I think about $30 with delivery and tip.
It was a lot of food.
I always ask people WHY we aren't tipping out MailMen. I mean we use them on a daily basis, they provide us a VITAL service.

If you are tipping barbers, mechanics, and deliverymen, why not tip your mailmen?


The rice master!!
I work for tips but don’t even do it every time it’s presented. Like if I go pick up an order I don’t most of the time. But when I do I don’t mind tipping nicely

Tipping the mechanic?? Hell no!! For some reason I don’t agree with tipping the barber but I do it anyway :lol:
I work for tips but don’t even do it every time it’s presented. Like if I go pick up an order I don’t most of the time. But when I do I don’t mind tipping nicely

Tipping the mechanic?? Hell no!! For some reason I don’t agree with tipping the barber but I do it anyway :lol:
If you tip the barber, why not tip the mechanic?

Same concept.
the way a lot of comedy works
is that you take a situation
and exaggerate it to a ridiculous level
for comedic effect
knowing that the situation doesn't actually happen in real life
lawdog thought it was funny
so maybe the joke is better than you think
im well aware of your previous sushi posts
but im not making a documentary
you also said bahn mi sandwiches need cheese
that's disgusting
there are many instances of you posting that something "needs cheese"
when it's just fine (or better) without it
you sound sensitive right now though
so ill just let you work through these emotions
this will be my last post on the matter
out of respect for you

:lol: @ Hitting him with his own moves
HOW cooked is that Turkey Bacon.

It looks soft from my limited view.
Speaking of Turkey Bacon...

Butterball turkey bacon is absolute garbage. I've been eating a lot of TB recently since the wife has been buying it, I went to the store the other day and got Buterball because it was on sale, and it is awful compared to whatever she normally gets.
A chopped cheese is everything I want in a sub. Gotta get up to NYC for one of those.

No ketchup, extra mayo please.
The 1st couple years of college ruined cheesesteaks for me...At the closest food spot by my dorm, the best thing to get was a mediocre cheesesteak or chicken cheese and I ate it so much I been avoiding em for like a decade now besides one trip to philly a couple years ago :lol: :smh:

And my homeboy insisted on going to the tourists spots in philly instead of Max’s which I wanted to go to so ended up with another average joint again
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