ESPN really wants a TO meltdown..

Even though this is the same ol story with the same protagonist involved (TO), I have a feeling some of the Cowboys are playing ESPN like puppets with all thisnonsense in order to divert attention for their plans this weekend. I think the Cowboys will come out strong vs the Giants as a result (but still lose). Ifthey lose, who knows, these things may very well become a self-fulfilling prophecy and the team will really implde, but as of now, I think they're justusing ESPN to mess with other teams' heads.
rocyaice wrote:

Michael Irvin said what TO told him last night. You gonna take BSPN's word over the dude who was actually there at the meeting?

I don't think I'd trust T.O.'s word on this one either.

If ESPN is right, T.O. looks pretty bad = reason to lie.
If T.O. is right, ESPN has no story = reason to lie.

I guess the truth will come out sooner or later, but it does seem like people are just waiting the powder keg to go up in Dallas. But it wouldn't even bean issue if suspicious/shady things that give rise to these stories weren't going on in Dallas.
Originally Posted by 23MCpizzle23

Originally Posted by JJGRT5

In my book ESPN is losing its cred, they are becoming so annoying with all this bull.

im sayen!!!

im expecting a story they go thew like 5 interviews of players saying there is no problem, so were the eff did you get this damn story from
Same thing here. If there was a problem, would you really expect the players to come out and say, "Man, you're right our team is sinkingfast." NO. You'd expect to hear what they're saying... which means that hearing players who are involved say that there isn't a problemdoesn't indicate definitively one way or the other.

Question: How often in the past has ESPN been completely 100% wrong on a story they reported about inside-teaminformation?

Also for the person who said they counted 5 "unnamed sources"... couldn't that just be 1?
Good point but its also a case of self fulfilling prophecy. The thing is some players have already seen through it and said outright [Its just ya'll(media) trying to be dismissive and stir up controversy] Of course Roy Williams only get like 2 seconds though.

I hope more than anything this team just develops an Eff ya'll mantra. I hope they take in all the cross-analyzing and second guessing and just streak likethe Giants did while still claiming the underdog role.

And for real there is a reason why Werder has to give his reports 20 feet from Valley Ranch. Don't buy it.
espn=biggest instigator in sports broadcasting
they're the reason coaches get fired, players get traded, the reason ppl turn on players and much more bs
i was watching espn today and numerous cowboys players said t.o. hasnt even said anything
so what the hell is espn talking about they are always makingsomething out of nothing and its getting pathetic
ESPN/Sportscenter has been un watchable these past few days. All i needed to hear was what happened, no need to analyze it and ask everyone about it.
Originally Posted by MarleysProtege

Originally Posted by JayDubH11

I know most of this is just Cowboys drama, but I think it does shed even more light on just how unstable Owens is. Maybe it will be "ok" if Dallas gets in, but it's not just about "winning" to him - it is about him feeling like he is a factor of the winning - that he is appreciated. Everybody wants that to an extent but not with the jealousy and insecurity of Owens. Honestly that's just some female type sh, I couldn't stand having a teammate like that.

nothing could be further from the truth ... do you know why this is even an issue? because the cowboys ARE LOSING ... if TO isnt getting the ball and the boys win, he has nothing to say ... but as many have brought up, we arent winning anything without TO goin off cuz garrett just isnt any good ... you know how bad TO wants a ring? can you imagine him having a ring? that would give him all the more reason to talk *%$% ... lets face it, the only way he sheds some of his demons is if he wins ... imagine TO after winning a super bowl "Ed Werder, tell me how my *%+ tastes"

Point taken MP, but I disagree. It's easy for him to say it's all about the W's and yeah, he doesn't talk much if he only gets 3-4 grabs aftera regular season win. But could you really see him being satisfied being a small factor on a championship team? No, he is a playmaker and he needs the flashinglights. That's what you want in a star (pun), gift and a curse I suppose ... but the way he goes about it? Feminine.
Originally Posted by JayDubH11

Point taken MP, but I disagree. It's easy for him to say it's all about the W's and yeah, he doesn't talk much if he only gets 3-4 grabs after a regular season win. But could you really see him being satisfied being a small factor on a championship team? No, he is a playmaker and he needs the flashing lights. That's what you want in a star (pun), gift and a curse I suppose ... but the way he goes about it? Feminine.

but the overriding factor is that if we are winning, TO cant say anything ... look what happened after the 2nd washington game or the packers game ... he saidhe was getting doubled all game and that opened it up for other players ... he couldnt sit there and @%%*% about not getting the ball because we won and heknows people would think he was selfish if he did start *****ing ...

im not denying that TO is a me me me player ... but in all honesty hes earned that right because he is going to be the 2nd best receiver of all time when itsall said and done ... and when it comes down to it, we arent winning anything with him just being a "small factor" ... but to answer your question,if we get to the playoffs and actually win a game and by some miracle win the super bowl and TO isnt a major factor, i think he will be publicly content ...yeah when he goes back home to his million dollar house he will probably be mad that he didnt "get his," but as far as the media goes he will be thespokesperson for character ...
This is also a product of Ed Werder's beef with T.O, I think this is Werder's way of getting back at T.O.......... what a coincidence that Werder isthe official Cowboys reporter for ESPN........ someone is salty because they get ignored
ESPN is the new evil empire. I don't really watch them anymore outside of their college sports coverage. Highlights aren't a big deal anymore since youcan find more detailed game highlights on the Internet now anyway.
Originally Posted by JJGRT5

This is also a product of Ed Werder's beef with T.O, I think this is Werder's way of getting back at T.O.......... what a coincidence that Werder is the official Cowboys reporter for ESPN........ someone is salty because they get ignored

He got beef with Terrence Newman now lol. Terrence Newman givin' him that "Next Question" #%+ now.
Allen, update the title and get this thread off life support... We've got our first official 'twist' report...
Posted by Mike Florio on December 12, 2008, 5:09 p.m. EST

As it turns out, Terrell Owens' suspicions regarding teammate Jason Witten might have been on the mark.

