ELECTION DAY 2008:........... Barack Obama, the next President of the United States of America

Originally Posted by chris boshs neck


LOL that video made my day, damn some americans are idiots.... If I were a republican I would be ashamed.
Some democrats are just as stupid.

And no, I'm not a republican.
TBONE95860 wrote:
Oh really?

Is this BLACK GUY racist then???

He seems pretty damn fired up just like I am, just like a LOT of people are....

He could be, you do know its�possible to be racist against people of your own color simply because that gentlemen might not view himself as black.� Also, I hada feeling you or someone would bring that�video clip into this thread, not even in response to my post but to somehow say perhaps�"hey,�here's a blackperson that�not for�Obama" as if that's suppose to somehow prove something.� In regards to that black guy, it�could be a number of things for�him, hecould be a huge McCain supporter, or he�could have been paid by the GOP camp to make that statement and for them to use it as I stated to somehow show thatthere are�"black people against Obama"� Also, you still diverted from my original post, that the direction that the McCain campaign and the recentrally's that�they are hosting�as well as the overall tone and feelings of the individuals there in attendance are more along the�lines of a ku kluxklan�meeting as opposed to a political rally.� ��
Originally Posted by BayEST

SMH at the people in this video, and their answers...
Let me say that I do NOT condone such statements, nor do I think Obama is a terrorist.
Originally Posted by nYcHipHopHippo

Originally Posted by chris boshs neck


LOL that video made my day, damn some americans are idiots.... If I were a republican I would be ashamed.
Some democrats are just as stupid.
It definitely goes both ways.

Further information from MSNBC's blog about the 2 videos above & also what I touched on
Relatively good blog, check it out.

From NBC/NJ's Adam Aigner-Treworgy
MOSINEE, Wisc.�-- After this afternoon's town hall the McCain campaign might be satisfied that their recent attacks onObama are starting to seep into the public consciousness, or at least the consciousness of conservative voters in Waukesha.

At the campaign's second joint town hall event featuring both McCain and his running mate, several McCain talking points wereechoed back to the candidates by questioners including Obama's "shady" associations, which were brought up twice by members of the audience.

One questioner railed against "the socialists taking over our country" who he later identified as "Obama,Pelosi and the rest of the hooligans" in Congress' Democratic majority, and an Iraq War veteran in the audience even brought upObama's comments about troops in Afghanistan "killing civilians" that are often used as an attack line by McCain.

"We're all wondering why that Obama is where he's at, how he got here," one questioner asked McCain. "I meaneverybody in this room is stunned that we're in this position. We are all a product of our associations, is there not a way to get around this media andline up the people that he has hung with?"

This question prompted McCain to address Obama's relationship with Bill Ayers for the first time on the campaign trail, although heavoided using his name and instead focused his attack on "whether Sen. Obama is telling the truth to the American people or not."

"With your help and the people in this room, we will find out just as Sen. Clinton said in the primary that weshould find out about this association," McCain said. "Look, we don't care about an old, washed up terrorist and his wife who still, at least onSept. 11, 2001 said he still wanted to bomb more, that's not the point here. The point is Sen. Obama said he was just a guy in the neighborhood. We knowthat's not true. We need to know the full extent of the relationship."

A local African-American conservative talk radio host named James T. Harris also brought up what he called Obama's "softspot," which he said included "ACORN," "the good Rev.Wright," and other "shady characters that have surrounded him."

"I am begging you, sir," Harris said. "I am begging you. Take it to him."

Earlier in the event, several attendees in the balcony of the local sports complex were yelling "ACORN" so loudly that McCainwas compelled to address it.
"Now, let me just say to you, there are serious allegations of voter fraud in the battleground states acrossAmerica," McCain said. "They must be investigated and no one should corrupt the most precious right we have, and that is the right to vote.
Originally Posted by BayEST

SMH at the people in this video, and their answers...
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Oh really?

Is this BLACK GUY racist then???

He seems pretty damn fired up just like I am, just like a LOT of people are....

