In other states
I think they get paid low wages
And tips are to make up for the low wages
But that’s on them
They should move to Cali
They could still be paid under minimum wage though. Chik Fil A makes a boatload so they pay more.

California labor law allows tipped employees to be paid a lower cash wage than the standard California minimum wage by their employers, with different allowed tip credits applying to different classes of employer.
California does not specify a minimum amount of tips an employee must receive in order to be classified as a "tipped employee". Therefore, any employee who receives tips can be paid according to California's tipped minimum wage laws.

They could still be paid under minimum wage though. Chik Fil A makes a boatload so they pay more.

California labor law allows tipped employees to be paid a lower cash wage than the standard California minimum wage by their employers, with different allowed tip credits applying to different classes of employer.
California does not specify a minimum amount of tips an employee must receive in order to be classified as a "tipped employee". Therefore, any employee who receives tips can be paid according to California's tipped minimum wage laws.

All waiters here get minimum wage bruh
Nothing below
Just peeped the link
Yeah even with that below 25 employee exemption
They still get more than fed minimum wage
And I know plenty of spots where they have less than 25 and get paid more
Remember there’s state
And some cities have minimum wage
Like sf minimum wage is more than oakland
Damn burger so trash
Where that’s at???
Y’all gotta start saying where these places are
So we know not to go and waste our money

Falafel Corner in Fremont. You order at the counter and they bring the food to your table. Water, condiments, and forks all self service so you don't have to tip :D There is a tip jar though.
For @matters7

Is that LSD?
I been seeing a lot of these Friendsgivings posts online lately.

Is that traditionally done before Thanksgiving? On a certain day or just whenever?
B Sox B Sox post about it in here was the 1st I’d ever heard of Friendsgiving...has it been a thing for a long time?
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