Elementary School Shooting: Newtown, Connecticut. 28 confirmed dead, 18 were children

It takes a special kind of person to see what happened in Newtown and think more guns is the answer. Absolutely astonishing.
So we want Elementary school teachers, all 5 foot 2 inches of 50 year old blue hairness pullin their glocks out and havin a shootout in the hallways complete with cross fire, bad aim and all kinda other **** goin on? :rolleyes
What's even worse is, today with the way money is locked up and schools are cutting back like crazy, the country can't even afford to hire a guard for schools. Someone who could do something, and even then, all he'd get is a regular pistol, he'd still be outgunned by nutjobs. :smh:
I don't know what will, or won't fix the problem. There are multiple factors at work. But I do know one thing, machine guns have no place being avaliable to regular folk. They serve ZERO ******g purpose. Wanna hunt? Have a gun. A rifle. Slow *** couple shots at a time rifle. Want a hand gun to protect yourself, and your home? Have a hand gun. 10 in the clip. 13 in the clip. 12, 15, whatever. But there is NO NEED to have an automatic machine gun with a scope and a hair trigger and 65 in the mag. **** that.
Remove those weapons, and we'll still see shooting from time to time, but we won't see 30 bodies pile up. And that's what it comes down too. If we can't prevent tragedies completely, then we have to at minimum LIMIT them as best we can. Taking these type of weapons out of the equation can only help. There is no downside to people not being able to own submachine guns, and 50 cals, and all that other Neo Matrix **** people wanna buy these days.

Agreed. People aren't grasping this very simple concept. If it reduces the number of mass shootings or homicides by .0001%, then it's worth it. A lot of folks are stuck on the "well it will still happen..." train of thought. That may be true. But if it REDUCES the amount of instances, then what's the downside?


As I stated above, gun control is not a panacea, and should not be treated as such.
Who is making an argument for people being able to walk around strapped like this is the old west though? I know that it's nearly impossible for a regular civilian to posses a concealment permit in California & if I am not mistaken New York state is as strict as they come.
Well apparently the pro gunners think loosening the knot on gun control is the answer...those who want guns get them one way or the other now...changin the law to make them more accessible will do what exactly?...put more guns out on the streets....in a state of paranoia that the US lives in, this will be a catastrophe. How none of you can grasp this is mind blowing.
so why hasn't that happened in states where...

this is allowed?

too much hypebole with da liberal left.
Son you need to start using some common sense man, you live in NY...you know how the mind of a New Yorker works...people are always on edge here the second they step into the subway, you seriously think giving New Yorkers during rush hour the ability to hold heat is the answer....just think of road rage for example in a state like Cali or NY...people loose their mind, God forbid those people are packing and during a road the attack decide to start blasting slugs at your car, killing your baby in the backseat....I mean think about it...if I had a gun on me, we will be shooting back at each other in the middle of traffic jam, god knows who else catches a stray or decides to join the gun fight....you keep thinking people in big overpopulated states are ready for more guns.
It takes a special kind of person to see what happened in Newtown and think more guns is the answer. Absolutely astonishing.

Exactly....people like Rep. Gomhert saying things like this in the aftermath, need to get a damn clue:

"Chris, I wish to God she had had an m-4 in her office, locked up so when she heard gunfire, she pulls it out ... and takes him out and takes his head off before he can kill those precious kids," Gohmert said.

Like cmon dude are you ******* serious?? Yeah, Lets have a wild west shootout with not just ONE automatic weapon, but TWO in an elementary school!! :x with kids in crossfire, I'm sure that would've worked out great, and had tremendous effects on the mental psyches of any children who may have survived :smh: :smh:

The reasoning must if ya go by is that if everyone is holding, individuals will think twice before getting at you, like that's gonna stop them from thinking they can't out gun you, you dudes are regressing back in the times of the wild Wild West, everyone was packing then...I doubt it was a crimeless time.
Apparently we are all tactical shooters with expertise in firearms, COD has taught ya well.
Im saying. He's just talking crazy. I understand where ninja is coming from he's just going to far with it. That is NOT the solution at all for stuff like this.
Havent been watching the news over the weekend cause this stuff is just to sad but can anybody clear up some questions I have.
Who was the dude they arrested in the woods? Last thing I heard was it was his brother.
Who did he kill at his house? I've heard it was mother but on Friday the news said his mother was one of teachers that died.

