I honestly can't even remember exactly what happened that got him banned either, but that was the same time that I realized I'd had enough of him.

I just know there was one night where he was wylin' harder than normal, and not in a funny way. Basically just coming at people for reasons that I don't remember. In the past I was pretty constructive when it came to his posts. Hell...even after he posted the infamous burger I tried to give him some pointers as to what he could do differently the next time and he seemed to be appreciative of the feedback. That night, however, he was way out of line and I wrote up a post basically laying out my frustration with him and his antics and called him "a cancer to this thread."

I woke up in the morning to find that my post was deleted and he was banned. :lol:
I don't know why that legit made me laugh :rofl:
I thought thread bans were temporary. Meth hitting dudes like alchemy and ninja with the soul stone. You can still post here, but you must give up what you love the most
i think he got banned when him and rob too fresco were going back and forth and he may have said something the mods deemed ban worthy.

i could be wrong though

those two used to always go at it in here and tan
:lol: It's possible, I literally don't remember. We'll probably regret this if he gets reinstated.
I honestly don't remember what happened. I just remember him saying @ByleBUzma snitched on him :lol:
Not sure if anyone fully remembers but he was going unnecessarily crazy from what I remember. We all know when to stop, but he just kept going.
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