Feb 6 - School apologizes for black history lunch menu vol. Annual Black History Month Faux Pas

"Derp" is also a phrase used to make fun of the mentally challenged.

-And I what unearned privileges does the black community enjoy? Because of a black man myself, I can't think of any at the top of my head.

^ it has nothing to do with the mentally challenged.

& affirmative action is an unearned privilege for blacks. i am hispanic & quite familiar with it.
"Derp" is also a phrase used to make fun of the mentally challenged.

-And I what unearned privileges does the black community enjoy? Because of a black man myself, I can't think of any at the top of my head.


^ it has nothing to do with the mentally challenged.

& affirmative action is an unearned privilege for blacks. i am hispanic & quite familiar with it.

I said also, as in it has a second meaning.

And affirmative action is unearned :smh: .

You clearly know nothing about the damn law since it helps many other groups, including white women, not just the Black community.

And lets pretend like African American don't get discriminated against in the job market. :smh:
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as i have said there are lots of people who dont know why its racist and dont put the effort into educating themselves, yes you can see this as their faults and that they are contributing to racism and throw a tantrum, write essays online about how its their job to find information out on their own. but how does that help the problem? thats just you getting mad, calling someone a racist over something they dont fully understand which causes the "racists" to get defensive and nothing can get accomplished. 

you can spend all day writing essays about why its not the job of the people in the know to inform those that are ignorant. you're right its not their job, but its the only way for forward progress that you yourself can cause. look at this thread, there are a bunch of guys myself included that didnt know about the origins of the stereotype and because of this thread we have a way better idea of where it came from and why its wrong and after finding out we changed our minds about the article.

that is how you beat ignorance. if you just throw a fit and call people racists without doing anything about it, well i find that pretty lazy.
I'm being lectured on laziness and "how to beat ignorance by someone" who replied to this thread 10 times but couldn't be bothered to attempt two minutes of research?  

Let that sink in for a minute.

By the way, way to ignore the fact that it's BECAUSE of the very same people you're griping about that you "have a way better idea of where [this stereotype] came from and why its [sic] wrong."  So, in addition to explaining THAT to you, the offensiveness of EXPECTING others to address your own ignorance has ALSO been explained to you.  It's a two-fer.  

So what are you really upset about?  That there wasn't enough of an effort to coddle you? 

Obviously you don't feel personally invested enough in racial inequality to make much of an effort.  That's pretty clear.  What's going to change that?  How can it be MADE PERSONAL to you?  

It certainly seems as though some people care far, far more about being considered ignorant or racist than they do about the racism and ignorance their fellow citizens are constantly subjected to.  Ironic, but that seems as good a starting point as any.

People don't like being called racist because it's isolating and distances them from other people.  Well... yeah, that's what racism was designed to accomplish.  It stratifies.  You can't passively reap the benefits of this stratification on one hand and still consider yourself uninvolved.  

Why do people deserve to be let off the hook after making NO EFFORT WHATSOEVER?  
so you are going to imply that i care more about me being labeled a racist than the ignorance that americans are constantly subjected to?

most my posts in this thread are about how to educate the ignorant so that they dont make ignorant mistakes (like this lunch thing) and make your country a better place to live in

no, its not your job to educate others. yes, someone can gain the knowledge for doing their own research. however if you run into someone thats ignorant and get upset over it, what are you going to do to effect the person in a positive way? you can throw a fit, call him a racist and tell him to go do the research. after that hes probably not going to listen to someone who just called them racist in an angry tone, he more times than not will not go home and do his own research. so your mini tantrum is pointless but hey, at least you feel better about yourself because you outed another "racist". go ahead and pat yourself on the back, good for you pal!!

if you really care and think its a problem that this guy doesnt know information that he can easily look up, getting mad over it almost never works. however if you talk to him in a respectful manner and explain why he is wrong in his thoughts/actions then there is a much higher chance that he understands and changes his ways.

again you dont have to teach them anything, but if you do it leads to more positivity than if you dont. you can say its his job to look it up himself, but you cant control what he does with his time, you can only control what you do with your own time which you can chose to help him out or not.

the irony in all this is that you talk about how i care more about not being labeled a racist than figuring out how to better the community, yet there are these guys in here that because of this thread have changed their minds about this topic but you keep coming in and implying that i am a racist. you right essay after essay in a condescending tone about how people who have changed their views because of information given in this thread are ignorant and racist without contributing to the conversation on how to better educate people about this topic (all you say is people should go find out on their own).

sorry to burst your bubble but its YOU that wont let go when it comes to talking about racism and ignorance. its YOU who cares more about proving that people are racists than actually solving the problem. its people like YOU that are part of the reason why there is so much misunderstanding when it comes to race i america.
I said also, as in it has a second meaning.

