ELECTION DAY 2008:........... Barack Obama, the next President of the United States of America

Originally Posted by Purple Face

I just heard two shots go off and I live in a Hispanic neighborhood
I can actually say that's true.
Go to school tomorrow. Taking off is not a form of celebration.

UM is going to be all white
So I voted Obama - but I couldn't really care less that he won. He wasn't my candidate, he just happened to be the closest thing to it (close being arelative word in this case)... and if anything, less will get done in the country now as republicans will be completely stubborn in trying to crossparty-lines, with somebody they consider super-liberal in the presidency.

I don't know - I just don't get why everybody is like "we" won, or "we" lost... shouldn't we refer to America as a whole?

I'm just really tired of the division amongst fellow Americans, and don't think things are going to get any better when people are celebrating likethis about a politician getting elected - it doesn't seem to fit with me.

Whatever.... nobody wants to hear this now, they think the world is now saved or something...

... as you were.
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