ELECTION DAY 2008:........... Barack Obama, the next President of the United States of America

Originally Posted by K8be wan Kenobi

Do ya'll peep the thin Bulletproof shield Obama is speaking in front of? You can just make out the corner of it...

it was the clear from the start he was speaking infront of one Bush does also
Originally Posted by WallyHopp

Originally Posted by NayokoChan

notice how the Obama supporters clapped politely when he mentioned McCain, but the McCain fans booed Obama hardcore when McCain mentioned him
itd be the same way if obama lost. best believe that.
you're right, i'm not denying that. just pointing it out as others did.
Originally Posted by Elocin023

Originally Posted by OvATyME316

I might low ball shed a tear during his speech.
I did. My first presidential election. My first time voting. My vote for president counting, meaning something and being a part of history.
It's moving.
I'm just tearing up. My last election I felt mines didn't count. Now, I have a renewed hope.

Now, I want him to shut up all the naysayers and do a good job while in office.
Originally Posted by Black Milk

why would he need a bulletproof shield in his hometown? Lame dudes always want something stupid to talk about
Racism is everywhere man.....
why would he need a bulletproof shield in his hometown? Lame dudes always want something stupid to talk about
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