And affirmative action is unearned

You clearly know nothing about the damn law since it helps many other groups, including white women, not just the Black community.

And lets pretend like African American don't get discriminated against in the job market.
so affirmative action is not an unearned black privilege. ok guy.
I said also, as in it has a second meaning.

And affirmative action is unearned :smh: .

You clearly know nothing about the damn law since it helps many other groups, including white women, not just the Black community.

And lets pretend like African American don't get discriminated against in the job market. :smh:
so affirmative action is not an unearned black privilege. ok guy.

-Affirmative action is not benefit only black people. Latinos and whites benefit from it too

-Many other countries have affirmative action type laws, so to act like it is something just African American enjoy is plain wrong

-Unearned? Really? So the laws on the books were just gifted to blacks because they whinned and complain for special treatment,

-No matter how clean cut, or qualified, blacks get discriminated against in the job market

-So your lets get this straight, blacks go through hundreds of years of slavery, decades of Jim Crow/segregation/civil rights BS, get drugs and guns pumped into their communities, see jobs stripped away, the prison industrial complex rise, and their schools defunded; BUT the one set of laws that give a few of them a better chance to get ahead, one that benefits a ton of other people too (including you), is an unearned privileged. :rolleyes :smh:

With dudes like you around, I will never miss Ninja.

ok guy
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-Affirmative action is not benefit only black people. Latinos and whites benefit from it too

-Many other countries have affirmative action type laws, so to act like it is something just African American enjoy is plain wrong

-Unearned? Really? So the laws on the books were just gifted to blacks because they whinned and complain for special treatment,

-No matter how clean cut, or qualified, blacks get discriminated against in the job market

-So your lets get this straight, blacks go through hundreds of years of slavery, decades of Jim Crow/segregation/civil rights BS, get drugs and guns pumped into their communities, see jobs stripped away, the prison industrial complex rise, and their schools defunded; BUT the one set of laws that give a few of them a better chance to get ahead, one that benefits a ton of other people too (including you), is an unearned privileged.

With dudes like you around, I will never miss Ninja.
ok guy
you wrote all of that and even found a video for me all because you ASSUMED that i said only blacks benefit from affirmative action.

if you read my post you would see that i also pointed out that i myself am hispanic. i pointed it out because I ALSO BENEFIT FROM IT.

you could've saved a lot of time and effort if you had just read my post correctly.

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"Derp" is also a phrase used to make fun of the mentally challenged.

-And I what unearned privileges does the black community enjoy? Because of a black man myself, I can't think of any at the top of my head.


^ it has nothing to do with the mentally challenged.

& affirmative action is an unearned privilege for blacks. i am hispanic & quite familiar with it.

Really. This was suppose save me the trouble. :rolleyes

So why not say "affirmative action is a unearned benefit for Latinos, women, blacks, all that benefit, etc." :smh:
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your long winded responses contain valuable information yes, but are riddled with condescending quips. i would assume that someone in your position would be less abrasive with your delivery, as it encourages more abrasive dialogue. its bad for everyone.
I've been doing this for a long time, online and in person.  Users who've been around the block know the deal.  I'm not always "aggressive" in my delivery, but sometimes I believe people deserve to be challenged.  

If you just sit there and coddle people all the time, they get complacent.  At that point, all you're doing is feeding their ego and making them feel "progressive" for so much as showing up.   That's not good enough.  
”the Negro’s great stumbling block in the stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen’s Councilor or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate who is more devoted to ‘order’ than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says, ‘I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I can’t agree with your methods of direct action’; who paternalistically feels that he can set the timetable for another man’s freedom; who lives by the myth of time and who constantly advised the Negro to wait until a ‘more convenient season.’  Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will.  Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection”
Some people ought to take a hard look in the mirror and ask whether they're more devoted to order or justice. 
so you are going to imply that i care more about me being labeled a racist than the ignorance that americans are constantly subjected to?

