Elementary School Shooting: Newtown, Connecticut. 28 confirmed dead, 18 were children

Ever stop to think that the second amendment might be....dare I say it....OUTDATED?
Those were different times. Society was different. State of mind was different. People live on the edge now a days. The difference between a genius and a psychopath is a mass shooting these days.
Your right to bear guns means nothing. And I laugh at people who feel this right keeps government from turning into a dictatorship.

Minus well sell our cars and start buying horses

View media item 175128
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I am very familiar with this topic and it is true that our nation has no plan to deal with people with mental illness who do not belong in general society. There are facilities for juveniles but a lot of them are insurance scams that do little to nothing to actually benefit the child and just house them until they are 18, collecting the insurance money, and then release them back out into society. Gun control does need to be addressed.. Yeah people kill people, not guns.. got that.. but regardless there needs to be more. But the big threat to our nation is mental illness. People need to not be afraid to talk about it

So long as Ninja gets to floss da Jesus piece everything else is irrelevant.

I think more resources for families who have children that exhibit early signs of metal illness could be a start, some sort of government funded healthcare for these kids regardless of what the parents income is could be a good start, get them early, give them all the help nessesary, while they can still be controlled somehow....we turn our cheek the other way and ignore these issues when they are young, expect these types of events when they are older and is far too late....handing out guns to the rest of the population in anticipation of these sick children growing up to be psychopaths is not the answer man...
they're still part of da United States Of America, and under that jurisdiction, we both have da 2nd amendment rights.

so explain it.
Ever stop to think that the second amendment might be....dare I say it....OUTDATED?

Those were different times. Society was different. State of mind was different. People live on the edge now a days. The difference between a genius and a psychopath is a mass shooting these days.

Your right to bear guns means nothing. And I laugh at people who feel this right keeps government from turning into a dictatorship.
so why abide by any laws? pssh....da thirst to take away da 2nd amendment is so bad that ya would actually destroy da fabric of da constitution to do it. thats smart

da 2nd amendment is a protected right, like voting, like freedom of press, like freedom of religion, like freedom of expression. deal with it.

wanna feel protected? get your own gun, i sure as hell getting mine.
I'm getting really tired of hearing people argue that the only thing stricter gun control accomplishes is taking guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens.  Adam Lanza was a law abiding citizen until last Friday, James Holmes was a law abiding citizen until July 20th, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold were law abiding citizens until April 20, 1999.  To say that stricter gun control is bad because it punishes law abiding citizens is basically akin to saying that everyone gets a free massacre on their record before they get their guns taken away.
so why abide by any laws? pssh....da thirst to take away da 2nd amendment is so bad that ya would actually destroy da fabric of da constitution to do it. thats smart :lol:

da 2nd amendment is a protected right, like voting, like freedom of press, like freedom of religion, like freedom of expression. deal with it.

wanna feel protected? get your own gun, i sure as hell getting mine.

Why get a gun when you got Jesus round your neck bro...he'll protect you.
They should offer SERIOUS incentive for turning in guns.

Yup....I proposed that earlier in the thread:

1. Ban all assault rifles and semi automatic weapons (Bring back the law that expired in 04 or implement a new one) NATIONWIDE, this state by state stuff isn't working when straw purchases can happen

2. Make it mandatory for classes on safety and proper gun protocol when people purchase any other types of firearms, also have mental evaluations (spare me the whos gonna pay for it, anybody who wants a gun can spring 400-1000$, then paying for the written and mental evaluations which could be like 40$ extra is nothing in the grand scheme). Give people a year or so from the institution of the law to get their weapons registered.

3. Make the wait to own a gun more lengthy.....say 30-45 days. I can go at the spur of the moment if I wanted, to a gun store in PA and since I have no criminal record get a gun and go through a basic background check in 30-45 mins. thats crazy to me, make the wait longer so as much testing and background evaluations can be done as possible.

3. Make all already legally owned guns be registered in a national database, people will be able to go to their local PD to do this and it could be free (and yall can keep your guns legally)

4. I know some radio stations here in philly have done illegal gun drives, where you can turn it in and get some tickets to concerts or something. But they need to have all PD's around the country offer these drives where people can come and turn in any illegal weapons no questions asked with amnesty, and offer to pay for the aforementioned mental evaluations and written tests in full...or give them tickets to sporting events or a lil cash for doing the right thing. Or maybe allow them to obtain a LEGAL weapon in an expedited rate (one that would be registered with the PD too)

They did it with heroin addicts before, by letting them exchange their needles for clean needles and the rates of Hep C and other diseases decreased drastically, don't see why this wouldn't help reduce the high # of illegal weapons out there

