ELECTION DAY 2008:........... Barack Obama, the next President of the United States of America

Olbermann is the man

i didnt see this posted
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by Deuce King

" that gentlemen might not view himself as black."
that is beyond ignorant & it's insulting
Believe it or not, some black people do have conservative values.
1. My comment is neither ignorant and or insulting. There are people that DO NOT view themselves as others see them. For example, just ask any transvestite if you need futher proof. A man can be born as a man, but he may view himself as otherwise. My statement holds true for just about anyone given the situation. Some white people for certain reasons don't view themselves as white, they may be looked at as white by the general population but they may not see themselves as white.
KKK meeting
Yes, cause we all know the latest direction that the McCain campaign as well at the people in attendance doesn't resemble that of a KKK meeting
. It's funny but moreso very sad that white people somehow think they can tell black people what racism is or isn't. Good luck with that one champ.
People in the audience are getting mad because we feel like this country is about to be taken over by a bunch of left wing liberal extremist
2. That may be true and all, but there are also people in that crowd that can't believe that a black man is even coming close to being the next President of the United States. When you realize that point, you and the rest of your conservative brethren that feel that way can open your eyes up to the fact that racism is seeping threw the McCain base right now.
Because I have conservative values & beliefs..... and so do John McCain & Sarah Palin

3. Amazing, the conservative base didn't accept McCain back in 2000 but now all of a sudden you guys are trying to welcome him in with open arms.........frauds if ever I've seen any. Anyway, you can be a conservative or a McCain/Palin supporter prior all you want to, honestly, every one doesn't view the country the same and people have different beliefs and concerns, so I can respect YOU for that. However, I can not accept or condone the negative turn to racism that the McCain/Palin ticket has recently went in, and anyone that supports or agrees with that can or should be seen as racist as well. So with that in mind, why are YOU condoning this form of racism??

1. You don't understand. My point is you're making it seem as though you can't be black AND have conservative values. That if you have conservative values and are black... that that means you DO NOT see yourself as BLACK. That's what I'm taking away from your statements. Perhaps that's not the case but that's what I'm taking away from what you said. And in my opinion that'd be ignorant and insulting.

2. I don't have to wait to realize, that of course that's the case
NO BLACK man has ever been President before. Of course people are going to be shocked that a black man is about to be President. And obviously there is no denying that there are some white people/conservatives that are racist. I'd still reiterate that you shouldn't overlook the fact that there are racist black people too.... that's not to diminish in any way white racism against blacks.

Why would we NOT accept him when he's our nominee and he's running against a VERY liberal opponent. The difference between the 2 candidates is HUGE. I've said before that McCain isn't the most ideal candidate.... he's not conservative enough. But put up agaisnt OBAMA.... come on.... that's not even close AT ALL. McCain is still pretty conservative, don't get it twisted. There are just a few issues that he's differed from conservatives (see the "maverick" label... that wasn't just created for no reason).
And in reguards to 2000.... McCain vs Bush? Bush wins... he's more conservative, so that'd be why he was more accepted by the base then McCain was.
Of course there are going to be lots of different views in this country... there is a reason Bush just won in 2000 and in 2004.... and a reason it's only a 5% race.... and that reason is because there is a large amount of conservatives in this country.

How has it taken a "turn" to racism??
Because they're attacking Obama and he's black?
So we can't attack Obama about some of his policies and associations because he's black, so that's racist?

The reason these "white people" are mad is because Obama is a serious threat to conservatism and his belifs are totally against their/our ideas/values/beliefs.

1. I am not trying to imply that you can not be black and be conservative, that not what I was trying to convey. Michael Steele was running for my homestate (MD) last election. Now Steele back then and even now doesn't rub me the wrong way, but some conservatives do with their mentality that somehowsomone different from them is going to ruin America or somehow hurt them directly.

2. Glad that you're able to realize that a good number of conservatives are racist. That is one of the reasons why most black are hesitant to join theRepublican party even if for some reason they agree with the GOP given platform at the time. Now of course, those same conservatives don't care about theblack community or the black vote because in general that don't care about black people as a whole, hence the racist sentiments that we see or hear fromthe Republican party currently. I know that there are racist black people in the world, but we can clearly see the racism that is rearing its ugly head fromthe McCain campaign and its supporters.

