Five teenagers approach you and your daughter, point a gun and tell you to leave, what would you do?

Here's another scenario just randomly

Group got you and your seed at gun point, say you go get your money out the ATM the kid stays or y'all dying. What you doing?
Here's another scenario just randomly

Group got you and your seed at gun point, say you go get your money out the ATM the kid stays or y'all dying. What you doing?
There's only one thing that I can say for sure I would do in this situation, and that's talk.

I'd step in front of her so they can't just shoot her and I'd start talking to buy me enough time to think.

It's what I've done in every bad situation. Beyond that I have no idea what would happen.
Belgium Belgium

That's the thing though, i've been shot at, robbed at gun point, had guns pulled on me by random ****** and the Police, etc and most of this happened before I ever even had a kid. I'm not a thug or street ***** in any sense of the word and never have been but I am a MAN and it's gonna take more than a dude with a pistol to scare me when it involves my seed. Your child always comes first, no matter the situation. If you don't put them first then who will?
So Im just gonna come straight out and ask.

Which is the lesser of two evils, rape or death?
So Im just gonna come straight out and ask.

Which is the lesser of two evils, rape or death?
Raped by a woman or a man? 
So Im just gonna come straight out and ask.

Which is the lesser of two evils, rape or death?
This is part of why I'm not 100% sure what I'd do in such a situation. I say now that I would defend my child at all costs but that thought is definitely in my head too, one of the first things I thought of. Which is also why I can't say for certain what I'd do in that situation.
Both of those possible outcomes are terrible and I'm not sure which is worse, my daughter getting raped if I leave or me defending her and get shot to death. And if I'd get shot they would still rape her anyway.
Rape is a form of death imo.
Spiritual torture and emotional death.

Cept through time and healing, you can overcome the pain.
But hearing from victims, the hurt never completely goes away.
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no way I leave my daughter


dudes are crazy saying they see why he ran... HOW!??????
What if they put the gun to her head and told u to leave. Then what?
There's a problem in this scenario where yall just let 5 ppl roll up on you. Like if you're sitting and they come towards you, you're suppose to get up. If they're running towards you, you start running right away.

If you're already standing, book it.

So for me to end up there, they'd have deadass corner us and even then once I get a good look at their faces I might just swing on them once they open their mouths before I see a gun cuz I know I can take some young teens even if there's 5 of them.

If I end up in that situation anyway, I'll walk away and go get a weapon. I'd set off a few car alarms to get attention too.
There's a problem in this scenario where yall just let 5 ppl roll up on you. Like if you're sitting and they come towards you, you're suppose to get up. If they're running towards you, you start running right away.

If you're already standing, book it.

So for me to end up there, they'd have deadass corner us and even then once I get a good look at their faces I might just swing on them once they open their mouths before I see a gun cuz I know I can take some young teens even if there's 5 of them.

If I end up in that situation anyway, I'll walk away and go get a weapon. I'd set off a few car alarms to get attention too.

That's why I think this may have actually been a sex deal gone bad
I grew up in a bad neighboorhood and As a dad of 2 boys and a husband ,how do you not practice situational awareness?

In these times everything is considered a threat
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When you've made a decision to have a child, you decided to protect he or she at all costs. The dad gets no cool points on this.

Should have gotten his gun license, as i am getting.
Wait the pops was drinking beer with her in the park at night when it went down? That seems sketchy too
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