He could be, you do know its�possible to be racist against people of your own color simply because that gentlemen might not view himself as black.� Also, I had a feeling you or someone would bring that�video clip into this thread, not even in response to my post but to somehow say perhaps�"hey,�here's a black person that�not for�Obama" as if that's suppose to somehow prove something.� In regards to that black guy, it�could be a number of things for�him, he could be a huge McCain supporter, or he�could have been paid by the GOP camp to make that statement and for them to use it as I stated to somehow show that there are�"black people against Obama"� Also, you still diverted from my original post, that the direction that the McCain campaign and the recent rally's that�they are hosting�as well as the overall tone and feelings of the individuals there in attendance are more along the�lines of a ku klux klan�meeting as opposed to a political rally.� ��
Of course it is possible to be racist against people of your own color.
That video clip isn't suppose to prove anything except that like I said, conservatives are getting fired up.
Paid by the GOP camp
no. He's actually a local conservative talk radio host.
So yes, he believes in and supports conservatives ideas.
" that gentlemen might not view himself as black."
thatis beyond ignorant & it's insulting
Believe it or not, some black people do have conservative values.

Diverted from your original post? No.
KKK meeting

How come so many of you can't realize that there are LOTS of people who hold CONSERVATIVE VALUES aka the OPPOSITE of liberal values aka the OPPOSITE ofBarack Obama.

People in the audience are getting mad because we feel like this country is about to be taken over by a bunch of left wing liberal extremist, led by a personwho we don't feel should be President for LOTS of reasons. And that Obama and the liberal senate/house are going to push our country toward a socialistexistence, the wrong direction, and away from the conservative values that we believe in and love. And also hurt our country in more ways then one.

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Let me say that I do NOT condone such statements, nor do I think Obama is a terrorist.
Then how or more importantly why do you continue to support the McCain ticket??

Because I have conservative values & beliefs..... and so do John McCain & Sarah Palin
Also, you still diverted from my original post, that the direction that the McCain campaign and the recent rally's that they are hosting as well as the overall tone and feelings of the individuals there in attendance are more along the lines of a ku klux klan meeting as opposed to a political rally.

based on this video, i would say this statement is accurate....and the way that lady said "OBAMAAAA"
she might as well call the troops on "THAT ONE"


People in the audience are getting mad because we feel like this country is about to be taken over by a bunch of left wing liberal extremist, led by a person who we don't feel should be President for LOTS of reasons. And that Obama and the liberal senate/house are going to push our country toward a socialist existence, the wrong direction, and away from the conservative values that we believe in and love. And also hurt our country in more ways then one

your beliefs are your beliefs and that's all fine and dandy.....but is that what you call a MAD audience?? can you link me to a video
where obama supporters are acting "MAD" towards mc cain? i would greatly appreciate it.....
@ McCain/Palin rallieslooking like Klan rallies. White people getting angry.... people shouting "kill him" and racial epithets.
Originally Posted by BayEST

SMH at the people in this video, and their answers...
all this video does is show u that john mccain could still easily win the election, it just goes to show that mccain and palin know exactly whattheyre doing with this message that theyre trying to stir up, its obvious they want the uneducated and the uninformed to see him as a terrorist even thoughtheyre pulling that "we dont condone that " BS

its scary cause i think most people on this board are educated well enough not to develop this kind of mindset after hearing one of mccain and palin'srallies, i know that when most of us watch the kinds of speeches they give in their rallies, we sort of just brush it off and laugh at it cause we've beenexposed to multiple sides, as for these people its pretty obvious that they dont watch the national news and are only aware of what mccain and palin are sayingto their faces

to add to this hatred that theyre trying to stir up towards obama, did anyone find absolutely disgusting when john mccains wife said "the day barack obamavoted against funding the troops, it sent shivers down my spine"
" that gentlemen might not view himself as black."
that is beyond ignorant & it's insulting
Believe it or not, some black people do have conservative values.

