ESPN's Steve Phillips taking it to the 22 year old ESPN staffers, gets suspended

Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by EnEyeKayEe

Originally Posted by vctry20

Originally Posted by CP1708

Who @#$%^& Erin Andrews? Let's go Deadspin, show me somethin.
My boy played ball in the cape this summer with like 4 dudes from Duke and they would not shut up about how she let JJ Reddick stick it.

I've been praying every night that that is not true
I can believe the EA story. JJ used to get it in. He lived in my boy's hall his 1st or 2nd yr and was nailing everything that walked.

I dunno if Dukehead's still on this forum but he can cosign.

Malta is boys with him, he's told a couple stories in the CBB thread that are pretty funny...I believe JJ took Shav Randolph's sister to prom andbanged her on Shavs pool table or something
@ those proper pics, my lord I thought it was a Man.

Too bad this suspension didnt happen DURING the season to get him off the air...

Even though I don't have anything to hide I'm very thorough with people I accept on Facebook.
How is that worthy of only a week suspension when HaroldReynolds got fired for "harassment". This guy ruined another franchise.
Originally Posted by What up

Originally Posted by Nako XL

I can believe the EA story. JJ used to get it in. He lived in my boy's hall his 1st or 2nd yr and was nailing everything that walked.

I dunno if Dukehead's still on this forum but he can cosign.
I have a smiliar experience. One of my friends lived on the small floor as Adam Morrison and he would be hooking up with girls all the time. Apparently there were two ugly chicks who Morrison would callwhenever he wanted some and they'd come - no matter the time of day or night. No questions asked.


But Adam is cool in my book...
Steve is a *@*! and all.

But I somehow find his commentary to be good.

Unless he talks about the Mets.

Cuz then I can always tell he's being spiteful (for the most part).
Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

Originally Posted by lawdog1

Originally Posted by Joe Cool23

Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

I got a buddy who swears he bumped into and shared a cab with SVP in Austin and SVP kept doggin him about hookin it up with some easy college broads...
SVP is the man.
SVP = that dude.

SVP posts on a Terps message board i go to (he is a big Maryland sports fan and alum). one time a couple months ago when he was anchoring a late night Sportscenter, he actually started posting on the board in between commercial breaks. he was like "its midnight on a Sunday, nobody's even watching this right now" and just kept chopping it up with the posters.

i don't know if anyone would remember watching that airing, but he kept saying all this random stuff on the air. it was a slow sports day so him and Buccigross were basically BSing throughout the whole show.

and right before SC ended, people on the board were like "give us a shoutout, give us a shoutout", so when he went back on air he actually shouted out some people's screennames

I appreciate him cause he's a Skins fan and always trys to mention them in an NFL Segment
stories on espn is legendary.
guys like mike tirico, chris berman, harold reynolds. you know a bunch of these guys (and gals) on espn are crossing their fingers that their dirt won'tcome out.

i wanna know what kind of freak colleen dominguez is, that is one bad lady. saw her up close in the city when she was doing a bonds story, wanted to"accidentally" rub up against her lol

she touched in bristol [/max b]

[table][tr][td]1.[/td] [td]stage five clinger[/td] [td]347 up, 30 down [img][/img] [img][/img][/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]
A member of the opposite sex that is likely to become overly attached, overly fast. Virgins, those on the rebound, and the emotionally fragile are more likely to have this term applied to them. Orignally from the movie Wedding Crashers.

We need to get Nick away from that chick. She's a stage five clinger.

We've got a stage five clinger situation. I need someone running interference on the blonde behind me, now.

I nailed that chick last weekend and seriously regret giving her my number - I'm getting 2 or 3 calls a day. I think what we've got ourselves here is a stage five clinger.
[/td] [/tr][/table]
I think I just find this funny because I'll bet like 75% of dudes have had a little "slump-buster" or "practice-chick" they smash onthe side but don't really tell their boys and %+*@ because she's nothing to be proud of.

This dude not only got outed to those around him but to the whole world for being a member of slump-busters anonymous. That can't feel good.
Ahhhh the stories keep coming. Remember Woody Hayes and Jay Crawford getting accused of sexual harassment last year? Or Salisbury texting females pics of hisunit?

Or yes, Mike Tirico....this below is straight from ESPN: The Uncensored History
The first Tirico story involves him hitting on a woman and stalking her after a house party in fall 1992. The woman was a production assistant and "considered an up-and-coming talent," and Tirico went up to her at the party and said "you're the most beautiful woman in here." She walked away, but he kept following her around the party until she finally snapped, "Why don't you ___ off? Get away from me." As she and friends hopped in their car and pulled out of the party, Tirico stepped in front of the car and made the woman stop. "You're the most beautiful person I've ever seen and I think I'm in love with you," Tirico said. She tried to roll up her window and take off, but Tirico stuck his hand in and tried to wedge it between her thighs. She got away, and the next morning, when they saw each other in the ESPN parking lot, he walked up to her, and she expected him to apologize. Instead, he said, "all I did all day was think about you."

In another story, one female producer - who had been to dinner with Tirico and his fiancee - was startled to receive an email from him saying that he wanted to sleep with her. Later, when the staff went to a bar after a late night covering the NCAA tournament, Tirico approached her and said, "I wish I was single. If I were, I'd throw you on the table right here and ____ your brains out." After she tried to excuse him as drunk, he persisted: "I know you want to screw me. So let's leave." Later, he followed her on the highway and tried to get her to pull over, unsuccessfully.

Plenty more in that book.
o my dear lord ... thats not her is it? if i was his wife i wouldnt even get mad at that ... that would be like him sleeping with a sack of potatoes ...
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