Watermelon Season.

I hate eating watermelon off of the rines, so I always cut them up and put them in tupperwares.

Throw in some ground cinnamon and grate some frozen orange.

I am telling yall, freeze a lemon, lime, and orange. Easier to grate and once you get to the FLESH of the fruit, the "zest" is so flavorful.

Orange on watermelon is solid man.

Also, you can add some powdered gingers
I think people do that because they dont have a lot of ketchup and only have those packets laying around....
I'm a dipper.

You can control the amount of ketchup on a fry

But I have nothing against spreaders.

Eat how u want

I think people do that because they dont have a lot of ketchup and only have those packets laying around....

If I attempt to use "ketchup spreader" logic, I would assume they don't feel like manually dipping each and every fry into the ketchup. Also, I would say that having some soggy spots and some crispy spots gives a different texture profile to the experience.
Bay Area, Concord, Ca.

Ohgane (KBB)


I just ate here :pimp: one of the best kimchi jjigae's ive ever had
Watermelon Season.

I hate eating watermelon off of the rines, so I always cut them up and put them in tupperwares.

Throw in some ground cinnamon and grate some frozen orange.

I am telling yall, freeze a lemon, lime, and orange. Easier to grate and once you get to the FLESH of the fruit, the "zest" is so flavorful.

Orange on watermelon is solid man.

Also, you can add some powdered gingers
Just eat the watermelon man.
Hell, you try it on GOOD pizza? I try to put some sort of hot sauce on Pizza I am eating. (If I remember to do so.)

The best Tabasco sauce for pizza (Hell, for ANYTHING)

Not a chance. Good NY pizza only really benefits from garlic, parmesan, oregano, and crushed red pepper.

Will definitely agree that Chipotle Tabasco is one of the GOAT condiments though.
Pancakes with bacon cooked in em with an Portuguese sausage, regular sausage, mushroom and cheese omelet. Fun fact. When eating here before, I saw Deangelo Russel hear during his whole snitching fiasco on Swaggy P.
Pancakes with bacon cooked in em with an Portuguese sausage, regular sausage, mushroom and cheese omelet. Fun fact. When eating here before, I saw Deangelo Russel hear during his whole snitching fiasco on Swaggy P.
Your friend with the lilac nails should’ve sent those potatoes back. No crisp on em at all they look soggy AF
Your friend with the lilac nails should’ve sent those potatoes back. No crisp on em at all they look soggy AF

Their potatoes are definitely trash. Most breakfast places fail at breakfast potatoes. I can't honestly say I've had a good hash brown.

If I attempt to use "ketchup spreader" logic, I would assume they don't feel like manually dipping each and every fry into the ketchup. Also, I would say that having some soggy spots and some crispy spots gives a different texture profile to the experience.
Well simply not every fry needs ketchup on it.

I only see it with poutine when fries are completely smothered and that's on purpose.

But yeah, that last part is why every fry doesn't need ketchup; different texture profile for sure.
I'd say not every fry necessarily "needs" ketchup, but I feel like just about all fries benefit from some sort of condiment addition no matter how well-seasoned.
A really well done fry needs no condiment at all. There are times where it's perfectly fried, sized, and salted to where eating them with ketchup takes away from it. Any other fry needs sawce for sure.
A really well done fry needs no condiment at all. There are times where it's perfectly fried, sized, and salted to where eating them with ketchup takes away from it. Any other fry needs sawce for sure.
Balance and contrast, b.

Hot, crisp, salty fries with some cool, sweet, acidic ketchup?

Das amore.
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