I got you. I used to always laugh at one of my boys for filling up on liquids before his meal came out. Would always get Raspberry or Strawberry Lemonades, drink like 3 glasses before food came out and then wouldn't finish his food. Always was funny to me

My younger sister still does this at 20 but even worse because she doesnt finish the food or the thick *** milkshake.

Then she doesnt want to eat her own leftovers.

ahat ahat wasteyute right?
did you read the rest or or nah?

It’s the fact you Edward Scissor hand your burgers is what bothers me. But I get it, you create a plan to eat your meal.

Some people eat thier fries 1st before they touch thier burger, some eat it last. Thier no proper way, but I get it.

I would never OJ Simpson my burgers.
Rosa Mexicano


Some spot in va on the water.


1. How was that cornbread, looks crunchy

2. Where at in VA? Name of spot?
1. How was that cornbread, looks crunchy

2. Where at in VA? Name of spot?

It was actually good. It was like a jalapeño cheddar. The chicken was tasteless tho. I can’t remember. It’s a newer spot though in old town . I’m going to try and look it up. It’s a lady on the logo.
It was actually good. It was like a jalapeño cheddar. The chicken was tasteless tho. I can’t remember. It’s a newer spot though in old town . I’m going to try and look it up. It’s a lady on the logo.

Old town spots always appear to be expensive for what they offer. I usually just get Nandos when I am around there and hit up one of the Ice Cream spots
Calm down cargo shorts


My younger sister still does this at 20 but even worse because she doesnt finish the food or the thick *** milkshake.

Then she doesnt want to eat her own leftovers.

ahat ahat wasteyute right?


I do not get the, "I won't take home my food" folks. You paid for it, take it.

I have heard some females look at dudes side-eyed for taking home their food, calling them broke.

So wasteful
It’s the fact you Edward Scissor hand your burgers is what bothers me. But I get it, you create a plan to eat your meal.

Some people eat thier fries 1st before they touch thier burger, some eat it last. Thier no proper way, but I get it.

I would never OJ Simpson my burgers.

:lol: I always eat my fries first.
I don't care what u do.
I just said ":sick:" and you got all 4th pocket on me.

When they made fun of my eggs I didn't say nothing I embraced it.

Eat your bbburgers
I don't care what u do.
I just said ":sick:" and you got all 4th pocket on me.

When they made fun of my eggs I didn't say nothing I embraced it.

Eat your bbburgers
I think you are avoiding the question because you know it goes against your own logic when it comes to spreading/dipping.

So it is easier to avoid the question to be blatantly hypocritical.

What isn't said says alot
Shake Shack is the truth.

There’s an In-N-Out about 10 minutes down the road from where I’m staying in Fort Worth. Hoping to try it today or tomorrow.
I don't think anyone does. Maybe people from LA that enjoy sloppy fries?

They rave about animal style fries. When I ordered some and saw they put a slice of american cheese on it and some bitter tasting onions, disgust. Cue the triple h gif.
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