Obviously this type of thing won't stop ALL gun crime but if people wouldn't be down for a system similar to this then we would see lower crime rates and incidental violence where people's friends, family, and god forbid children are slain for no damn reason. :smh:

They interviewed the first responders, they were crying, trying to explain how they saw the bodies and knew they couldn't save them. :smh:

Yeah, my heart went out to those people as well, I can't imagine the mental trauma that would have on you...they said each of these precious little kids and heroic teachers and staff had several bullets in them upwards of 9 in each of the victims :smh: :smh:....and they had to go in and witness the aftermath first hand jeez. I hope support is available for them too as well as obviously anyone associated with Sandy Hook. :smh:
Yup....I proposed that earlier in the thread:
1. Ban all assault rifles and semi automatic weapons (Bring back the law that expired in 04 or implement a new one) NATIONWIDE, this state by state stuff isn't working when straw purchases can happen
2. Make it mandatory for classes on safety and proper gun protocol when people purchase any other types of firearms, also have mental evaluations (spare me the whos gonna pay for it, anybody who wants a gun can spring 400-1000$, then paying for the written and mental evaluations which could be like 40$ extra is nothing in the grand scheme). Give people a year or so from the institution of the law to get their weapons registered.
3. Make the wait to own a gun more lengthy.....say 30-45 days. I can go at the spur of the moment if I wanted, to a gun store in PA and since I have no criminal record get a gun and go through a basic background check in 30-45 mins. thats crazy to me, make the wait longer so as much testing and background evaluations can be done as possible.
3. Make all already legally owned guns be registered in a national database, people will be able to go to their local PD to do this and it could be free (and yall can keep your guns legally)
4. I know some radio stations here in philly have done illegal gun drives, where you can turn it in and get some tickets to concerts or something. But they need to have all PD's around the country offer these drives where people can come and turn in any illegal weapons no questions asked with amnesty, and offer to pay for the aforementioned mental evaluations and written tests in full...or give them tickets to sporting events or a lil cash for doing the right thing. Or maybe allow them to obtain a LEGAL weapon in an expedited rate (one that would be registered with the PD too)
They did it with heroin addicts before, by letting them exchange their needles for clean needles and the rates of Hep C and other diseases decreased drastically, don't see why this wouldn't help reduce the high # of illegal weapons out there
Obviously this type of thing won't stop ALL gun crime but if people wouldn't be down for a system similar to this then we would see lower crime rates and incidental violence where people's friends, family, and god forbid children are slain for no damn reason. :smh:
Yeah, my heart went out to those people as well, I can't imagine the mental trauma that would have on you...they said each of these precious little kids and heroic teachers and staff had several bullets in them upwards of 9 in each of the victims :smh: :smh:....and they had to go in and witness the aftermath first hand jeez. I hope support is available for them too as well as obviously anyone associated with Sandy Hook. :smh:

I seriously have the upmost respect for the mental ad physical courage of Paramedics, EMTs, firemen, medical examiners, etc I'm sure those images will haunt them for a while, seeing the lifeless body if a child is hard enough, I've seen a handful, seeing them under those circumstances is traumatizing to anyone, really hope the support is there for them.
so why abide by any laws? pssh....da thirst to take away da 2nd amendment is so bad that ya would actually destroy da fabric of da constitution to do it. thats smart :lol:

da 2nd amendment is a protected right, like voting, like freedom of press, like freedom of religion, like freedom of expression. deal with it.

wanna feel protected? get your own gun, i sure as hell getting mine.

Its called change. Adapting with the times. You clearly have no interest in either of these concepts.

Freedom to kill should not be in the same conversation as freedom of religion, press, or speech.
so why abide by any laws? pssh....da thirst to take away da 2nd amendment is so bad that ya would actually destroy da fabric of da constitution to do it. thats smart

da 2nd amendment is a protected right, like voting, like freedom of press, like freedom of religion, like freedom of expression. deal with it.

wanna feel protected? get your own gun, i sure as hell getting mine.
Its called change. Adapting with the times. You clearly have no interest in either of these concepts.

Freedom to kill should not be in the same conversation as freedom of religion, press, or speech.
our values shouldn't bends at da whims of every little disaster.

da freedom to bear arms is a fundamental right to da citizens of this country.

so if people say bad things about da president, whats next, change freedom of press and turn into a police state? nah b.

da constitution is etched in stone for da most part, and should be treated as such.
You keep forgetting the well regulated militia part of that amendment.

We should just go back to slavery and women not being able to vote. I mean they were right about everything right?
our values shouldn't bends at da whims of every little disaster.

da freedom to bear arms is a fundamental right to da citizens of this country.

so if people say bad things about da president, whats next, change freedom of press and turn into a police state? nah b.

da constitution is etched in stone for da most part, and should be treated as such.

