ESPN's Steve Phillips taking it to the 22 year old ESPN staffers, gets suspended

Jul 14, 2003
These dudes...

Fatal Attraction

Too bad this suspension didnt happen DURING the season to get him off the air...

Via Deadspin

Steve Phillips Suspended After Affair With ESPN Employee

Reports out of ESPN headquarters this morning say that (46-year old) "Baseball Tonight" analyst Steve Phillips has been suspended from the network, after an affair with a 22-year-old production assistant turned into a special edition DVD release of Fatal Attraction.
According to the New York Post's rather lengthy deconstruction of events, Phillips had a brief fling with a fellow ESPN employee named Brooke Hundley this summer. He ended it rather quickly, which did not go over very well. She allegedly began harassing Phillips, his wife and even his teenage son-who she friended on Facebook by pretending to be a classmate, and then grilled him for personal information about the family.

The final straw came when Phillips' wife arrived at her home to see a strange woman coming down her driveway and getting into a car (which she promptly smashed into a pole while trying to make a quick getaway.) The woman had left a very creepy letter in the front door, addressed to Phillips wife. The full original letter is available on the Post website [PDF], but here are some of the bullet points laid out by Hundley:

• She and Steve first slept together in a St. Louis hotel room, but he assured her that she wouldn't get pregnant because of his vasectomy.
• How and she Steve love to text back and forth with detailed plans on how they would like to sex each other
• An uncomfortable amount of detail about the activities of her children
• How the Catholic Church will totally understand if the Phillips got a divorce, so that she and Steve can be together
• She's 22 ... but not stupid!
• A graphic description of Steve's birthmarks (on his crotch and inner thigh), just to know she's legit.

In a written statement, Phillips confessed that he had three sexual encounters with Hundley and then broke it off in July. Almost immediately after that, the woman began making phone calls to his wife, leaving voicemails, sending inappropriate texts, and making even more inappropriate Facebook overtures to his son. He says he believes her to "obsessive and delusional" and police have become involved. Nevertheless, Phillips is suspended for at least one week and his wife has filed for divorce.

This is not the first time Phillips has run into this sort of trouble, nor is it the first incident involving the Baseball Tonight team. When he was GM of the Mets in the 1990s, Phillips had to take a leave of absence after an affair with a team employee. See also: Reynolds, Harold. There's a chance we won't see him on any ESPN network before this baseball season ends and then after that, who knows what will become of his tenure at the firm.

Expect a lot more on this before the day is over, obviously

Pic for the beasts:

dude was going in rawwwwwwww.

At least he use to be the GM for the Mets.
Dude went in raw! And the fact that she could describe the birthmarks in his crotch area means she was swimming down there.


At least he was gettin in and not just on some all-out creeper $$%! like Sean Salisbury...
Why can't they make ESPN commercials about all these hookups? I wanna see that @#$%
Steve... C'mon Son!

I take back what I said previously... At least Salisbury was creepin on a dime...
What's real sad about it, is I bet his wife is smoking hot. And this is what you get?
Some of these men are so stupid. Ruining it for the rest of us by making us all look bad.

What the he.ll is the point of cheating on your wife?

And to make matters worse...that girl is freakin' disgusting. She looks like Brian Urlacher in the face
Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

Dude went in raw! And the fact that she could describe the birthmarks in his crotch area means she was swimming down there.

Also, A+ .gif usage my man...
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