most my posts in this thread are about how to educate the ignorant so that they dont make ignorant mistakes (like this lunch thing) and make your country a better place to live in

no, its not your job to educate others. yes, someone can gain the knowledge for doing their own research. however if you run into someone thats ignorant and get upset over it, what are you going to do to effect the person in a positive way? you can throw a fit, call him a racist and tell him to go do the research. after that hes probably not going to listen to someone who just called them racist in an angry tone, he more times than not will not go home and do his own research. so your mini tantrum is pointless but hey, at least you feel better about yourself because you outed another "racist". go ahead and pat yourself on the back, good for you pal!!

if you really care and think its a problem that this guy doesnt know information that he can easily look up, getting mad over it almost never works. however if you talk to him in a respectful manner and explain why he is wrong in his thoughts/actions then there is a much higher chance that he understands and changes his ways.

again you dont have to teach them anything, but if you do it leads to more positivity than if you dont. you can say its his job to look it up himself, but you cant control what he does with his time, you can only control what you do with your own time which you can chose to help him out or not.

the irony in all this is that you talk about how i care more about not being labeled a racist than figuring out how to better the community, yet there are these guys in here that because of this thread have changed their minds about this topic but you keep coming in and implying that i am a racist. you right essay after essay in a condescending tone about how people who have changed their views because of information given in this thread are ignorant and racist without contributing to the conversation on how to better educate people about this topic (all you say is people should go find out on their own).

sorry to burst your bubble but its YOU that wont let go when it comes to talking about racism and ignorance. its YOU who cares more about proving that people are racists than actually solving the problem. its people like YOU that are part of the reason why there is so much misunderstanding when it comes to race i america.
First of all, your own words tell the story on this one:
imo getting mad over a ignorant act that happened at a school in a different state than where you live (not talking about you specifically) impacting a bunch of people you dont know is being too sensitive. but thats just me, unless it has to do with someone directly related to me im not going to stress over something on the internet.

looking at that article and coming to the conclusion "all those people are closet racists" is being too sensitive. there is ignorance happening all over the world, theres really no point in getting worked up over something that doesnt effect you, and if you do feel strongly about it then work to fix the problem rather than assuming the worst in people
"So a bunch of people you don't know were served watermelon for Black History Month?  Who cares about that.  You're sensitive.  Stop calling people I don't know racists.  It's hurtful!"  Really?

Everyone should shut up about this issue because it doesn't affect them (just, you know, collective dignity and the propagation of virulent racial stereotype..), but a few people you DON'T know are being called "closet racists" and you throw on your cape?  What does that say about your priorities?  

And your only solution is "if you don't like the watermelon thing, maybe you should do something about it."  All that's been suggested to you is, "well, maybe if you don't like the racist thing you should do something about that."  Even that's too much for you.  It's everyone else's problem.

Let's pretend I'm standing on your foot.  You say "ouch", I say "get over it."  You reply, "how can I get over it when you're still on my foot?  Move."  I respond, "I'm not feeling any pain.  This sounds like your problem.  Maybe you should get your foot out from underneath mine if it's such a big issue for you."  At this point, you may find yourself frustrated and say something like, "How am I supposed to do that when you're still standing on me?  Just get the hell off of me already." and I would answer, "Well, that wasn't very nice.  You'll never get anyone to help you out with that attitude.  You know, insensitive clods like you are what's wrong with this country."  

You can't have it both ways.  The problem was not only explained to you, but the problem with demanding the explanation in the first place was ALSO explained to you.  You can't on one hand say "this information was very helpful and many people changed their minds about the topic as a result" and then say "well, it's all worthless because you're a big meanie."  If it's helpful to understand the problem, then you've been helped twice in this thread.  That you also seem to feel entitled to coddling is itself offensive. 

What do you want? 

"I demand to be treated with dignity and respect." 

"Well, not with that attitude.  Maybe if you were a little nicer about it I could consider it..."

"May I pretty please be treated with dignity and respect, sir?"

Do you not see what's wrong with that?  

Talk about needing to have your bubble burst. 
"Derp" is also a phrase used to make fun of the mentally challenged.

-And I what unearned privileges does the black community enjoy? Because of a black man myself, I can't think of any at the top of my head.

^ it has nothing to do with the mentally challenged.

& affirmative action is an unearned privilege for blacks. i am hispanic & quite familiar with it.
Explain the eyes then.  It certainly seems like a childish attempt to make fun of people with cerebral palsy and other conditions.  

As for the affirmative action comment, you're clearly not as familiar with affirmative action as you seem to think.  If it's such an "unearned privilege," explain the persistent wage, employment, and wealth gaps in our society.  