Don't know who dude in the woods was, but it wasn't his brother. He killed his mother at the house, he lived with her and all the weapons were registered to her.

Don't know why y'all still take Ninjahood's opinion seriously in threads like these.
By that same logic it was stickup kids decision to try and take my necklace (threatening my life in the process) that left him leaking on the pavement. Period.

Try and practice common sense, you can't think for others...stickup boys will do what they do, be aware of your sorroundings and don't walk around with a stack of hundred and a 70k chain on through hostile grounds, because at this point you become as responsible as the aggressor for the end result of what may transpire.

Ninja, that puffy example sucks....he's a celeb, find any pic of him in public and you'll find a 350lb 6'5 bald white dude behind him, who I'm sure is packing and doing it legally...Puff has his protection...he's not stupid, you want to parade with that type of jewelry on you around east New York, you have issues fam...you went out there looking for trouble.

And thats just fine by you ? Just let em do what they do now that your out of the hood... eh?

What specifically gives someone the right to think they can take what is mine and if I dont give it to them its worth my life ?

What difference does the neighborhood im in have to do with how acceptable it is for me to get robbed ?

What difference does it make whether puffy has an armed guard to handle his dirt or if us regular folk handle our own business ourselves. Either way its purely an act of self defense. An act that would never have taken place had the stickup kid chosen a more legit career path. :smh:

Who is making an argument for people being able to walk around strapped like this is the old west though? I know that it's nearly impossible for a regular civilian to posses a concealment permit in California

Well apparently the pro gunners think loosening the knot on gun control is the answer...those who want guns get them one way or the other now...changin the law to make them more accessible will do what exactly?...put more guns out on the streets....in a state of paranoia that the US lives in, this will be a catastrophe. How none of you can grasp this is mind blowing.
so why hasn't that happened in states where...

this is allowed?

too much hypebole with da liberal left.

You cannot be serious....so when you see one civilian on who probably has a permit to carry a weapon walks around, you wouldn't be even get a little nervous or somewhat apprehensive in the slightest? Let alone EVERYBODY having a gun.

Do you realize how many arguments turn in to fist fights outside with drunk people leaving a bar, nightclub, or in domestic disputes, or problems arising at work w/ disgruntled employees or customers, or, since this is NT....a sneaker release?!?! Now imagine all those people were carrying....the number of senseless homicides would increase almost exponentially when people are upset and make spontaneous decisions in the heat of the moment if they had weapons that easily accesible. smh
Are you a moron? Did you even read the note at the bottom of the chart you provided? It explicitly says that the figures do not correspond to actual numbers of guns sold, but only to background checks, which proves the exact opposite of your argument.
Background checks for guns (a form of gun control) have increased over time and has led to a decrease in gun violence.
Please try to read things thoroughly and carefully, especially things you present, before attempting to post them to make a point.

Resorting to name calling, nice. The reason it cannot draw a one to one figure because you only need one background check per purchase. So go sit down somewhere. It's also been reported that gun sales have been at an all time high.




With the articles posted a majority of the studies were conducted during the federal AWB. So meaning that if they were accurate it proves gun control really does nothing.
Son you need to start using some common sense man, you live in NY...you know how the mind of a New Yorker works...people are always on edge here the second they step into the subway, you seriously think giving New Yorkers during rush hour the ability to hold heat is the answer....just think of road rage for example in a state like Cali or NY...people loose their mind, God forbid those people are packing and during a road the attack decide to start blasting slugs at your car, killing your baby in the backseat....I mean think about it...if I had a gun on me, we will be shooting back at each other in the middle of traffic jam, god knows who else catches a stray or decides to join the gun fight....you keep thinking people in big overpopulated states are ready for more guns.
you're still not addressing da fact that people in other states have LAX gun laws and nothing happens over there.

da NYPD walks around wit hammers that are in plain sight and no one panics, you know why? because they're used to seeing cops wit guns, same

way other states are used to seeing armed citizens roaming around.

