FABOLOUS was arrested for domestic violence.

wait...people dunno bout Emily? :lol:

you know she was on a entire season of Love & hiphop right? :lol:
I'm disappointed, I came into this thread expecting pages of Fabolous style domestic violence rap verses.
It is relevant because you are using limited information on Emily's relationship to criticize her and condemn her actions, by staying with Fab for supposedly "the lifestyle"


Your you and your wife and a unbalanced economic relationship at one point and were offended at the mere suggestion she was finessing you are taking advantage of the situation.

You have no idea what checks Emily getting, you have no idea about the dynamics of their relationship, or how her past might mold her view. Fab could be a ****ty partner and a great dad so she bits the bullet for her kids, she could be blinded by love and keeps taking him back like many people of all economic class have done, or she could be victim to the shunk cost fallacy. We don't know her motivations

We wait for details to condemn Fab, yet we have enough supposedly to someone build a case against a woman that just got insulted and her and her father's life threatened.

So please, you are more that willing to spew conjecture to condemn the woman but the second someone points out that you marriage might mirror and unequal economic relationship too, you take umbrage in that. Fab and her might not be married but the have shared a residence for quit some time and has children together, their relationship mirror a marriage. So is Fab not suppose to provide for his domestic partner and mother of his children too? Huh? So why when Emily seemingly enjoys those provision she is somehow a gold digger, yet your wife is not.

It is relevant because I am asking you to be consistent. To climb off your high horse and face the hypocrisy of your stance.

Here is where you are wrong comparing me and my wife to Fab and Emily...I’m not a **** rapper, hustler or baller b...she been with me since I was 17 and I never provided her with a lifestyle she couldn’t have had she left me and moved back with her parents...lol the hell type of ******** comparison you bring up bro...

You guys are doing the most caping for these type of girls, like I said I don’t know Emily personally, but she did grow up with people that are practically family to me and I’m legit having a convo with this person who happens to be a woman and she herself is saying that she took on this abuse in exchange for the lifestyle, so no I’m not talking out my *** bro, if you hang around uptown and women that come from the same place as Emily, is not hard to put two and two together, she wants to get cheated on, smacked around, the man doing so is an absolute SCUMbag, but she needs to hold some accountability, because at any given time she could have packed up her **** and left the clown, valued her life and respect as a woman more than the material crap Fab provided her....why you think these cats treat them like property and cheat on them with little to no remorse? BecUse they know where they stand and they know as long as they come home with a diamond all is forgiven.
Here is where you are wrong comparing me and my wife to Fab and Emily...I’m not a **** rapper, hustler or baller b...she been with me since I was 17 and I never provided her with a lifestyle she couldn’t have had she left me and moved back with her parents...lol the hell type of bull**** comparison you bring up bro...

You guys are doing the most caping for these type of girls, like I said I don’t know Emily personally, but she did grow up with people that are practically family to me and I’m legit having a convo with this person who happens to be a woman and she herself is saying that she took on this abuse in exchange for the lifestyle, so no I’m not talking out my *** bro, if you hang around uptown and women that come from the same place as Emily, is not hard to put two and two together, she wants to get cheated on, smacked around, the man doing so is an absolute SCUMbag, but she needs to hold some accountability, because at any given time she could have packed up her **** and left the clown, valued her life and respect as a woman more than the material crap Fab provided her....why you think these cats treat them like property and cheat on them with little to no remorse? BecUse they know where they stand and they know as long as they come home with a diamond all is forgiven.
Surprise, surprise. You are insulted at your logic used against your own situation

Let me be more direct and to the point....

You are being a hypocrite that is using conjecture and anecdotal evidence to argue your flimsy case, and to peddle victim blaming nonsense
Wether Fab did beat her or not, is actually quite irrelevant, because is a known fact he’s cheated multiple times and she’s stood, so she already disrespected herself even before we dwell into the alleged physical abuse...which btw I said from the jump, I do believe he physically abused her for years now, based on how she reacted to him in that video.
Let me be more direct and to the point....