Here's an easy one:  which group has been the single largest beneficiary of affirmative action?  If you think it's Black or Latino Americans you're way off. 

You might as well go to a bodybuilding site and rant about how sexism doesn't exist because women get into the club for free on ladies' night.
Explain the eyes then.  It certainly seems like a childish attempt to make fun of people with cerebral palsy and other conditions.  

As for the affirmative action comment, you're clearly not as familiar with affirmative action as you seem to think.  If it's such an "unearned privilege," explain the persistent wage, employment, and wealth gaps in our society.  

Here's an easy one:  which group has been the single largest beneficiary of affirmative action?  If you think it's Black or Latino Americans you're way off. 

You might as well go to a bodybuilding site and rant about how sexism doesn't exist because women get into the club for free on ladies' night.
its not my job to explain to you a meme that has been on the internet for over a decade. if you followed that link, and still feel like i am lowkey mocking mentally disabled people then you are wrong and idk what to tell you.

and affirmative action IS AN UNEARNED PRIVILEGE. if someone gets a job because of their skin color, or gender, it is UNEARNED because they had no control over the fact that they are male/female or whatever race they may be.

and that last part is completely unnecessary. why are you trying to insult me for disagreeing with you? it adds nothing to the conversation but hostility.
Really. This was suppose save me the trouble.

So why not say "affirmative action is a unearned benefit for Latinos, women, blacks, all that benefit, etc."
YES. this was supposed to save you the trouble.

read it again, its pretty clear.
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imo getting mad over a ignorant act that happened at a school in a different state than where you live (not talking about you specifically) impacting a bunch of people you dont know is being too sensitive. but thats just me, unless it has to do with someone directly related to me im not going to stress over something on the internet.

looking at that article and coming to the conclusion "all those people are closet racists" is being too sensitive. there is ignorance happening all over the world, theres really no point in getting worked up over something that doesnt effect you, and if you do feel strongly about it then work to fix the problem rather than assuming the worst in people
"So a bunch of people you don't know were served watermelon for Black History Month?  Who cares about that.  You're sensitive.  Stop calling people I don't know racists.  It's hurtful!"  Really?

Everyone should shut up about this issue because it doesn't affect them (just, you know, collective dignity and the propagation of virulent racial stereotype..), but a few people you DON'T know are being called "closet racists" and you throw on your cape?  What does that say about your priorities?  

And your only solution is "if you don't like the watermelon thing, maybe you should do something about it."  All that's been suggested to you is, "well, maybe if you don't like the racist thing you should do something about that."  Even that's too much for you.  It's everyone else's problem.

Let's pretend I'm standing on your foot.  You say "ouch", I say "get over it."  You reply, "how can I get over it when you're still on my foot?  Move."  I respond, "I'm not feeling any pain.  This sounds like your problem.  Maybe you should get your foot out from underneath mine if it's such a big issue for you."  At this point, you may find yourself frustrated and say something like, "How am I supposed to do that when you're still standing on me?  Just get the hell off of me already." and I would answer, "Well, that wasn't very nice.  You'll never get anyone to help you out with that attitude.  You know, insensitive clods like you are what's wrong with this country."  

You can't have it both ways.  The problem was not only explained to you, but the problem with demanding the explanation in the first place was ALSO explained to you.  You can't on one hand say "this information was very helpful and many people changed their minds about the topic as a result" and then say "well, it's all worthless because you're a big meanie."  If it's helpful to understand the problem, then you've been helped twice in this thread.  That you also seem to feel entitled to coddling is itself offensive. 

What do you want? 

"I demand to be treated with dignity and respect." 

"Well, not with that attitude.  Maybe if you were a little nicer about it I could consider it..."

"May I pretty please be treated with dignity and respect, sir?"

Do you not see what's wrong with that?  