if it pops off, i rather have da toast on me then not, my grand father took me shooting in DR when i was 7-8 years old (RIP) i know how to shoot.

firearms dont scare me, matter fact, im pursuing my armed security gun license so i can moonlight as those "scary 6+ feet private guards packing"

and when i finally take my piece and attach it to my cuban, im going to every hood like i was doing when i was rocking out with my st. Michael.
One is being portrayed by the media as "troubled, friendless, quiet boy." The other was portrayed as drug dealing thug.
One killed 20 children. The other killed no one

Happens every time. Never fails. Racism is alive and kickin. I'm not even surprised anymore.
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Resorting to name calling, nice. The reason it cannot draw a one to one figure because you only need one background check per purchase. So go sit down somewhere. It's also been reported that gun sales have been at an all time high.
With the articles posted a majority of the studies were conducted during the federal AWB. So meaning that if they were accurate it proves gun control really does nothing.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation recorded more than 16.8 million background checks for gun purchases in 2012, the highest number since the FBI began publishing the data in 1998.


Whatever these gun control activists are doing to curb gun sales.. let me put it to you guys bluntly... ITS NOT WORKING!

I am all for gun control and making guns hard to get, and hugging/smoking trees, and singing kumbaya around a firepit but lets face facts..

1. Living here in the US = Violent
2. The NRA = the Federal Govt
3. Guns are not going anywhere

So what does that mean? It means don't be a victim... go get yourself a gun cause you know damn well everyone else has em!
Son you need to start using some common sense man, you live in NY...you know how the mind of a New Yorker works...people are always on edge here the second they step into the subway, you seriously think giving New Yorkers during rush hour the ability to hold heat is the answer....just think of road rage for example in a state like Cali or NY...people loose their mind, God forbid those people are packing and during a road the attack decide to start blasting slugs at your car, killing your baby in the backseat....I mean think about it...if I had a gun on me, we will be shooting back at each other in the middle of traffic jam, god knows who else catches a stray or decides to join the gun fight....you keep thinking people in big overpopulated states are ready for more guns.

you're still not addressing da fact that people in other states have LAX gun laws and nothing happens over there.

da NYPD walks around wit hammers that are in plain sight and no one panics, you know why? because they're used to seeing cops wit guns, same

way other states are used to seeing armed citizens roaming around.

This simply is not true.

Refer to the myriad of studies I have posted (international and domestic) which suggest that in regions where there are fewer guns and greater restrictions on gun ownership, there are also fewer gun-related deaths.

Here, again, is the graphic illustrating as much from economist Richard Florida:

View media item 174943
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Son you need to start using some common sense man, you live in NY...you know how the mind of a New Yorker works...people are always on edge here the second they step into the subway, you seriously think giving New Yorkers during rush hour the ability to hold heat is the answer....just think of road rage for example in a state like Cali or NY...people loose their mind, God forbid those people are packing and during a road the attack decide to start blasting slugs at your car, killing your baby in the backseat....I mean think about it...if I had a gun on me, we will be shooting back at each other in the middle of traffic jam, god knows who else catches a stray or decides to join the gun fight....you keep thinking people in big overpopulated states are ready for more guns.

you're still not addressing da fact that people in other states have LAX gun laws and nothing happens over there.

da NYPD walks around wit hammers that are in plain sight and no one panics, you know why? because they're used to seeing cops wit guns, same

way other states are used to seeing armed citizens roaming around.
This simply is not true.

Refer to the myriad of studies I have posted (international and domestic) which suggest that in regions where there are fewer guns and greater restrictions on gun ownership, there are also fewer gun-related deaths.

Here, again, is the graphic illustrating as much from economist Richard Florida:
you do you know they take in suicide as part of that chart? that chart doesn't indicate violent crimes in a vacuum.
firearms dont scare me, matter fact, im pursuing my armed security gun license so i can moonlight as those "scary 6+ feet private guards packing"

and when i finally take my piece and attach it to my cuban, im going to every hood like i was doing when i was rocking out with my st. Michael.

ha. Ooooooh, you're THAT guy. No one would be scared of you, dude. Sorry.
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