My comment is neither ignorant and or insulting. There are people that DO NOT view themselves as others see them. For example, just ask any transvestite ifyou need futher proof. A man can be born as a man, but he may view himself as otherwise. My statement holds true for just about anyone given the situation. Some white people for certain reasons don't view themselves as white, they may be looked at as white by the general population but they may not seethemselves as white.

KKK meeting
Yes, cause we all know the latest direction that the McCain campaign as well at the people in attendance doesn't resemble that of a KKKmeeting
. It's funny but moreso very sadthat white people somehow think they can tell black people what racism is or isn't. Good luck with that one champ.

People in the audience are getting mad because we feel like this country is about to be taken over by a bunch of left wing liberal extremist
That may be true and all, but there are also people in that crowd that can't believe that a black man is even coming close to being the nextPresident of the United States. When you realize that point, you and the rest of your conservative brethren that feel that way can open your eyes up to thefact that racism is seeping threw the McCain base right now.

Because I have conservative values & beliefs..... and so do John McCain & Sarah Palin

Amazing, the conservative base didn't accept McCain back in 2000 but now all of a sudden you guys are trying to welcome him in with openarms.........frauds if ever I've seen any. Anyway, you can be a conservative or a McCain/Palin supporter prior all you want to, honestly, every onedoesn't view the country the same and people have different beliefs and concerns, so I can respect YOU for that. However, I can not accept or condone thenegative turn to racism that the McCain/Palin ticket has recently went in, and anyone that supports or agrees with that can or should be seen as racist aswell. So with that in mind, why are YOU condoning this form of racism??
i'll tell you this...

being a fan of hip hop music, artists do have their videos of talking mess about mccain/palin (racial slurs on a particular one), BUT IF YOU WENT TO ANOFFICIAL RALLY FOR OBAMA and asked commited voters what they think of mccain/palin, especially palin, the answers would be legit knowledgeable answers. nonewould be to the extent of what these people are saying.

Actually, the anwers in this video arent even extreme, JUST IGNORANT, but actually, THAT IS PRETTY EXTREME. I couldn't believe what I saw after watchingthat
At the end of the day the country, especially the economy is in very, very , very bad shape. I would rather both candidates spend more time explaining theirvarious economic plans than attacking each other with this guilt by association mess.
You can't look at the people at one of the those rallies and tell me 75% of them would vote for a black man even if he was the better candidate.
Originally Posted by WILLINC

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

this brother.
It was a setup, this @@%$! was paid off,
, word to the televised event. Realtalk, after son got his cheese, he was seen at a Obama rallyraising the roof,

Greed, it's what @%@+** our economy,
Originally Posted by BayEST

These people are soooooo stupid.

Get with the facts you damn clowns.

"look at the bloodlines"

"the connections"

"his name says it all"

"he's a terrorist"

I would love to smack some commonsense and facts into these idiots.
Originally Posted by nyzMaGiciAn

Originally Posted by BayEST

These people are soooooo stupid.

Get with the facts you damn clowns.

"look at the bloodlines"

"the connections"

"his name says it all"

"he's a terrorist"

I would love to smack some commonsense and facts into these idiots.
the sad thig is that that my mom thinks the same thing.

To bad i cant slap her
Originally Posted by Deuce King

" that gentlemen might not view himself as black."
that is beyond ignorant & it's insulting
Believe it or not, some black people do have conservative values.
1. My comment is neither ignorant and or insulting. There are people that DO NOT view themselves as others see them. For example, just ask any transvestite if you need futher proof. A man can be born as a man, but he may view himself as otherwise. My statement holds true for just about anyone given the situation. Some white people for certain reasons don't view themselves as white, they may be looked at as white by the general population but they may not see themselves as white.
KKK meeting
Yes, cause we all know the latest direction that the McCain campaign as well at the people in attendance doesn't resemble that of a KKK meeting
. It's funny but moreso very sad that white people somehow think they can tell black people what racism is or isn't. Good luck with that one champ.
People in the audience are getting mad because we feel like this country is about to be taken over by a bunch of left wing liberal extremist
2. That may be true and all, but there are also people in that crowd that can't believe that a black man is even coming close to being the next President of the United States. When you realize that point, you and the rest of your conservative brethren that feel that way can open your eyes up to the fact that racism is seeping threw the McCain base right now.
Because I have conservative values & beliefs..... and so do John McCain & Sarah Palin