Talk about needing to have your bubble burst. 
yes, that was insensitive of me to say. i stand by my point that looking at this article and assuming that all people involved are racists is being too sensitive, actually thats not the best term, "overreacting" or "illogically interpreting the information" is probably better. sorry for not saying that in the first place, i too have my faults.

im not talking about myself, im not worrying about what i think here because the new information caused me to change my opinion. when i say dont call people racists, thats advice for someone like you who chooses to inform someone of why their thoughts are considered ignorant. generally if you "insult" them first by calling them racists they are less inclined to listen to the information you give them because they are in a defensive state of mind. is it illogical to ignore good points because of the tone at which it is presented? yes it is. but unfortunately thats how people work.

i am telling you what i believe the most effective way to fight ignorance is. is it your duty to follow what im saying? of course not. if you think there is a better way to fight ignorance (no, telling people to do their own research doesnt work out too well) then i would happy to have a civilized conversation with you about it.

but looking at your current posts directed at me in this thread it seems like you care more about making me look bad than talking about the topic of this thread. 

i understand that you have been doing this for a while and maybe its gotten in your head a little but you should stop trying so hard to expose people and "ether" people and actually contribute to the conversation.

you're probably going to go digging for one of my older posts in a further attempt to try and make me look bad instead of joining in on the conversation, but if you do end up changing your ways i would be happy to talk to you about the subject of this thread 

again, this thread isnt about me. its about a black stereotype
Explain the eyes then.  It certainly seems like a childish attempt to make fun of people with cerebral palsy and other conditions.  

As for the affirmative action comment, you're clearly not as familiar with affirmative action as you seem to think.  If it's such an "unearned privilege," explain the persistent wage, employment, and wealth gaps in our society.  

Here's an easy one:  which group has been the single largest beneficiary of affirmative action?  If you think it's Black or Latino Americans you're way off. 

You might as well go to a bodybuilding site and rant about how sexism doesn't exist because women get into the club for free on ladies' night.
its not my job to explain to you a meme that has been on the internet for over a decade. if you followed that link, and still feel like i am lowkey mocking mentally disabled people then you are wrong and idk what to tell you.

and affirmative action IS AN UNEARNED PRIVILEGE. if someone gets a job because of their skin color, or gender, it is UNEARNED because they had no control over the fact that they are male/female or whatever race they may be.

and that last part is completely unnecessary. why are you trying to insult me for disagreeing with you? it adds nothing to the conversation but hostility.

-The use of the word "derp" has more uses that what is described in your link. Why can't you grasp that. Your link describes the origin of "derp", but we are trying to explain to you that is also now used as an insult and some find it offensive. Why can't that stink in

-You singled out the black community, no one else, not me, but you. And as Meth pointed out, blacks are not even the biggest beneficiaries of the law.

-Relax it wasn't a personal attack. he is talking about MISC, and that is what those dudes talk about on that board. He is not saying that is what you will talk about, he is saying that is what the dudes on that board talk about.

-And you weren't clear in your previous statements, you singled out the black community, and I answer you concerning that.
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-The use of the word "derp" has more uses that what is described in your link. Why can't you grasp that. Your link describes the origin of "derp", but we are trying to explain to you that is also now used as an insult and some find it offensive. Why can't that stink in

-You singled out the black community, no one else, not me, but you. And as Meth pointed out, blacks are not even the biggest beneficiaries of the law.

-Relax it wasn't a personal attack. he is talking about MISC, and that is what those dudes talk about on that board. He is not saying that is what you will talk about, he is saying that is what the dudes on that board talk about.

-And you weren't clear in your previous statements, you singled out the black community, and I answer you concerning that.
i said it was an unearned BLACK PRIVILEGE because people asked for an UNEARNED BLACK PRIVILEGE. you read it and assumed i meant that it was specific to black people. it is not. and i never said that.

& the whole derp thing is petty. you guys are reaching and you know it.
I just read this but not most of the response. I am from the Bay and know of Carondelet High School. This is the school that is directly across from De La Salle which is and was notorious for literally being undefeated in football each year. I am not sure if this is how it is now cause I know that side of the Bay has really changed but Carondelet has always been a very white school, so this doesn't surprise me at all with their ignorance in thinking this is a pro Black History type meal. Back 20 years ago, Concord and Walnut Creek areas has always been known to have these racist type people there. It's a very nice neighborhood but just not ethnic at all.

Anyways....I would have figured things would have changed since then. I am sure it isn't as bad as it used to be cause I know those areas have really changed with minorities moving in, more notably asians and even mexicans in the concord area. Anyways......pretty interesting how this all girl high school is making headlines.
De La Salle (and Bellarmine) used to put epic beatdowns on my HS every year.

The mostly white Catholic school I went to was pretty accepting of minorities though. Most likely because it was in San Jose and not in the bull @#$@ part of the Bay Area (not even sure why cities like Concord count)
I've been doing this for a long time, online and in person.  Users who've been around the block know the deal.  I'm not always "aggressive" in my delivery, but sometimes I believe people deserve to be challenged.  

