What do you think about all the videos of the fatties in here?
What do you agree with (also the degree that you agree)?
What do you disagree with?
If you had a magic wand and were granted one wish related to the fat community, what would you wish for?
If you were to make a tiktok video to help the community/the world progress, what would you talk about related to your experience of being a reformed fatties?
I'd have go to go back and watch all the videos, but for the most part I see a lot of wylin nonsense and a false sense of reality, unfortunately. Akin to this other TikTok I've been seeing around lately of a woman saying "you don't need to lose weight to do ANYTHING you want to in life!" ... and I just remember all the things my weight impacted me doing. Sky diving, sitting in certain chairs, constantly checking weight limits on things, sitting comfortably in any ride / area made for an "average" person. So again, false reality for the idea of virtue signaling.
I agree that its not always as easy as "just lose the weight" or "its your choice to be fat". In a lot of cases, sure. But there are more than a few actual medical conditions that cause the issue of weight gain / resistance to weight loss. PCOS seems to be a big issue for women especially lately, and it causes weight gain and insulin issues. Nobody is talking about that as much as we should be IMO. I'm not saying it's an excuse, but I think non-fat people need to realize that not everyone who is fat is "lazy" or "unmotivated". I also agree that them being fat doesn't affect anyone who isn't fat in any way that we should be shaming, bullying, or attacking anyone who is fat. Some people are happy being fat / don't care to be in shape, and understand their reality and their health risks. And that's their choice to make. We need to let them choose it.
I disagree with the false realities that fat people can sometimes create to make themselves feel better about themselves. For example, when I was fat, I used to tell my friends I was the fat one in the group (I was), and one friend would always tell me I wasn't even fat. Looking back, I definitely was.
His intentions were good but he was trying to create that false reality for me. I also highly disagree that all men need to find bigger women attractive.. everyone has their own taste. And there seems to be an enjoyment of bigger women, just not grossly overweight women.
I honestly don't know what my one wish would be to help the fat community. There are so many angles at this point that encourage and accept a state of unhealthy obesity, and at the same time angles denying the reality that they're faced with. It's very easy to get caught up in that, but I'm not sure if I'd rather break that or give people the REAL knowledge of how sustainable weight loss is achieved. And no, it's not through ketosis, keto diet, or weight watchers. Or any "diet" for that matter.
I I was to make a TikTok for the fat community or the world, it would contain pictures / videos of who I was and who I am now. How I was happy / content for YEARS, and how I decided one day to just really try and give it my all and be easy on myself on the days I couldn't be perfect. Being REALISTIC, but consistent and pushing for improvement in all aspects of my fitness journey / relationship with food. I would try my best to encompass my journey, all of it. The ups, the downs, and hard parts and easy parts. The real true reality of someone who was obese and how a real journey looks and what it takes to lose the weight you want. I would try to show that it's possible, barring any medical diagnosis or medication that would work against you.