EL CHAPO escapes from prison

right dude could probably run a fortune 500 company , but mexico dosnt generate those kind of opertunitys. he did what he had to and thats that , its bad yes , but could anyone in this thread turn a gang into a 1 billion dollar fortune? probabably not , so give him props were props are due
he did what he had to because that's what he probably knew from early on ...

exactly my point .... this is not growth ....

Mexico has a lot of untapped resources, unfortunately corrupt governments and drugs cartels make it almost impossible to advance ......
no worries man you got your opinion i got mine , just know your wrong

and hows that not helping?! killing some wildass drug dealer and giving that money to a broke family?! me and you got different ideas of helping thats for sure
so you think he is only killing other drugs dealer??

you need to instruct yourself before you continue to spew the stupidity you have been spewing for a while now.
You guys are seriously delusional if you think his hands aren't dirty as hell. He's charitable so the whole world isn't against him. He needs people in his corner to do work for him. He isn't out there like mother Theresa.

Is he smart? Hell yeah
Done some ok things? Debatable
Good dude? No way

You can't get to where he is by killing everyone. He's politicking.
someone get this clown a chair..
what president's hands aren't dirty though?? Weve dropped nukes, bombs, and drone attacks on many countries that have killed innocent civilians. We've enslaved and pillaged many nations we have no room to criticize el chapo.
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he did what he had to because that's what he probably knew from early on ...

exactly my point .... this is not growth ....

Mexico has a lot of untapped resources, unfortunately corrupt governments and drugs cartels make it almost impossible to advance ......
really? turning a gang into a personal billion dollar fortune is not growth? you just cant get over the fact hes killed people huh?

id put money on hes helped more people than hes hurt , and do you not understand what that kinda money does to an econemy ?

http://www.forbes.com/sites/doliaes...ghting-drug-cartels-has-not-reduced-violence/ mexico spent over 170 billion fighting these cartels and didnt reduce the violence one bit

imagine if that money went into public programs . mexicans would have a way higher median gdp ..

**** costs more money than syria , iraq and lybia . where theres civil wars going on
smarten up fam
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really? turning a gang into a personal billion dollar fortune is not growth? you just cant get over the fact hes killed people huh?

id put money on hes helped more people than hes hurt , and do you not understand what that kinda money does to an econemy ?

http://www.forbes.com/sites/doliaes...ghting-drug-cartels-has-not-reduced-violence/ mexico spent over 170 billion fighting these cartels and didnt reduce the violence one bit

imagine if that money went into public programs . mexicans would have a way higher median gdp ..
is not brain science bruh .... You think El Chapo is the only drug lord making billions? LMAO ...  you are really lost in the sauce .. that's probably the only one you know because CNN!

You put money on he's helped more than he's hurt? Come on bruh, you can't be serious with this nonsense!!!!

Imagine if El Chapo was really a good guy and let everyone cook????? Imagine if he let other people trying to come up, come up!!! Imagine if he cared about his people just enough to let them be without problem????

Imagine if he cared about his people enough to say **** this drug **** I have enough and lets invest this money on positive **** ....

bruh, your level of intelligence is questionable .... he's helped more than he's hurt. This **** is absurd!!!!!!!!!
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Didnt chapo build a school, supply the school, pay the payroll of the teachers, all in sinaloa? And besides that, chapo always gave back to HIS community. He always took care of his ppl- especialy those that werked for him

That's the thing with a lot of these legendary drug lords, dudes did a lot of bad **** unforgivable crap, but they also did a lot of good for THEIR town.....I was in Medellin as a kid until I was 10 and saw what Pablo did for the town, dude had schools, dude practically funded our soccer team, he fed hundreds if not thousands, Many of the people in Medellin loved this dude.
You guys are seriously delusional if you think his hands aren't dirty as hell. He's charitable so the whole world isn't against him. He needs people in his corner to do work for him. He isn't out there like mother Theresa.

Is he smart? Hell yeah
Done some ok things? Debatable
Good dude? No way

You can't get to where he is by killing everyone. He's politicking.
someone get this clown a chair..
what president's hands aren't dirty though?? Weve dropped nukes, bombs, and drone attacks on many countries that have killed innocent civilians. We've enslaved and pillaged many nations we have no room to criticize el chapo.

I didn't say I rock with the government man.
That's the thing with a lot of these legendary drug lords, dudes did a lot of bad **** unforgivable crap, but they also did a lot of good for THEIR town.....I was in Medellin as a kid until I was 10 and saw what Pablo did for the town, dude had schools, dude practically funded our soccer team, he fed hundreds if not thousands, Many of the people in Medellin loved this dude.
Pablo the Robin Hood of Colombia ...

This is true, but how many of those same people he hurt. How many of his closes did he take out ... 