3. How has it turned to racism?? Stop playing games TBONE, with comments like "Kill Him" and "Treason" being screamed and echoed aloud atthe McCain/Palin rallies I would honestly much rather see these same individuals dressed in white sheets with 2 holes in their pillow cases to show their truefeelings, don't try to hide your racism with sly remarks or trying to cover up how you really feel about black people. Like I said before, they arenothing more than FRAUDS in the making.

So we can't attack Obama about some of his policies and associations because he's black,
Sure you can attack Obama about his policies and associations, but what do those associations have to do with anything in thispresent day, nothing at all. Do you or your conservative brethren really think Obama is a terrorist, do you really think he somehow is not America justbecause he doesn't look like you or cause he doesn't have a middle or last name that you have or are familiar with?? Give it up champ, the more youdefend the current direction of the McCain campaign and some of its supporters that are "mad" as you say it, the more its show how you and the restof your conservative brethren are a catalyst for racism in this day and age.

Originally Posted by FinesseSosa

People in the audience are getting mad because we feel like this country is about to be taken over by a bunch of left wing liberal extremist, led by a person who we don't feel should be President for LOTS of reasons. And that Obama and the liberal senate/house are going to push our country toward a socialist existence, the wrong direction, and away from the conservative values that we believe in and love. And also hurt our country in more ways then one.
Ok, A few questions TBONE.


Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source - Share This con·serv·a·tive
�� �/kənˈsɜr
tɪv/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[kuh
n-sur-vuh-tiv] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation -adjective [table][tr][td]1.[/td] [td]disposed to preserve existing conditions, institutions, etc., or to restore traditional ones, and to limit change.[/td] [/tr][/table]
[table][tr][td][/td] [/tr][/table]Ok, Since by definition conservatives are opposed to change, And want things to stay pretty much the way they've always been...How can the McCain/Palin campaign try to run with Obama's "Change" message?

Doesn't that go against everything a true conservative stands for?

Also, Since every president in the history of our country has been a white male, Is it safe to say that some conservatives may be opposed to a black male becoming president? You know, Since it's breaking the norm of their conservative values and what they're used to?


I'd like to hear your thoughts.

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Oh really?

Is this BLACK GUY racist then???

He seems pretty damn fired up just like I am, just like a LOT of people are....

A black man in Wisconsin said this?� Meh.....figures.� Good thing he doesn't represent the majority of voting bruhs out there, myself included.�
Barack Obama is breaking the bank for an 11th-hour network buy.

Obama's campaign has bought 30 minutes of primetime on CBS and NBC to air a special program.

Date and timeslot is the same for both buys: 8 p.m. ET Oct. 29.

As of Thursday, the Obama campaign was also talking to Fox for a similar buy, but potential conflict with the World Series broadcast is hampering negotiations. ABC had also been approached and was beginning the negotiation process with the Obama camp.

While not unprecedented, the move is unusual in that presidential campaigns tend to aim TV spending at local broadcast outlets in specific battleground states. But with so many states in play this election, a network buy could be more efficient and economical.

So far, both Obama and John McCain campaigns have bought network time for ads in daytime hours and during the news hour, but this is the first network buy for a 30-minute primetime slot in the 2008 election. Ross Perot bought a half-hour of network time during his unsuccessful 1992 run for the presidency.

Under federal equal-time rules, CBS and NBC would have to offer similar rates to the McCain campaign if it sought to buy the same amount of air in primetime. In a statement, CBS said, "We will, of course, make an equivalent opportunity available to Senator McCain and other legally qualified candidates upon request."
An article has been written this evening that I just found that captures what I was thinking/feeling/wrote on page 73 about what's goingon..... good article, read it. It further explains what I'm talking about. I made some of the points larger size font that I felt really hit home what Iwas saying.


[h1]Anger Is Crowd's Overarching Emotion at McCain Rally[/h1]
By Michael D. Shear and Perry Bacon Jr.
Washington Post Staff Writers
Friday, October 10, 2008; Page A04

WAUKESHA, Wis., Oct. 9 -- There were shouts of "Nobama" and "Socialist" at the mention of the Democratic presidentialnominee. There were boos, middle fingers turned up and thumbs turned down as a media caravan moved through the crowd Thursday for a midday town hall gatheringfeaturing John McCain and Sarah Palin.

"It is absolutely vital that you take it to Obama, that you hit him where it hits, there's a soft spot," said James T. Harris, a local radiotalk show host, who urged the Republican nominee to use Barack Obama'scontroversial former pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah A. WrightJr., and others against him.

