ELECTION DAY 2008:........... Barack Obama, the next President of the United States of America

Props to McCain for going out gracefully. From the beginning, it's never been that I hated McCain or anything. It's been about thinking Obama would bea better candidate. McCain is still a good man at the end of the day.
Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Originally Posted by WinstonDon


I swear to god, all I keep hearing in my head is "keep your eyes on the prize"

"God is good, all the time"
To quote Don King,
"Only in America"

Originally Posted by YoungCFromThaD

Originally Posted by you big dummy


this might have been McCain's best speech this entire election
I agree. We're still one nation, under one flag. We must unite if the this great country is to become even better.
dudes is letting off in my h00d over here in LA!!!! obama i might go let off 1 or 2 from the glock!
Sarah losing her composure up there.

I just want to say one thing. I've said it beforee, but I think I need to say it again.

John McCain, Sarah Palin, Barack Obama and Joe Biden all want to do good for our country. They may have different ideals and beliefs, but there is no doubt inmy mind that their intentions are good. Through this campaign, I think we've lost sight of that, and we need to remember it.
how great would it be if obama lost cause of the elect. college that would be the best for our country we should all pray for it just to see the reactions ofeveryone
Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by Purple Face

I just heard two shots go off and I live in a Hispanic neighborhood
proud moment for all minorities
Real talk...

As a minority, I'm proud of what WE accomplished today...this is big right here, emotions are flowing...
God Bless John McCain.

Anyone who gives as much of their life to America that he has gets my full gratitude.
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