Feb 6 - School apologizes for black history lunch menu vol. Annual Black History Month Faux Pas

I do see a got a new pm, guess I know who it's from now. Thought it'd be somebody else thanking me for something I did but oh well.

Excuse a slave for working all day for free but apparently not hard enough that they can't take a break to go socialize cuz master paid so much for them they should be working as hard as possible if they don't want to get a hundred lashes or fed to the dogs.



That not a stereotype with a basis in truth. That's just the history of the twisted thinking of those who would treat others like property. Regardless, w/e the history the stereotype is something that is made to target all of that race when it does not apply to every single person of that race.
When I say basis in truth im not saying black people are lazy. I'm black and I have never defended any stereotypes of negative treatment against my people. You can search through my posts on this message board for proof of that. There were people defending stereotypes and their reasoning was that it had a basis in truth. 

When someone uses that argument what they are basically saying is the negative stereotypes that they hold against a group of people are brought on by the victims. I brought up the slave master to illustrate that while from their point of view they  may have believed that they were right but they were wrong.  That is why I used the phrase "good money". These slave masters feel like they made an expensive investment so they think it is okay to characterize their slaves as lazy because they thought they weren't getting the most bang for their buck. When I say basis in truth I mean the stereotype didn't appear out of thin air. The fact that it comes from a slave master and understanding the history lets people understand that it is fundamentally flawed.
I'm perfectly calm but thank you very much for your assumption on the matter champ.  Either way, your write up above was laughable at best.
Do you understand that I am not defending the stereotype? I am addressing the people who think stereotypes must be true. When you understand that it was an idea perpetrated by slave masters you realize its true absurdity. I said in my post that we read primary sources and that's how slave masters felt. I then proceed to explain it from their point of view. So that even they it may have a basis in truth it is bs. 

It would be like someone saying "man, women are really aggressive". Then you ask them why. Then they say "its because every time I rape them they try and fight back." Do you get they point I'm trying to make? While it is true the women were being aggressive they had every right to be because they were being wronged. So even if someone tries to perpetuate the notion that women are aggressive based on those circumstances when you find out the person saying that is basing it on his experiences as a rapist you realize that he is wrong and the stereotype is wrong too.

I think you feel that I am defending it which I am not. I thought mentioning that it came from slave masters and that it was their point of view was enough. Slavery, genocide, rape, and murder are actions most people on this planet don't support. I didn't think I had to put a caveat that I don't support slavery.
I do see a got a new pm, guess I know who it's from now. Thought it'd be somebody else thanking me for something I did but oh well.

Excuse a slave for working all day for free but apparently not hard enough that they can't take a break to go socialize cuz master paid so much for them they should be working as hard as possible if they don't want to get a hundred lashes or fed to the dogs.



That not a stereotype with a basis in truth. That's just the history of the twisted thinking of those who would treat others like property. Regardless, w/e the history the stereotype is something that is made to target all of that race when it does not apply to every single person of that race.

When I say basis in truth im not saying black people are lazy. I'm black and I have never defended any stereotypes of negative treatment against my people. You can search through my posts on this message board for proof of that. There were people defending stereotypes and their reasoning was that it had a basis in truth. 

When someone uses that argument what they are basically saying is the negative stereotypes that they hold against a group of people are brought on by the victims. I brought up the slave master to illustrate that while from their point of view they  may have believed that they were right but they were wrong.  That is why I used the phrase "good money". These slave masters feel like they made an expensive investment so they think it is okay to characterize their slaves as lazy because they thought they weren't getting the most bang for their buck. When I say basis in truth I mean the stereotype didn't appear out of thin air. The fact that it comes from a slave master and understanding the history lets people understand that it is fundamentally flawed.
Oh well that's two different things then. That's just the history of how the stereotype became perpetuated. No doubt that stereotype and many others has roots in slavery.

The other thing I was just saying was that anybody of every race can and will be lazy but as you've brought there's a reason black ppl were singled out for this to become a stereotype.
I took a course In African American studies at Maryland a few years ago. In that course we read the memoirs and diaries of former slaves, slave masters and everything in between. (it was an upper level history course so there is a lot of focus on primary sources.) The notion that blacks are lazy does actually have a bases in truth. Slave  Masters complained of their slaves being lazy because slaves would often engage in minor forms of rebellion. They would run away to other plantations or to a different parts of town to talk and socialize with other slaves they had personal relationships with. This wasn't the same has slaves running away entirely and escaping to the north. Often times these slaves who ran away would come back to the plantation in a day or two. Also many of the slaves wouldn't work as hard as their masters wanted them to. Many of these slave masters were frustrated because their plantations were usually major producers of what ever cash crops that existed at the time (tobacco and cotton) and they paid good money for their slaves. In the diaries of these slave masters they often complained of their slaves being lazy. That is where that stereotype came from.
You gotta add some quotation marks son....Its easy to get some of these statements confused as your own words
i'm from the Bay, and this story is ridiculous. i don't see anything bad about this. why people gotta be so sensitive?
I'm perfectly calm but thank you very much for your assumption on the matter champ.  Either way, your write up above was laughable at best.
Do you understand that I am not defending the stereotype? I am addressing the people who think stereotypes must be true. When you understand that it was an idea perpetrated by slave masters you realize its true absurdity. I said in my post that we read primary sources and that's how slave masters felt. I then proceed to explain it from their point of view. So that even they it may have a basis in truth it is bs. 

It would be like someone saying "man, women are really aggressive". Then you ask them why. Then they say "its because every time I rape them they try and fight back." Do you get they point I'm trying to make? While it is true the women were being aggressive they had every right to be because they were being wronged. So even if someone tries to perpetuate the notion that women are aggressive based on those circumstances when you find out the person saying that is basing it on his experiences as a rapist you realize that he is wrong and the stereotype is wrong too.

I think you feel that I am defending it which I am not. I thought mentioning that it came from slave masters and that it was their point of view was enough. Slavery, genocide, rape, and murder are actions most people on this planet don't support. I didn't think I had to put a caveat that I don't support slavery.
Well thank you for the well written response and clarification.  I appreciate it. 
wait a second, so it's no longer good to be good at something?

"I'm black, so I'm going to go against my stereotype and be bad at sports."
Not sure if serious or trolling.

"Yeah I'm Asian, so I'm going to go against my stereotype and be bad at math." 

Also, a "good stereotype" is a complete oxymoron. 
Not reading this entire thread...my only question is...

What is culture?

How should we celebrate culture?

I'm black, my culture isn't Dashiki's....

What else would you serve at a lunch celebrating black history?
noun \ˈkəl-chər\

: the beliefs, customs, arts, etc., of a particular society, group, place, or time

: a particular society that has its own beliefs, ways of life, art, etc.

Accoridingly...if we are to accept this definition (which I think is very basic, and I personally don't agree with), then part of my customs: Fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, corn, watermelon, cornbread, rolls, collard greens, maybe a little pigs feet and black eyed pies....Making a good "soul food" meal is an art...and part of my belief system is anyone attempting to celebrate my culture better have some damn fried chicken...

Just two cents from you friendly neighborhood traditional, classic conservative, black male.

Black people are to damn sensitive.
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