"We have the good Reverend Wright. We have [the Rev. Michael L.] Pfleger. We have all of these shady characters that have surrounded him," Harrisbellowed. "We have corruption here in Wisconsin and voting across the nation. I am begging you, sir. I am begging you. Take it to him."

The crowd of thousands roared its approval.

In recent days, a campaign that embraced the mantra of "Country First" but is flagging in the polls and scrambling for a way toclose the gap as the nation's economy slides into shambles has found itself at the center of an outpouring of raw emotion rare in a presidentialrace.

"There's 26 days and people are looking at the very serious possibility that there's a chance that Obama might get in, and theydon't like that," said Ian Eltrich, 28, as he filed out of the crowded sports complex.

"I'm mad! I'm really mad!" another man said, taking the microphone and refusing to surrender it easily, even whenMcCain tried to agree with him.

"I'm not done. Lemme finish, please," he said after a standing ovation. "When you have Obama, [House Speaker Nancy] Pelosi and the rest of the hooligans up there going to runthe country, we have to have our head examined.

"It's time that you two represent the rest of us. So go get 'em."

The crowd burst into loud chants of "U-S-A! U-S-A!"

Standing at the center of the crowd, McCain and Palin drew on the crowd's energy as they repeatedly trained their fire on Obama.

"Senator Obama has a clear radical, far-left, pro-abortion record," McCain said after being asked about the issue

The answer prompted a shower of boos from the crowd members. They booed again when he mentioned William Ayers, who bombed U.S. facilities to protest the VietnamWar as part of the domestic terrorist group the Weather Underground. They booed again at the mention of Rep.Barney Frank, a liberal from Massachusetts.

McCain spends most of his time at his rallies and town hall meetings lambasting his rival, often calling him a "co-conspirator" with congressionalDemocrats in what he argues are the seeds of the financial crisis at mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

"Will you assure us," one woman asked, "that, as president, you will take immediate action to investigate, prosecute and name the names ofthe people actually responsible?"

"I will," McCain answered.

"The same people that are now claiming credit for this rescue are the same ones that were willing co-conspirators in causing this problem that itis," he said, raising his voice to be heard over the crowd. "You know their names. You will know more of their names."

The crowds that show up for his rallies these days appear to have little appetite for the talk of bipartisan compromise that had been at the heart of hismessage around the Republican NationalConvention. During a rally outside a small airport in Mosinee, Wis., on Thursday, McCain said that "it's time we come together, Democrats andRepublicans to work together. That's my record. I'll reach across the aisle."

The crowd stood silent.

At the town hall gathering here, McCain praised Harris for his "courage" in speaking his mind. But, heedful of the economic chaos gripping thecountry, McCain sought to steer away, at least briefly, from attacks on Obama's character and integrity.

"Yes, I'll do that," he said of the request to "take it to" Obama. "But I also, my friends, want to address the greatestfinancial challenge of our lifetime with a positive plan for action that Senator Obama and I have. We need to restore hope and trust and confidence in Americaand have Americans know that our best days are ahead of us. That's the future and strength and beauty of America."

As the crowd filed out, several said they agreed with the man who said he was mad. Others went further.

"No, I'm not mad, I'm pissed," said Joan Schmitz, who owns a plumbing company here. She said she was frustrated with pollsshowing Obama surging, McCain's performance in a Tuesday night debate, Obama himself, the media, and the liberal group ACORN, which she said wasregistering voters fraudulently.

Noting Obama's connections with Ayers, she said that "if it was a Republican, it would be nonstop," referring to what she saidwas the media ignoring the controversial acquaintance.

"I can't stand to look at him, I don't trust him. I don't like the circle of friends he keeps, I don't like hispolicies," Schmitz said of Obama. "I'm pissed off by it. I'm beyond mad. How is he climbing up in the polls?"

On the way into the event, the Republican Party of Wisconsin handed out fliers reading "Your Vote Is Being Stolen," an anti-ACORNleaflet that concluded, "Why is vote fraud allowed? Vote fraud is allowed since it benefits Democrats."

The crowd showed equal disdain for the media, fueled by comments from Palin, who encouraged the Republican supporters to take thecampaign's message around the media. "I can't pick a fight with those who buy ink by the barrel," she said. "It's dangerousterritory whenever I suggest the mainstream media isn't asking all the questions."