If you just sit there and coddle people all the time, they get complacent.  At that point, all you're doing is feeding their ego and making them feel "progressive" for so much as showing up.   That's not good enough.  
i couldnt agree more, and that is what im doing.

every time you post in a thread people either ignore the long winded response, or rep it just because you're an administrator.

i'm not here to feed your ego for showing up either. i disagree with several posters in here and have explained why i do in a respectful manner.

too many nters are concerned with labeling anyone not sympathetic with every black american's hardships in this country as a racist. its just not that black and white. (no pun intended)
If you're someone who derives unearned privilege from their skin color, who does not know what it's like to be on the other side of that equation, what is it, if NOT an assertion of this very privilege, to:

1)  Tell those who are offended - without ANY understanding at all - that they're being "oversensitive."
2)  To demand that those who are offended explain the historical context of the offense to you, even though you could easily research it yourself.
3)  To insist that they coddle you in the process.

And, if the latter two conditions aren't met, you can actually summon the gall to say, "well, I was mildly interested but you weren't helpful and nice enough.  I guess you don't really want to be treated with dignity and respect...  Sorry, I've lost interest.  Maybe if you're a bit more polite next time I could be convinced to reconsider."  

That whole attitude from start to finish reeks of privilege and willful ignorance.  If you're wondering how this sort of blatant racism flourishes in 2014.... that's how. 

This generation of blacks, hell of people don't have memories about slavery. Flat out, you haven't been a slave due to race in our generation. You can say us as PEOPLE are slaves because of the social pyramid and the distribution of wealth, but I highly doubt half of the black community (outside of NT) has seen "The Birth of a Nation."

As far as me being insensitive, it's an internet forum, I can't use body language or facial expressions on here. I UNDERSTAND why people see it as offensive, now I know the exact reason for it. However, I can't see why today's generation due to ignorance on the matter would be offended.
How do you not understand why it's still offensive?  It's still in use.  

This is why I have issues with the whole "the KKK did it" explanation.  It's not accurate and it marginalizes the issue.  This is an unbroken chain.  It's a stereotype that's been used to dehumanize and ridicule Black Americans since slavery - and it persists to this day.  Those ASU fratboys aren't KKK members.  Unless they attended History 101, they've never seen "Birth of a Nation," either - but they knew to drink booze out of watermelon cups on Dr. King's holiday. 

To hear some tell it, those ASU frat boys weren't to blame.  It's not their fault that a magical Black friend didn't sit them down and patiently explain to them - with the greatest of care - that it's hurtful.  If only someone took the time to beg and plead with them and promise to make them super-down BFFs with full n-bomb privileges if they'd just be heroic and awesome enough to exercise an ounce of respect, none of that would've happened! 

And then, to grind salt in the wound, we all rushed to judge these poor innocent frat boys and called them the worst slur imaginable:  "racist."  :rolleyes

Really, is a little accountability too much to ask? 

Meth. idk your race and I doubt you will answer. If you are black, do you not eat fried chicken so you don't look "dehumanized?" and if you're white or any other type of race and eat fried chicken, do you look a lot more human than blacks who eat fried chicken?

I don't understand the bold part. Those ASU frat boys just like me and many others in this thread and world didn't know there was anything more to the stereotype. UNLESS YOU LOOK INTO THE HISTORY AND LEARN THE REASON WHY THE FRIED CHICKEN AND WATERMELON STEREOTYPE IS OFFENSIVE, YOU DON'T KNOW IT'S BAD. Those frat boys didn't do it in bad intention. They thought it would add humor to a party. However, I do understand your point, racism (if you think its racist) through ignorance is still not right.

But if you don't know, you don't know. As I've stated stated before Meth. To most of us it's JUST A STEREOTYPE OF BLACK PEOPLE LIKING FRIED CHICKEN. Why would I EVER look more into it. I had no idea it was a negative stereotype and to this day I've never met a black person who gets offended by anything in relation to fried chicken and stereotype.

If you recognize it's a stereotype why would you think there isn't any more to it? Whether it was a good or bad stereotype it obviously became one because there was something behind it that caused it to become a stereotype. If you don't want to find out why that's one thing but don't pretend that you didn't know there was more to it and a reason it was a stereotype when you realize it's a stereotype.
Explain the eyes then.  It certainly seems like a childish attempt to make fun of people with cerebral palsy and other conditions.  

