ELECTION DAY 2008:........... Barack Obama, the next President of the United States of America

either the kid with down syndrome belongs to bristol, or sarah palin is a terrible selfish mother. they revealed bristols pregnancy to stop rumors that trigwas really her kid.................an easier solution would have just been for sarah palin to show proof that trig was her kid....thatd prolly be hard to dosince the kid isnt hers though

i hope the democrats drop this bomb in about a month
I dont trust those polls either cuz, they only represent a few thousand people..... like how can you acurately determine something like this by say 7,000people voting???

election time is election time.....so we'll see, and we still have Debates to come
If McCain truly gained that much support and praise from some Americans by picking Palin as his vp... its truly shows how idoitic a country America has become.

Can't take national polls seriously though.
Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

If McCain truly gained that much support and praise from some Americans by picking Palin as his vp... its truly shows how idoitic a country America has become.

Can't take national polls seriously though.



Sarah Palin either

A. lied about Trig being her child when it really belongs to Bristol


B. put her childs health at risk by flying on a plane when she was 8 months pregnant (youre not supposed to fly once your past 6 or 7 months pregnant) thischick said she took a 12 hour flight AFTER HER WATER BROKE

shes either a liar or shes too stupid to be in office
Originally Posted by pleasesaythe4th

either the kid with down syndrome belongs to bristol, or sarah palin is a terrible selfish mother. they revealed bristols pregnancy to stop rumors that trig was really her kid.................an easier solution would have just been for sarah palin to show proof that trig was her kid....thatd prolly be hard to do since the kid isnt hers though

i hope the democrats drop this bomb in about a month
So now mothers have to PROVE that their daughter are indeed theirs. Where's the court order telling her to take a maternity test?

Do you like watching Soap Opera's by any chance?
Originally Posted by pleasesaythe4th

Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

If McCain truly gained that much support and praise from some Americans by picking Palin as his vp... its truly shows how idoitic a country America has become.

Can't take national polls seriously though.



Sarah Palin either

A. lied about Trig being her child when it really belongs to Bristol


B. put her childs health at risk by flying on a plane when she was 8 months pregnant (youre not supposed to fly once your past 6 or 7 months pregnant) this chick said she took a 12 hour flight AFTER HER WATER BROKE

shes either a liar or shes too stupid to be in office
You do know that they had to induce labor once they got to the hospital.

Survey of 1,000 Likely Voters
September 3, 2008

Are most reporters trying to help Sarah Palin, hurt Sarah Palin, or provide unbiased coverage of Sarah Palin?
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[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]
[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
Provide Unbiased Coverage
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Not Sure
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lmao at all of the obama supporters now discrediting the polls saying "they dont mean anything" when just a few days ago they were shouting"look at the polls, OBAMA UP 6% FTW!!!"
Originally Posted by swizzc

lmao at all of the obama supporters now discrediting the polls saying "they dont mean anything" when just a few days ago they were shouting "look at the polls, OBAMA UP 6% FTW!!!"
I know, it really is hilarious. Same with the "if you aren't voting for Obama you are dump/stupid/ignorant" or whatever word youwant to use.
As an independent it is hilarious that both sides are hyped up about the polls. Say it with me everyone ELECTORAL COLLEGE. For McCain supporters you have tohope that he somehow finds a way to win Michigan or Pennsylvania because if Obama manages to win those two along with all the other "blue states" heis supposed to have(Oregon, California, NY, etc) then he wins this election(by a solid margin) and there is nothing you or the polls can do about it.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by pleasesaythe4th

either the kid with down syndrome belongs to bristol, or sarah palin is a terrible selfish mother. they revealed bristols pregnancy to stop rumors that trig was really her kid.................an easier solution would have just been for sarah palin to show proof that trig was her kid....thatd prolly be hard to do since the kid isnt hers though

i hope the democrats drop this bomb in about a month
So now mothers have to PROVE that their daughter are indeed theirs. Where's the court order telling her to take a maternity test?