That message was clearly shared among the crowd. Mike Payne, who traveled from Madison, Wis., for the rally, rejected the idea that McCain's supportersare angry, preferring to use the word "frustrated."

"It might have something to do with you guys," he told a reporter.

"It's not anger at all. It's frustration. There's millions of people around the country that think like we do. You guysrefuse to acknowledge that, and you insult our intelligence by misreporting the information. You are treating [Obama] like he's Britney Spears and covering him like he's Paris Hilton, instead of the next president of the United States,potentially."

McCain advisers dismissed the crowd's angry tone as an exception and not representative of most of the campaign's events. And they noted that thosegathered seemed most upset by the media's handling of the contest, and simply wanted McCain to be more aggressive.

They also noted that many of McCain's events are attended by liberal protesters, who often yell epithets and hold angry signs as McCain's bus drivesby. And they recalled angry words from Obama at a rally in Las Vegas last month, in which he urged supporters to talk to their friends and neighbors, saying"I want you to argue with them and get in their face.
Originally Posted by FinesseSosa

People in the audience are getting mad because we feel like this country is about to be taken over by a bunch of left wing liberal extremist, led by a person who we don't feel should be President for LOTS of reasons. And that Obama and the liberal senate/house are going to push our country toward a socialist existence, the wrong direction, and away from the conservative values that we believe in and love. And also hurt our country in more ways then one.
Ok, A few questions TBONE.
Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source - Share This con·serv·a·tive
�� �/kənˈsɜr
tɪv/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[kuh
n-sur-vuh-tiv] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation -adjective [table][tr][td]1.[/td] [td]disposed to preserve existing conditions, institutions, etc., or to restore traditional ones, and to limit change.[/td] [/tr][/table]
Ok, Since by definition conservatives are opposed to change, And want things to stay pretty much the way they've always been...How can the McCain/Palin campaign try to run with Obama's "Change" message?

Doesn't that go against everything a true conservative stands for?

Also, Since every president in the history of our country has been a white male, Is it safe to say that some conservatives may be opposed to a black male becoming president? You know, Since it's breaking the norm of their conservative values and what they're used to?

1. I don't why you're using some dictionary definition of "conservative"... although some of those principals doapply to what a "conservative" PERSON is, that definition isn't specifically defining what a (conservative) PERSON is..... There are actualconservative values/ideas/beliefs..... so you're somewhat twisting it into a context to benefit you.

2A. First of all... Obama isn't "changing" anything, that's pure non-sense. His values are not "different" or"change".... he's no different then any other liberal Democrat, except for the fact he's more liberal then the average Democrat in America.The only thing that is "change" is "change" from conservative/Republican ideology that Bush has had in office the past 8 years... so peopleare hopping on the idea of wanting something different... which I explained on page 71 is one of the reasons that makes it very likely that Obama WILL win.

2B. The "change" case that McCain was making at some point was more of a good change vs bad change. In other words, Obama's "change"will be for the worse while the way McCain will go about things as President are the right "change".
What "change" you may ask? Believe it or not.... McCain & Bush differ on a decent amount of things
shocking I know. Also the way many Republicans (house/senate), Bush included... have conducted themselves and some of the decisions they've madeare NOT conservative values/ideas. Two prime examples right off the top of my head..... 1. voting for the STUPID bailout deal
2. Spending wayyyyyy too much money. The hell were all of these people thinking
conservatives are suppose to be fisically CONSERVATIVE.

3. Do you really need me to answer your last question? You've seen all the YouTube videos.... I don't think you need me to answer your question. Thathowever does NOT mean the majority of conservatives are RACIST.
LOL at voter fraud. I guess Repubs would know best though, eh?

In all seriousness though, these people sound really salty. Their man is down in the polls and all signs point to him losing--they have to pick something tofocus on and complain about. It's only natural, I guess. But ACORN? Really? Why the talk about it NOW? Ohhhhh, that's right--because time is dwindlingdown until election day and something has got to be done about Obama's lead. Here's an idea: FOCUS ON THE REAL ISSUES. I've found that McCainsupporters don't deal with reality too well, as in what really matters. All that energy could be focused in a positive way.