As for the affirmative action comment, you're clearly not as familiar with affirmative action as you seem to think.  If it's such an "unearned privilege," explain the persistent wage, employment, and wealth gaps in our society.  

Here's an easy one:  which group has been the single largest beneficiary of affirmative action?  If you think it's Black or Latino Americans you're way off. 

You might as well go to a bodybuilding site and rant about how sexism doesn't exist because women get into the club for free on ladies' night.
its not my job to explain to you a meme that has been on the internet for over a decade. if you followed that link, and still feel like i am lowkey mocking mentally disabled people then you are wrong and idk what to tell you.

and affirmative action IS AN UNEARNED PRIVILEGE. if someone gets a job because of their skin color, or gender, it is UNEARNED because they had no control over the fact that they are male/female or whatever race they may be.

and that last part is completely unnecessary. why are you trying to insult me for disagreeing with you? it adds nothing to the conversation but hostility.
It's obvious that you don't know what you're talking about on either front.  

You cited some silly meme page like it's an academic source, and all it says is "the south park guys did it."  Like the South Park guys have ever been above that sort of thing. 

You can't explain away the eyes because that aspect of it is OBVIOUS.  There's nothing "low key" about that.  It's an attempt to mock people with conditions like cerebral palsy.  There is no other reasonable explanation.  To just call it a "silly face and a goofy noise associated with general stupidity" is childish.  Why is the noise part of it?  We all know what's going on there.  It's just tasteless elementary school humor in meme form.  (In other words, par for the course for the forum sites from which it spawned.)  

I attended elementary school once, too.  I saw people responding to something they considered stupid by saying "DURRR" and slapping their arms against their chests.  Even back then, we knew what that was about.  It's not cool.  Some spoiled twenty-year old puts it into a movie in 1998 and suddenly it's a whole new concept?  No.  It is what it is.  

For crying out loud, all you need to do is look at the meme images themselves.  Look at all the examples in the page YOU cited for your own defense.  A LOT of them attempt to make fun of people with Down Syndrome.

For you to even argue otherwise now is patently ridiculous.  You could've just said "I guess I never thought of it that way."  

If you're really against that sort of thing, you should give it a second look.

As for affirmative action, White women, as a group, have benefited more from those policies than anyone else.  If it sounds sexist to call affirmative action an "unearned privilege" for women, that's because it is.  Affirmative action exists to counteract longstanding discriminatory practices in hiring and admissions and to provide some extremely basic assurances regarding diversity.  As a whole, it hasn't exactly counteracted male privilege or White privilege, as evidenced by persistent discrepancies in employment and wages.  

There's still a 23% wage gap between men and women.  Women are consistently paid less for doing the same jobs.  Women earn more college degrees than men, and yet women with graduate degrees earn, on average, less than men with bachelor's degrees.  What an awesome "unearned privilege" they have!

It's ridiculous to call something an "unearned privilege" when it still results in being "less privileged" than those who do not benefit from it at all. 

White high school graduates (with no college experience) currently have a 7.6% unemployment rate.  It's 10% for Latinos and 15.4% for Black Americans with the same educational attainment.

For comparison, Black college graduates have a 6% unemployment rate.  Latino college graduates have a 5.2% unemployment rate.  For Whites, it's 3.5%.

Some studies have even found that employers prefer White convicted felons over Black and Latino applicants with NO criminal records whatsoever. 

Does that sound like an "unearned privilege" for people of color?
As I've stated stated before Meth. To most of us it's JUST A STEREOTYPE OF BLACK PEOPLE LIKING FRIED CHICKEN. Why would I EVER look more into it.
Let's forget, for a moment, that you were also aware of the ASU party, that you probably recall Fuzzy Zoeller's racist "fried chicken" comments to Tiger Woods, or any of the countless other examples of this that have made national news over the years.  You're in a thread where this exact thing was clearly called out as offensive.  

At THAT point, maybe you should take the initiative to find out why that is.  

That's all I really said.  For people to reject even THIS is telling.  Something is considered offensive.  You don't know why... and yet it's someone else's responsibility to teach you?  Is it really so difficult to understand how that could be considered vulgar?  

Let's just say for the sake of argument that the ASU kids didn't know it was offensive.  Okay, but why would you thoughtlessly perpetuate a stereotype without any understanding of it?  (And do so on that particular day?)  What possible positive purpose would that serve?  