You are being a hypocrite that is using conjecture and anecdotal evidence to argue your flimsy case, and to peddle victim blaming nonsense

I’ll be clearer with you.

She’s a woman that exchanged her morals/respect for a purse, THATS AS SIMPLY PUT AS CAN BE...she accepted adultery and physical abuse for a lifestyle, is she still a victim, of course....however it isn’t as black and white and based on the history she needs to be held accountable to an extent, not sure how that’s me being a hypocrite as I never abused my wife or she abused me....or that my wife put her morals aside for some luxury I provided her, which I never have because I’m jut an average joe...lol
Unless putting a roof over her head, food on the table and paying her Sonatas insurance are luxuries equivalent to those Fab was providing Emily B along with an occasional cheating and two piece to the jaw if she got out of pocket....then I guess I’d be a hypocrite....lol
Unless putting a roof over her head, food on the table and paying her Sonatas insurance are luxuries equivalent to those Fab was providing Emily B along with an occasional cheating and two piece to the jaw if she got out of pocket....then I guess I’d be a hypocrite....lol
You can attempt to be clearer, you argument still sound like struggle victim blaming

This woman got assaulted and her life threaten by the father of father of her children and domestic partner, but lets focus on how that is partly her fault.

Miss me with that Bill O'Reily shtick

And yes, you are a hypocrite
Married women in healthy relationships POV....Rusty take your naive cap off bro, you better than this....not all women are cut the same....like I said, maybe some of you aren’t exposed to these type of girls or your exposure to them goes as far as only what you see on IG.

Can't think of another lifestyle other than prostitution where physical abuse can be normal.

This woman was in an ACTUAL relationship. Ridiculous the lengths folks will go to normalize abuse. There are many instances of hood dudes who are in the "game" who don't lay a finger on their partners. Fabolous is a weak man who wasn't raised right, and there is no justifying his actions towards his partner, who is the victim.
I see you only looking at this in black and white Rust, you refuse to look any deeper than that....yes FAB is fucboi...no denying that.....you haven’t really explained how what I’m saying is hypocritical tho.
What is your point homie? Women of all levels are being abused. They dont deserve it. You sitting acting like these women should know that being a rapper with money means you should accept abuse. Its wrong. Nothing you say at this point matters. Just stop talking. You just looking for a reason to speak and you aint got one. Dismissed
They don't wanna be saved
I see you only looking at this in black and white Rust, you refuse to look any deeper than that....yes FAB is fucboi...no denying that.....you haven’t really explained how what I’m saying is hypocritical tho.
Yes I have. You just dismissed it

"to look any deeper...", ahh look is on a high horse now.

Dude your not operating on some higher level of analytical thought, you are just spewing conjecture to back up an flimsy argument
Your damn marriage doesn't make you an expert.

And I don't care about your wife's opinion, it means little to nothing to me


Don’t fall off your high horse bro....senseless talking to you about this, is cristal clear we come from very different places and been exposed to different types of women
Can't think of another lifestyle other than prostitution where physical abuse can be normal.

This woman was in an ACTUAL relationship. Ridiculous the lengths folks will go to normalize abuse. There are many instances of hood dudes who are in the "game" who don't lay a finger on their partners. Fabolous is a weak man who wasn't raised right, and there is no justifying his actions towards his partner, who is the victim.

An actual relationship!? One where she’s constantly been cheated on from day one?...that’s some relationship.

Don’t fall off your high horse bro....senseless talking to you about this, is cristal clear we come from very different places and been exposed to different types of women
How I'm I on a high horse? Because I don't see something special about your marriage?

Your wife has an opinion, one that means little to me. And it should mean little, she is not a relationship expert, I don't know her, I have no reason to value her opinion over any other average Joe.

That is for you to do.
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