But there is TONS of time left 'til election day, so we'll see what happens. As a dude that is voting for Obama, I'm still not comfortable withthis situation. I feel like we're being set up with all the talk of him running away with this thing, only to see some shenannigans occur and have him loseby the smallest of margins. And I'm still not comfortable with how race will play a part in this election. As time gets closer, and the reality of a(half)Black man as president sets in, I can see people heading to the polls in droves so he doesn't win. Call me pessimistic, but that is where our countryis at, IMO.
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

1. You don't understand. My point is you're making it seem as though you can't be black AND have conservative values. That if you have conservative values and are black... that that means you DO NOT see yourself as BLACK. That's what I'm taking away from your statements. Perhaps that's not the case but that's what I'm taking away from what you said. And in my opinion that'd be ignorant and insulting.

2. I don't have to wait to realize, that of course that's the case
NO BLACK man has ever been President before. Of course people are going to be shocked that a black man is about to be President. And obviously there is no denying that there are some white people/conservatives that are racist. I'd still reiterate that you shouldn't overlook the fact that there are racist black people too.... that's not to diminish in any way white racism against blacks.

Why would we NOT accept him when he's our nominee and he's running against a VERY liberal opponent. The difference between the 2 candidates is HUGE. I've said before that McCain isn't the most ideal candidate.... he's not conservative enough. But put up agaisnt OBAMA.... come on.... that's not even close AT ALL. McCain is still pretty conservative, don't get it twisted. There are just a few issues that he's differed from conservatives (see the "maverick" label... that wasn't just created for no reason).
And in reguards to 2000.... McCain vs Bush? Bush wins... he's more conservative, so that'd be why he was more accepted by the base then McCain was.
Of course there are going to be lots of different views in this country... there is a reason Bush just won in 2000 and in 2004.... and a reason it's only a 5% race.... and that reason is because there is a large amount of conservatives in this country.

How has it taken a "turn" to racism??
Because they're attacking Obama and he's black?
So we can't attack Obama about some of his policies and associations because he's black, so that's racist?

The reason these "white people" are mad is because Obama is a serious threat to conservatism and his belifs are totally against their/our ideas/values/beliefs.
1. I am not trying to imply that you can not be black and be conservative, that not what I was trying to convey. Michael Steele was running for my home state (MD) last election. Now Steele back then and even now doesn't rub me the wrong way, but some conservatives do with their mentality that somehow somone different from them is going to ruin America or somehow hurt them directly.

2. Glad that you're able to realize that a good number of conservatives are racist. That is one of the reasons why most black are hesitant to join the Republican party even if for some reason they agree with the GOP given platform at the time. Now of course, those same conservatives don't care about the black community or the black vote because in general that don't care about black people as a whole, hence the racist sentiments that we see or hear from the Republican party currently. I know that there are racist black people in the world, but we can clearly see the racism that is rearing its ugly head from the McCain campaign and its supporters.

3. How has it turned to racism?? Stop playing games TBONE, with comments like "Kill Him" and "Treason" being screamed and echoed aloud at the McCain/Palin rallies I would honestly much rather see these same individuals dressed in white sheets with 2 holes in their pillow cases to show their true feelings, don't try to hide your racism with sly remarks or trying to cover up how you really feel about black people. Like I said before, they are nothing more than FRAUDS in the making.
So we can't attack Obama about some of his policies and associations because he's black,
4. Sure you can attack Obama about his policies and associations, but what do those associations have to do with anything in this present day, nothing at all. Do you or your conservative brethren really think Obama is a terrorist, do you really think he somehow is not America just because he doesn't look like you or cause he doesn't have a middle or last name that you have or are familiar with?? Give it up champ, the more you defend the current direction of the McCain campaign and some of its supporters that are "mad" as you say it, the more its show how you and the rest of your conservative brethren are a catalyst for racism in this day and age.

1. Alright good, I'm glad you aren't. I like Steele
Intelligent man, enjoy listening to him speak. I think you need to separate the"someone different" though. I hope you aren't assuming all conservatives who feel he is "different" are racists. There are LOTS ofconservatives who feel he is "different" because he is LIBERAL.

2. There is a portion that are racist, what % that is can be argued... and I'd say you probably think it's higher then it actually is... which isreasonable considering the glorified YouTube videos.
at these blanket statements about conservatives & their attitudes towardblack people

3. Okay you saw a video on YouTube.... maybe seen a few videos on YouTube.... these blanket statements/generalizations are

4. In my opinion and many others they have a LOT to do with present day.... who he is, and his judgement. But we'll disagree on that.
No they don't all think he is a terrorist... it's just one YouTube video

I don't think he's not American.
Give it up champ, the more you defend the current direction of the McCain campaign and some of itssupporters that are "mad" as you say it, the more its show how you and the rest of your conservative brethren are a catalyst for racism in this dayand age."
I'll let that slide.... just because I know you're coming froma different view/perspective, being that you're African American.... which is fair.

