Father kills son after he molests his 3 yr old half sister

Sep 2, 2009
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Dad accused of killing son over sex with tot

Dad reportedly irate upon hearing son had sexual contact with toddler

The Associated Press

updated 9:01 p.m. ET, Wed., Nov . 18, 2009


HIGHLAND PARK, Mich. - A 37-year-old father irate over hearing his 15-year-old son had sexual contact with a 3-year-old girl made the teen strip at gunpoint,marched him to a vacant lot and shot him to death despite pleas from the boy and his mother, a relative said.

Michigan authorities filed a first-degree murder charge Wednesday against Jamar Pinkney Sr. in the shooting death Monday of JamarPinkney Jr. in the Detroit enclave of Highland Park.

Defense attorney Corbett O'Meara said prosecutors should consider evidence of the father's state of mind over the sex abusereport.

"If something were to happen that would cause a reasonable person to lose control of himself, that is something the prosecutionwould have to take into account," O'Meara said outside Highland Park District Court.

Tensions were high in the courtroom Wednesday as the handcuffed suspect was led into the room for the arraignment, which lasted lessthan a minute.

"No, No, No," one female relative cried before a police officer escorted her out.

'Hard to deal with'
Judge Brigette Officer entered a not guilty plea for Pinkney, who's also charged with assault, and ordered him jailed without bond until a preliminaryexamination Dec. 1.

"This is something that's hard to deal with for all the parties concerned, including the police," police Chief TedCaldwell said afterward. "Highland Park is a small city. These are people who have been members of the community for years."

Caldwell said the sexual misconduct allegation that led to the confrontation wasn't part of the police investigation.

The shooting happened Monday night in a vacant lot in the once-prosperous city of 16,000, where decay, abandonment, fires anddemolition have eaten away at many of the sprawling homes. Highland Park recently exited years of state financial oversight.

Visitors built an impromptu memorial at the shooting site. Two votive candles sat amid 10 stuffed animals, including two white teddybears with red hearts embroidered with, "I love you."

The boy's mother, Lazette Cherry, told the Detroit Free Press that her son told her he had improper sexual contact with thegirl.

"I called and told his father. This isn't something you sweep under the rug," she said.

Cherry said the elder Pinkney arrived at the home with a gun, ordered his son to strip and marched him outside despite herprotests.

"He got on his knees and begged, 'No, Daddy, no,' and he pulled the trigger," Cherry said.

Cherry did not immediately respond to a phone message Wednesday from The Associated Press seeking comment.

Copyright 2009 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

URL: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/34025056/ns/us_news-crime_and_courts/
crazy....just bad all around.

now if i was da pop i would've done everything exactly da same except pull da trigger.

da gun scare is enuff to ever to something like that ever again.
Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by MR MONDAY NIIGHT

I don't know how to feel about this...

Couldnt have said it any better.

Many of us constantly have said that anyone who abuses a little girl deserves the worst punishment.
This man acted on what so many of us have only been able to speak of.

It will be interesting to see how the courts handle this.
im surprise this hasnt gotten the usual nt response he deserved it and i would done the same thing. things arent as black and white as they seem. smh sad
CE0 Mal wrote:
"He got on his knees and begged, 'No, Daddy, no,' and he pulled the trigger," Cherry said.

I don't know how to feel either...but damn.
I just.....I dunno, damn.
But there are so many layers to this. On one aspect, yes messin with that baby is pretty incomprehensible. But there also should have been, but wasn't afather son dynamic here with them still living together.
There probably is a prior history of abuse or neglect by the father. Definitely when you think of what the son did with that baby at such a young age.
So sad.
IDK, someone molest my daughter... i may feel same. If it was my son, don't think i would of killed him, beat him BADLY and kicked him otu my house.. butnot kill. But hey, i'm not mad at the guy.
Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by MR MONDAY NIIGHT

I don't know how to feel about this...
Lord only knows what type of mental anguish that man has and will continue to bare behind this incident.
I can only imagine what's goin on through his head right now. And the fact that he has to deal withthis until he dies...damn.
Originally Posted by memphisboi55

IDK, someone molest my daughter... i may feel same. If it was my son, don't think i would of killed him, beat him BADLY and kicked him otu my house.. but not kill. But hey, i'm not mad at the guy.
pretty much sums up my thoughts
Wow...although I don't think anyone should be molesting children, and that they also deserve punishment for their actions...

One crime doesn't warrant another.

Either way, this is gonna be interesting to see how it plays out in court...
the thing is this....

for that kid to molest his sister something had to happen to him...and for him to tell his mother makes it even more interesting. I wouldnt be surprised ifthat father was abusive to the whole family. Killing your child? Why not try and get him some help? have him sent away...ANYTHING but kill the kid.
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