protect you after crooked Obama takes away all your guns?

Well SAID COMRADE. Neva let LIBS and their logic stop the movement. LOCK HER UP INDEED.
Fellas, this is what happens when you don't work off the jab in the early rounds. I saw this bout and Rod really didn't have a clue.
every time rod threw that right hook sum fierce kept on knocking him in his temple. you would think he’d learn from when garcia spun his head around like an action figure

This happens more often than you think as some women will NOT accept any input on their kid's name or the father is simply not interested in naming their kids. That said, the cornball who posted that 'ish publicly is definitely wildin' if the wife is clearly with him and the kid is 100% his. :smh:
This happens more often than you think as some women will NOT accept any input on their kid's name or the father is simply not interested in naming their kids. That said, the cornball who posted that 'ish publicly is definitely wildin' if the wife is clearly with him and the kid is 100% his. :smh:
It's reddit, not Facebook, nobody knows who this is.
And she's defo wildin for that. But its a simple fix, just get a judge to approve the name change.

Doing it

Any time someone tells me women get paid less then men i just face palm

Nah, she ain't doing it. She doesn't understand econometrics, so she is just ignorant in another way than the people that throw out the 70 cents on the dollar figure

She just peddling some struggle libertarianism.
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