@ stupid conservatives more upset about Obama being ahead of theircandidate rather than upset about America's economy. These people priorities are so ridiculous its sad. Cats begging McCain to bring up Ayers... whatexactly does that do for America right now having to combat high energy prices, high unemployment, an unstable economy. Conservatives are so out of touch withthe majority of Americans, its like their an archaic brand. Their so consumed by narrow minded political ideology that they are incapable of realizing reality.
Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

@ stupid conservatives more upset about Obama being ahead of their candidate rather than upset about America's economy. These people priorities are so ridiculous its sad. Cats begging McCain to bring up Ayers... what exactly does that do for America right now having to combat high energy prices, high un-employment, an unstable economy. Conservatives are so out of touch with the majority of Americans, its like their an archaic brand. Their so consumed by narrow minded political ideology that they are incapable of realizing reality.
Well said.

Did I just compliment BFA? Man, I'm getting soft(pause) in my old age.
man this is ridiculous

this just shows all the ignorant people are going to vote for what they remember last

so whoever makes the biggest impact closest to election day is go get majority of the "idiot votes"

man i just don't understand how people can be so dumb
Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

@ stupid conservatives more upset about Obama being ahead of their candidate rather than upset about America's economy. These people priorities are so ridiculous its sad. Cats begging McCain to bring up Ayers... what exactly does that do for America right now having to combat high energy prices, high un-employment, an unstable economy. Conservatives are so out of touch with the majority of Americans, its like their an archaic brand. Their so consumed by narrow minded political ideology that they are incapable of realizing reality.
Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

@ stupid conservatives more upset about Obama being ahead of their candidate rather than upset about America's economy. These people priorities are so ridiculous its sad. Cats begging McCain to bring up Ayers... what exactly does that do for America right now having to combat high energy prices, high unemployment, an unstable economy. Conservatives are so out of touch with the majority of Americans, its like their an archaic brand. Their so consumed by narrow minded political ideology that they are incapable of realizing reality.
More upsest about Obama being ahead of their candidate rather than upset about American's economy?

Hey genius....
You ever thought that they go HAND-IN-HAND.
Us conservatives believe if Obama is elected President he's going to destroy our economy even worse, while if McCain gets in we might actually have achance.
Obama wants to raise the capital gains tax, raise the corporate tax and raise taxes on small business owners. Just awesome ideas that will help the economy

What does Ayers have to do with comating high energy prices, high unemployment, and unstable economy?
The fact that we believe if Obama gets elected he has the WRONG answers for all those problems and McCain has the RIGHT answers. And some of those answers asto how he'd go about dealing with the problems that face this nation we believe are affected by his judgement and ideology.... which his associations withpeople like Ayears display.

High energy prices..... McCain wants off-shore drilling, McCain wants nuclear plants, McCain wants clean coal
High unemployment..... Obama wants to raise the taxes on small business owners, aka $250,000+, which would lead to people losing jobs.... increadingunemployment.
Unstable economy..... we don't need socialist principals applied to our economy. This country didn't become great through social principals, it becamegreat through capitalism and a free market.
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Unstable economy..... we don't need socialist principals applied to our economy. This country didn't become great through social principals, it became great through capitalism and a free market.
Hummm... I suppose this is a free market system


John McCain will direct his Treasury Secretary to implement an American Homeownership Resurgence Plan (McCain Resurgence Plan) to keep families in their homes, avoid foreclosures, save failing neighborhoods, stabilize the housing market and attack the roots of our financial crisis. America's families are bearing a heavy burden from falling housing prices, mortgage delinquencies, foreclosures, and a weak economy. It is important that those families who have worked hard enough to finance homeownership not have that dream crushed under the weight of the wrong mortgage. The existing debts are too large compared to the value of housing. For those that cannot make payments, mortgages must be re-structured to put losses on the books and put homeowners in manageable mortgages. Lenders in these cases must recognize the loss that they've already suffered.

The McCain Resurgence Plan would purchase mortgages directly from homeowners and mortgage servicers, and replace them with m anageable, fixed-rate mortgages that will keep families in their homes. By purchasing the existing, failing mortgages the McCain resurgence plan will eliminate uncertainty over defaults, support the value of mortgage-backed derivatives and alleviate risks that are freezing financial markets.