The talk in the Cowboys locker room is that Witten was one of the sources for Ed Werder's recent ESPN item, which has sparked a firestorm within the organization.

Per a league source, center Andre Gurode and receiver Roy Williams called out Witten in a team meeting regarding their belief that he has been talking out of school to Werder, accusing Witten and/or his agent of feeding the information to Werder - as the song "Back Stabbers" played in the background.

According to our source (and it pains us to type this), Owens isn't as bad as he's made out to be in the media (i.e., by ESPN).

"Ed Werder didn't make anything up," the source said. "Witten or his agent gave the story."

And here's where it gets really interesting. Witten's agent is Jimmy Sexton. And Sexton represents - you guessed it - former Cowboys coach Bill Parcells.

Parcells wanted no part of Owens, and presumably Parcells would love nothing more than to see the Cowboys fail to make the playoffs in the same year that Parcells is in the process of propelling the previously 1-15 Fins toward the postseason.

We're not saying that Tuna has his finger in this one, after all he's not the kind of guy who'd stick his nose in business that doesn't pertain to him. We're just pointing out the straight line from Witten to Sexton to Parcells, who by the way drafted Witten in 2003, the same year that Parcells signed Romo as an undrafted free agent.

That seems awfully, awfully out of character for Jason Witten, but I guess it's an interesting thought...

The thought of Andre Gurode and Roy Williams calling dude out with Back Stabbers playin in the background got me in tears...
I can't wait until Sunday comes to where all this %*# will END. ESPN spending more time on this then they do the whole damn NFL season.
Originally Posted by LiL Stevie728

ESPN is the new evil empire. I don't really watch them anymore outside of their college sports coverage. Highlights aren't a big deal anymore since you can find more detailed game highlights on the Internet now anyway.

i kno its that whole walt disney company they get all the kids with the disney channel then they espn got trying to do the same thing. espn is gettin reallybad cause i juss cant stand to watch it anymore its so annoying
ESPN is the FOX News of sports news, always looking to create stories for shock & awe purposes instead of reporting news . Im shocked they're not ownedby Murdoch.
LiL Stevie728 wrote:
ESPN is the new evil empire. I don't really watch them anymore outside of their college sports coverage. Highlights aren't a big deal anymore since you can find more detailed game highlights on the Internet now anyway.

I agree. I used to think people were overreacting when they said "ESPN is garbage".

I knew that their coverage wasn't as good as it used to be but I still found it bearable, can't say that I still do.
Originally Posted by Roc Boy Jada

LiL Stevie728 wrote:
ESPN is the new evil empire. I don't really watch them anymore outside of their college sports coverage. Highlights aren't a big deal anymore since you can find more detailed game highlights on the Internet now anyway.
I agree. I used to think people were overreacting when they said "ESPN is garbage".

I knew that their coverage wasn't as good as it used to be but I still found it bearable, can't say that I still do.
Seriously, I think I've had enough.

Too bad there isn't another sports company to at least give ESPN some competition. I'm talking SportsCenter, with every sport, highlights with a littleanalysis.
Originally Posted by JCH3

Originally Posted by Roc Boy Jada

LiL Stevie728 wrote:
ESPN is the new evil empire. I don't really watch them anymore outside of their college sports coverage. Highlights aren't a big deal anymore since you can find more detailed game highlights on the Internet now anyway.
I agree. I used to think people were overreacting when they said "ESPN is garbage".

I knew that their coverage wasn't as good as it used to be but I still found it bearable, can't say that I still do.
Seriously, I think I've had enough.

Too bad there isn't another sports company to at least give ESPN some competition. I'm talking SportsCenter, with every sport, highlights with a little analysis.

CNN/SI could give it a shot.
Originally Posted by True Blues

Originally Posted by JCH3

Originally Posted by Roc Boy Jada

LiL Stevie728 wrote:
ESPN is the new evil empire. I don't really watch them anymore outside of their college sports coverage. Highlights aren't a big deal anymore since you can find more detailed game highlights on the Internet now anyway.
I agree. I used to think people were overreacting when they said "ESPN is garbage".

I knew that their coverage wasn't as good as it used to be but I still found it bearable, can't say that I still do.
Seriously, I think I've had enough.

Too bad there isn't another sports company to at least give ESPN some competition. I'm talking SportsCenter, with every sport, highlights with a little analysis.

CNN/SI could give it a shot.

Not a bad idea, down the road I could see it happening. ESPN just has such a huge lead on any kind of competition, I'm sure it would be a long uphillbattle.

I'm sure that's what people (like myself) that said Under Armour could never be a player in the sports equipment/apparel regime.
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