There's no way you can look at that frat party and say it wasn't mocking.  None.  It was held on Dr. King's holiday for crying out loud, and that's what people chose to do?  You cannot seriously believe that those students felt it was respectful.  

At BEST, they didn't care in the least whether it was respectful or not.  They just thought it was funny.  And I think it's worth asking why that is. 
If you recognize it's a stereotype why would you think there isn't any more to it? Whether it was a good or bad stereotype it obviously became one because there was something behind it that caused it to become a stereotype. If you don't want to find out why that's one thing but don't pretend that you didn't know there was more to it and a reason it was a stereotype when you realize it's a stereotype.

I honestly believed it was a common generality. Just like other stereotypes of other races good or bad.
YES! that is exactly what i care about (no sarcasm). yes, there are people that are victims of racism, its a major problem not only in american but all over the world (for the sake of this conversation lets focus on america).

my focus is on the "racists" because the victims already know about the problem, they see it in their lives all the time. you're not going to solve anything focusing on the victims, if you want to stop something like this from happening you have to focus on the source, which is the ignorant people who okayed this idea. racism is the belief that one group of humans is naturally inferior to another group of humans. using zapa as an example (someone who you have accused of being a racist in this thread), lets give him the benefit of the doubt and say he was telling the truth about not knowing the fried chicken black people stereotype had negative connotations. so from this we can reasonably deduce that zapa did not think that the black people fried chicken stereotype implies that black people are an inferior race. so by the very definition of racism, he is not being racist in his previous beliefs, he was just ignorant to the reasons for the stereotype.

as i have stated earlier, im just speaking my mind and offering what i think is the best way to reduce the overall ignorance to racial issues in the country. i respectfully invited you to join in and offer a better idea because i would be happy to hear it but you haven't, instead you insist on trying to prove that i (not just me but others too) are racists which is not at all helpful towards fighting ignorance. if your goal isnt to talk about how america can be a less racist country and instead you want to keep listing reasons for why you think people are racists then let me know and ill stop replying. i dont have time for that ignorance.

it is laughable that you would rather defend the idea that everyone involved in the situation should be labeled as racists and they should all be expected to go do their own research without anyone making an effort to tell them why they were wrong. i fail to see how that helps the situation but from what i have read it seems that you care more about outing people as racists and "ethering" people than joining in on the conversation.

of course im not the victim, if you want to directly talk to me about a problem you have with me please PM me because this is getting old and i would rather talk about the topic at hand than explain to you why its more important to find solutions to the problem than point fingers and call people racists.

whatever your reasons are, please tell me how calling everyone involved racist helps reduce racial misunderstandings in america. YOU are part of the problem, which is ironic because you seem to care more about figuring out who to blame than trying to fix the actual problem.

i understand thats your "thing" to stay in the shadows and only pop out once in a while to "ether" people and get a bunch of people to agree with you because you're a mod. but its okay bro, this is a great community its okay to come out and contribute to the conversation without trying so hard to prove that you're right. you should try it sometime
i couldnt agree more, and that is what im doing.

every time you post in a thread people either ignore the long winded response, or rep it just because you're an administrator.

i'm not here to feed your ego for showing up either. i disagree with several posters in here and have explained why i do in a respectful manner.

too many nters are concerned with labeling anyone not sympathetic with every black american's hardships in this country as a racist. its just not that black and white. (no pun intended)
Yet, all you're talking about is black people though......
If you recognize it's a stereotype why would you think there isn't any more to it? Whether it was a good or bad stereotype it obviously became one because there was something behind it that caused it to become a stereotype. If you don't want to find out why that's one thing but don't pretend that you didn't know there was more to it and a reason it was a stereotype when you realize it's a stereotype.

I honestly believed it was a common generality. Just like other stereotypes of other races good or bad.
There's pretty much something behind EVERY stereotype even if it is a common generality. For instance, there's a stereotype that black ppl are always late and another where they're lazy. There is something behind that specific stereotype. Same for black men have huge penises. It has a history. It's not just the way it is cuz that's the way it is.

I mean isn't everybody of every race lazy at some point?

Also, even if there isn't some deep history behind a stereotype there's always a reason for why w/e stigma is being applied to a certain race, there's a reason for why that race is singled out. All of these things you can look up with a google search if you actually want to know instead of just thinking that's way it is and then coming in a thread like this dumbfounded.
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