The McCain resurgence plan would be available to mortgage holders that:

· Live in the home (primary residence only)
· Can prove their creditworthiness at the time of the original loan (no falsifications and provided a down payment).

The new mortgage would be an FHA-guaranteed fixed-rate mortgage at terms manageable for the homeowner. The direct cost of this plan would be roughly $300 billion because the purchase of mortgages would relieve homeowners of "negative equity" in some homes. Funds provided by Congress in recent financial market stabilization bill can be used for this purpose; indeed by stabilizing mortgages it will likely be possible to avoid some purposes previously assumed needed in that bill.

The plan could be implemented quickly as a result of the authorities provided in the stabilization bill, the recent housing bill, and the U.S. government's conservatorship of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. It may be necessary for Congress to raise the overall borrowing limit
Hey what about Henry Paulson proposing today a plan to take government stakes in American Banks, thats following the conservative principles ofless government .. The Gipper is somewhere gagging ehhh
This is kinda like a boxing match

TBONE vs. Everybody - Melee at the Message Board
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

@ stupid conservatives more upset about Obama being ahead of their candidate rather than upset about America's economy. These people priorities are so ridiculous its sad. Cats begging McCain to bring up Ayers... what exactly does that do for America right now having to combat high energy prices, high unemployment, an unstable economy. Conservatives are so out of touch with the majority of Americans, its like their an archaic brand. Their so consumed by narrow minded political ideology that they are incapable of realizing reality.
More upsest about Obama being ahead of their candidate rather than upset about American's economy?

Hey genius....
You ever thought that they go HAND-IN-HAND.
Us conservatives believe if Obama is elected President he's going to destroy our economy even worse, while if McCain gets in we might actually have a chance.
Obama wants to raise the capital gains tax, raise the corporate tax and raise taxes on small business owners. Just awesome ideas that will help the economy

What does Ayers have to do with comating high energy prices, high unemployment, and unstable economy?
The fact that we believe if Obama gets elected he has the WRONG answers for all those problems and McCain has the RIGHT answers. And some of those answers as to how he'd go about dealing with the problems that face this nation we believe are affected by his judgement and ideology.... which his associations with people like Ayears display.

High energy prices..... McCain wants off-shore drilling, McCain wants nuclear plants, McCain wants clean coal
High unemployment..... Obama wants to raise the taxes on small business owners, aka $250,000+, which would lead to people losing jobs.... increading unemployment.
Unstable economy..... we don't need socialist principals applied to our economy. This country didn't become great through social principals, it became great through capitalism and a free market.

I don't think John McCain wants people digging through his closet because both him and Palin have some shady connections.
2A. First of all... Obama isn't "changing" anything, that's pure non-sense. His values are not "different" or"change".... he's no different then any other liberal Democrat, except for the fact he's more liberal then the average Democrat in America.The only thing that is "change" is "change" from conservative/Republican ideology that Bush has had in office the past 8 years... so peopleare hopping on the idea of wanting something different... which I explained on page 71 is one of the reasons that makes it very likely that Obama WILL win.

Yeah cause you can tell the future and all. Funny that his message worked so well McCain tried to swagger jack it. I don't understand how you feelcomfortable with a man like mccain who is has a bonified anger problem and is starting to lose it plus having palin on the ticket. His campaign has beennothing but low ball attacks and ducktales and it is catching up to him. It is time we have a president that represents the people and is from the bottum up,not some spoiled army brat that have had things handed to him all his life.
2A. First of all... Obama isn't "changing" anything, that's pure non-sense. His values are not "different" or"change".... he's no different then any other liberal Democrat, except for the fact he's more liberal then the average Democrat in America.The only thing that is "change" is "change" from conservative/Republican ideology that Bush has had in office the past 8 years... so peopleare hopping on the idea of wanting something different... which I explained on page 71 is one of the reasons that makes it very likely that Obama WILL win.

Yeah cause you can tell the future and all. Funny that his message worked so well McCain tried to swagger jack it. I don't understand how you feelcomfortable with a man like mccain who is has a bonified anger problem and is starting to lose it plus having palin on the ticket. His campaign has beennothing but low ball attacks and ducktales and it is catching up to him. It is time we have a president that represents the people and is from the bottum up,not some spoiled army brat that have had things handed to him all his life.
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