Quick lunch. Double cheeseburger w/cheddar/lettuce/jalapenos/sweet baby Ray's
I eat soup more often during what passes as the “colder” part of the year in LA. It’s not just the temperature; soup just seems to go better with Fall and Winter holiday vibes. At least to me.
I agree 100%. Those “seasonal” soups are much appreciated. I personally love autumn squash soup/harvest pumpkin soup, for example.
I literally freeze in my office all day cause the damn AC is always blasting smh

I mean you have to sort of look at the science of it. Men are comfortable around 69-70 degree while women closer to 74-75. It’s easier to layer up than asking someone to layer down in a work environment. That is at least the science behind it. But there can be more too.
I mean you have to sort of look at the science of it. Men are comfortable around 69-70 degree while women closer to 74-75. It’s easier to layer up than asking someone to layer down in a work environment. That is at least the science behind it. But there can be more too.
True. Their inner core is warmer making them feel colder or something like that.

This is why there's always backup sweaters on office chairs that belong to women.
I mean you have to sort of look at the science of it. Men are comfortable around 69-70 degree while women closer to 74-75. It’s easier to layer up than asking someone to layer down in a work environment. That is at least the science behind it. But there can be more too.
I guess. I mean our office set up is weird, It's like a brick building with each office as individual space and we each get our own heating and cooling system. The issue is that in summer in order since they are all somehow connected you can't have the heat on while others are running the ac part. So stupid. It's ok tho i bring a sweater. Also when i am freezing i step outside and sit in the sun for a bit. We are a farm so i always feel bad complaining about being cold when my employees are out working the sweltering heat.
keep the office at 69 degrees.

its just me most of the time. The times my boss comes in he brings a sweater lol
It depends, I like it colder when I'm sleeping. I set my AC to 65 degrees overnight during the summer.

When I'm out doing things I like it warmer. I'd say 75-82 is my wheelhouse. I also prefer to open my car window than utilize the air conditioner unless it's really hot or I'm driving fast.

At my old job I had an office in the back room of the unit that also stored a couple of supplies. My desk was right next to the window and the air conditioner, so my options in the summer were either get blasted by cold air or to open the window be warm but have a little breeze. I chose the latter and it bothered some people because they wanted to hang out in the back room and cool off. :lol:
is your electric bill expensive?
Mine used to be. We used to rent a huge 5 bedroom house and we learned real quick to adapt to that temperature cause the electric bill was astronomical 😂 at our new place it’s smaller but we’re just used to it. Also my frenchies like to be cool
I keep my AC at around 75 in the summer, sometimes a bit higher, and I use an evaporative cooler to keep it comfortable. I don't run it between 6-9pm to help elevate the electric load.

If I kept it at 65 during July and August when it does over 110 routine my bill would be insane. Especially since the unit at my current apartment is old and inefficient as hell. It would definitely be well over $300, maybe even $400, for a 1 bedroom apartment.

My office keeps it at 72-74 during the summer
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