Hot Pot.

orry for missing in action. Been busy.
Now, these,
Released Yesterday. And as I have had every Cadburys block flavour thats released, I had to keep up the record so I purchased both of these today. They sound worse than taste I would say kettle is better than cc overall 7.5 out of 10 for kettle 6.5/10 for CC. Just like a Salted block with crunchie bits. Was expecting bad things, but these OK. Keep these odd combos coming. Something different n odd for a change always gets me curious
Had to try
Don't see myself eating these too quick tho.
Back too rea food now I've had my curiosity answered
orry for missing in action. Been busy.
Now, these,
Released Yesterday. And as I have had every Cadburys block flavour thats released, I had to keep up the record so I purchased both of these today. They sound worse than taste I would say kettle is better than cc overall 7.5 out of 10 for kettle 6.5/10 for CC. Just like a Salted block with crunchie bits. Was expecting bad things, but these OK. Keep these odd combos coming. Something different n odd for a change always gets me curious
Had to try
Don't see myself eating these too quick tho.
Back too rea food now I've had my curiosity answered
Do you eat all the sweets that you post, or is it just for the photos?
thats the point of the thread though to have some goods pics of food... but more power to you tried... i woulda put the burger in a foreman grill and called it a day :lol:
Hey, I made an attempt. Only thing I can do is learn from my mistakes.

But let's keep it 100!

It's just a homemade burger. You really think I care about impressing people.....?

Your burger is just as bad as that 1 dude who posted that struggle sandwich w/ 3 hot cheetos. You're like 40 and you don't know how to make a burger? :smh:
thats the point of the thread though to have some goods pics of food... but more power to you tried... i woulda put the burger in a foreman grill and called it a day :lol:

But pictures can be deceiving....okay yeah maybe my pic isn't flattering to the eyes but the burger came out tasting great. My friend told me to make her another one.

I've used a foreman grill before. I Threw it in the trash the next day.
Your burger is just as bad as that 1 dude who posted that struggle sandwich w/ 3 hot cheetos. You're like 40 and you don't know how to make a burger? :smh:

Whoa whoa I ain't 40. Im still in my 20s... @niceshoes247 dont even know how to freeze water.

But since you calling us out let's see something you got mr.chef boyarde?
If you don't know how to make burgers by the time you're 16... I unno what to tell you b :rofl:
Somtimes what you intend to make & what actually happens end up being 2 different things... I'm Korean-American... You should've seen the first couple of attempts of mine trying to make fried rice... :smh::lol: Ish should've been hella easy for me but it turned out so bad... My wife & son couldn't stop laughing...
Somtimes what you intend to make & what actually happens end up being 2 different things... I'm Korean-American... You should've seen the first couple of attempts of mine trying to make fried rice... :smh::lol: Ish should've been hella easy for me but it turned out so bad... My wife & son couldn't stop laughing...

This happens to all of us. We're only human. I cherish the moments oppose to what the final outcome will be if I'm attempting something I've never done before.

It's a learning curve, you just gotta learn from the mistakes you made to get better. And you can apply that to anything in life.
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