3. Amazing, the conservative base didn't accept McCain back in 2000 but now all of a sudden you guys are trying to welcome him in with open arms.........frauds if ever I've seen any. Anyway, you can be a conservative or a McCain/Palin supporter prior all you want to, honestly, every one doesn't view the country the same and people have different beliefs and concerns, so I can respect YOU for that. However, I can not accept or condone the negative turn to racism that the McCain/Palin ticket has recently went in, and anyone that supports or agrees with that can or should be seen as racist as well. So with that in mind, why are YOU condoning this form of racism??

1. You don't understand. My point is you're making it seem as though you can't be black AND have conservative values.That if you have conservative values and are black... that that means you DO NOT see yourself as BLACK. That's what I'm taking away from yourstatements. Perhaps that's not the case but that's what I'm taking away from what you said. And in my opinion that'd be ignorant and insulting.

2. I don't have to wait to realize, that of course that's the case
NO BLACK man has ever been President before. Of course people are going to be shocked that a black man is about to be President. And obviously thereis no denying that there are some white people/conservatives that are racist. I'd still reiterate that you shouldn't overlook the fact that there areracist black people too.... that's not to diminish in any way white racism against blacks.

Why would we NOT accept him when he's our nominee andhe's running against a VERY liberal opponent. The difference between the 2 candidates is HUGE. I've said before that McCain isn't the most idealcandidate.... he's not conservative enough. But put up agaisnt OBAMA.... come on.... that's not even close AT ALL. McCain is still pretty conservative,don't get it twisted. There are just a few issues that he's differed from conservatives (see the "maverick" label... that wasn't justcreated for no reason).
And in reguards to 2000.... McCain vs Bush? Bush wins... he's more conservative, so that'd be why he was more accepted by the base then McCain was.
Of course there are going to be lots of different views in this country... there is a reason Bush just won in 2000 and in 2004.... and a reason it's only a5% race.... and that reason is because there is a large amount of conservatives in this country.

How has it taken a "turn" to racism??
Because they're attacking Obama and he's black?
So we can't attack Obama about some of his policies and associations because he's black, so that's racist?

The reason these "white people" are mad is because Obama is a serious threat to conservatism and his belifs are totally against their/ourideas/values/beliefs.
People in the audience are getting mad because we feel like this country is about to be taken over by a bunch of left wing liberal extremist, led by a person who we don't feel should be President for LOTS of reasons. And that Obama and the liberal senate/house are going to push our country toward a socialist existence, the wrong direction, and away from the conservative values that we believe in and love. And also hurt our country in more ways then one.
Ok, A few questions TBONE.


Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source - Share This con·serv·a·tive
�� �/kənˈsɜr
tɪv/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[kuh
n-sur-vuh-tiv] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation -adjective [table][tr][td]1.[/td] [td]disposed to preserve existing conditions, institutions, etc., or to restore traditional ones, and to limit change.[/td] [/tr][/table]
[table][tr][td][/td] [/tr][/table]Ok, Since by definition conservatives are opposed to change, And want things to stay pretty much the way they've always been...How can theMcCain/Palin campaign try to run with Obama's "Change" message?

Doesn't that go against everything a true conservative stands for?

Also, Since every president in the history of our country has been a white male, Is it safe to say that someconservatives may be opposed to a black male becoming president? You know, Since it's breaking the norm of their conservative values and what they'reused to?


I'd like to hear your thoughts.
Originally Posted by jman23s

Originally Posted by nyzMaGiciAn

Originally Posted by BayEST

These people are soooooo stupid.

Get with the facts you damn clowns.

"look at the bloodlines"

"the connections"

"his name says it all"

"he's a terrorist"

I would love to smack some commonsense and facts into these idiots.
the sad thing is that that my mom thinks the same thing.

To bad i cant slap her
Then allow me to smack some knowledge into her.
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