Do you like watching Soap Opera's by any chance?

nah i hate soap operas

but seriously though, tell me this

they came out with the news that bristol was pregnant to stop the rumors that trig was her baby............if they wanted to prove that trig was actuallysarahs, they could have done it without putting bristols business out there ......they could have proved that sarah was pregnant

and why did they remove all the pictures off sarah palins website if she has nothing to hide?
lmao @ saying everyone's discrediting the polls now because obama is down. right now they don't mean much-i bet if obama were up, the mccain reporterswould be saying the same things.

like someone already said, right now i wouldn't put too much stock into it. the republicans just had a convention and of course they're going to havethe momentum. i'd wait til after the debates until really taking them more seriously.
Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

I'd want Clinton to win. Her husband was a GREAT president who spent 2 terms in office. He can help her out and give her advice when she needs it.
doubt she'll do as good of a job succeedin Bush which can ultimately damage the good name and reputation that the clintons have maintaned sofar (despite Bill' thrills wit women
Originally Posted by acidicality

1. lmao @ saying everyone's discrediting the polls now because obama is down. right now they don't mean much-i bet if obama were up, the mccain reporters would be saying the same things.

2. like someone already said, right now i wouldn't put too much stock into it. the republicans just had a convention and of course they're going to have the momentum. i'd wait til after the debates until really taking them more seriously.
1. It's true though
and you didn'thear that from me, I already knew when Obama was up 8-9% that wasn't going to last.... McCain is in this battle to win & it's going to be a CLOSErace, Obama isn't running away this.
2. I agree... but obviously people care about politics right now a little more then usual.... Even during the primaries the TV ratings were quite large forprimaries. Then you had 2 back-to-back records.... 1st DNC setting the record for most people watching from home, then to have the RNC beat the DNC the nextweek to set the all time Convention record. People obviously are tuning in & caring a lot. So therefore, even though it's still early, people likemyself still care about what's going on NOW... not a month from now
Originally Posted by pleasesaythe4th

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by pleasesaythe4th

either the kid with down syndrome belongs to bristol, or sarah palin is a terrible selfish mother. they revealed bristols pregnancy to stop rumors that trig was really her kid.................an easier solution would have just been for sarah palin to show proof that trig was her kid....thatd prolly be hard to do since the kid isnt hers though

i hope the democrats drop this bomb in about a month
So now mothers have to PROVE that their daughter are indeed theirs. Where's the court order telling her to take a maternity test?

Do you like watching Soap Opera's by any chance?

nah i hate soap operas

but seriously though, tell me this

they came out with the news that bristol was pregnant to stop the rumors that trig was her baby............if they wanted to prove that trig was actually sarahs, they could have done it without putting bristols business out there ......they could have proved that sarah was pregnant

and why did they remove all the pictures off sarah palins website if she has nothing to hide?
until obama is able to prove his birth certificate is legitimate, no one else is under any obligation to be subject to dna tests.
i find myself leaning towards McCain as election day comes closer and closer...

but i live in california so it doesn't really matter.
Obama went up in the poles during the DNC, and McCain went up in the poles during the RNC. Pretty predictable.

And I'm not discrediting the poles. The poles are the polls. I just noticed that trend.
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Obama went up in the poles during the DNC, and McCain went up in the poles during the RNC. Pretty predictable.

And I'm not discrediting the poles. The poles are the polls. I just noticed that trend.
My dude, how did you manage to do that?
what happened to all the "obama...ftw" posts on here? now all the polls aren't credible, because they don't reflect what a bunch of kids onhere want them to say. it's funny these same polls were giving obama a landslide victory. don't worry kids...it'll be a close election andwe'll see who wins in november.

i believe the polls are shifting towards the republican ticket, because people are seeing through the hype of bho now. he promised all kinds of unrealistic,big government spending programs during his nomination speech and the conservative republicans are more enthusiastic now because of mccain's vp pick.i'm guessing that the polls will shift back and forth by a few points all the way up until november...let's see what happens with the debates.
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