1. How many "little disasters" should it take? This **** has been a long time coming. This conversation about gun control didnt suddenly start with this little disaster where only 20 kids were killed.

2. Foolish argument. You should come better than that.

3. So youre telling me theres no reason why something that was written hundreds of years ago could use a little adjustments here and there? Remember when slaves were counted as 3/5 of a person in the constitution? If only they had etched that in stone too right?
Went to a gun store in TX today, you would have thought it was a black friday sale, place was packed.
You keep forgetting the well regulated militia part of that amendment.
We should just go back to slavery and women not being able to vote. I mean they were right about everything right?

The militia, well it's almost perfectly represented by the National Guard.
This dude is really trying to say the constitution accounted for everything that will ever happened in the future, therefore should not be changed, are you really that simple?

The constitution was created based off what was going on in those times, yeah it has set a good foundation for a great nation, but lettuce be cereal, it can use adjustments, and it had through times for the best...like others have mentioned, SLAVERY..."all men created equal" did not include you Ninjahood back then.
The militia, well it's almost perfectly represented by the National Guard.

I know.

Which makes random citizens being able to obtain dozens of guns unnecessary IMO.

This is about profit. The most American thing that exists. Not inherent rights or a sacred piece of paper.
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Went to a gun store in TX today, you would have thought it was a black friday sale, place was packed.
obama should have is own signature gun line da way he spikes sales in fire arms.

bottomline is da right to bear arms isn't going any where.

there's a REASON obama said nothing about guns in his speech during da CT funeral, absolutely politically impossbile to pass, and a proven loser for democrats.
Ever stop to think that the second amendment might be....dare I say it....OUTDATED?
Those were different times. Society was different. State of mind was different. People live on the edge now a days. The difference between a genius and a psychopath is a mass shooting these days.
Your right to bear guns means nothing. And I laugh at people who feel this right keeps government from turning into a dictatorship.

Minus well sell our cars and start buying horses

View media item 175128
obama should have is own signature gun line da way he spikes sales in fire arms.

bottomline is da right to bear arms isn't going any where.

there's a REASON obama said nothing about guns in his speech during da CT funeral, absolutely politically impossbile to pass, and a proven loser for democrats.

No matter what you say whether you have a valid point or not, in which this case you don't, I still can't take what you say serious when I see "da" everywhere.
obama should have is own signature gun line da way he spikes sales in fire arms.

bottomline is da right to bear arms isn't going any where.

there's a REASON obama said nothing about guns in his speech during da CT funeral, absolutely politically impossbile to pass, and a proven loser for democrats.
No matter what you say whether you have a valid point or not, in which this case you don't, I still can't take what you say serious when I see "da" everywhere.
oh really? over 200 million guns in private hands in da united states, why aren't we in a state of perpetual war as i type then?

stop with da radical left wing hyperbole.

there was already a assualt weapons ban..it did nothing, and it was allowed to expire in 2004.

NT is notoriously left wing, so i dont expect anybody here to respect da personal liberties of a law biding responsible gun owner here. its all nanny state politics

with ya "oh we shouldn't allow em to do this, we shouldn't allow em to do that" where does it end? da constitution was drafted with da idea that da 2nd amendment was

JUST as important as freedom of speech, and freedom of religion, if you dont respect that then i dunno what to tell ya.

there's nothing you can do to legislate against evil. if a bad guy wants to do something, he's gonna do it.
oh really? over 200 million guns in private hands in da united states, why aren't we in a state of perpetual war as i type then?

umm, well in comparison to other countries we are.

The United States has gun-related death rate (i.e. number of gun related deaths/population) 8 times as high as the average nation that is economically and politically similar.

So while yes it may not seem like a war because we live here. But compared other first world countries people get blasted at a absurdly high rate.
You cray man. I don't see how you can remotely put the freedom to bear arms on the same plane as the freedom of speech and religion. Other than the fact they were drafted onto the original Constitution, you really think the VALUE of those three are comparable? With this country built on immigrants and people trying to escape oppression, you'll definitely hear people coming here for opportunities, a chance to express themselves, and the right to worship whatever they believe in. How often do you hear people dream of coming to America so they have a chance to hold a gat? That, in itself, should negate your entire protected "values" immediately so please don't try comparing the right to bear arms to speech and religion.

I do agree with Ninja when saying where evil lurks in someone, that person is going to find a way to do it or not. I just don't think you can keep saying since it was drafted as an integral piece of the Constitution, it stands as a right that can never be changed. If that's the case, then what's your view on slavery and women's rights? They were fighting a war and fighting to protect their rights. Don't you think times have changed a bit, just a little bit, since then?
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