People are quick to turn their eyes when they are benefiting, but we all know the truth ..
Of course. But just like Chapo, Pablo needed help. He didn't do it out of kindness. He thought. "If I spend several million on helping people I can make a billion off coke." You either get with it or get run over by the people he's giving money too. Then what the hell are you going to do with a drug kingpin wanting you dead as well as your old friends who are getting paid by him to do dirt.
Of course. But just like Chapo, Pablo needed help. He didn't do it out of kindness. He thought. "If I spend several million on helping people I can make a billion off coke." You either get with it or get run over by the people he's giving money too. Then what the hell are you going to do with a drug kingpin wanting you dead as well as your old friends who are getting paid by him to do dirt.
Exactly ...

Dude saying they are getting helped, but I'm willing to bet more than not would rather not be in that position or be around the BS. They are just going with it out of pure fear. Who wants that life?

Who want to live in a place that a street war can pop up at anytime????

He aint doing anything for the people, but buying their services .. because loyalty, they don't have!
is not brain science bruh .... You think El Chapo is the only drug lord making billions? LMAO ...  you are really lost in the sauce .. that's probably the only one you know because CNN!

You put money on he's helped more than he's hurt? Come on bruh, you can't be serious with this nonsense!!!!

Imagine if El Chapo was really a good guy and let everyone cook????? Imagine if he let other people trying to come up, come up!!! Imagine if he cared about his people just enough to let them be without problem????

Imagine if he cared about his people enough to say **** this drug **** I have enough and lets invest this money on positive **** ....

bruh, your level of intelligence is questionable .... he's helped more than he's hurt. This **** is absurd!!!!!!!!!
2. He was known to take control of restaurants for dinner, then pick up everyone’s tab. In one documented event, Guzmán’s bodyguards walked into Las Palmas restaurant in Colonia Las Quintas and loudly announced

“Gentlemen, please. Give me a moment of your time. A man is going to come in, the boss. We ask that you remain in your seats; the doors will close and nobody is allowed to leave. You will also not be allowed to use your cellulars. Do not worry; if you do everything that is asked of you, nothing will happen. Continue eating and don’t ask for your check. The boss will pay. Thank you.”

"Guzmán then walked in with 15 of his men, personally met and greeted each of the patrons and walked into a private dining room where he ate thick steaks and seafood for two hours. Then as he said he would, he covered everyone’s bill and left, without fanfare."

"El Chapo was born into a poor rural family and lived six hours away from the closest city. educated only to the 3rd grade and began selling marijuana with his father at a young age. At 15 he started selling it on his own and quickly made enough money to support his entire family. He built his mother a sprawling home in their rural hometown. She's a devout Catholic and "the only one who can change one of his decisions with a word."

"Guzmán spent 1993 to 2001 in a Mexican maximum-security prison before escaping, but his stint was nothing like those of his fellow inmates. He brought in cocaine and women, turning the prison into a “five-star hotel.”

if you was locked up would you want a person like him in there
ive been locked up trust me and i would hed be bringing in so much

"He is the first man to be named “Public Enemy No. 1” in Chicago since Al Capone. His cartel transports upwards of 4,000 pounds of cocaine into Chicago every month, where it makes its way across the U.S."

4000 pounds a month?! BOSS ****

paid 2,5 million in bribes to 78 people = 32k too each person .. thats not helping anybody?!

get real the average median income in mexico is 4,508$$ . hes paying peoples salaries 5x over..
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It is man. But not the way help should be givin. Plus I'd be pissed af if he held me up two hours in a restaurant. Free meal or not :lol: I got my own tab but I'm not trying to die.

I agree some people are eating off him but it's not like they are stoked on chapo controlling them.
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It is man. But not the way help should be givin. Plus I'd be pissed af if he held me up two hours in s restaurant. Free meal or not
I got my own tab but I'm not trying to die.
hahaha i feel you , but paying my tab and the expierence is alright

i agreee though hes not a good person , but **** , hes done alot in his life. More than alot of us will ever do , cant see why people dont give him props..
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2. He was known to take control of restaurants for dinner, then pick up everyone’s tab. In one documented event, Guzmán’s bodyguards walked into Las Palmas restaurant in Colonia Las Quintas and loudly announced

“Gentlemen, please. Give me a moment of your time. A man is going to come in, the boss. We ask that you remain in your seats; the doors will close and nobody is allowed to leave. You will also not be allowed to use your cellulars. Do not worry; if you do everything that is asked of you, nothing will happen. Continue eating and don’t ask for your check. The boss will pay. Thank you.”

"Guzmán then walked in with 15 of his men, personally met and greeted each of the patrons and walked into a private dining room where he ate thick steaks and seafood for two hours. Then as he said he would, he covered everyone’s bill and left, without fanfare."

"El Chapo was born into a poor rural family and lived six hours away from the closest city. educated only to the 3rd grade and began selling marijuana with his father at a young age. At 15 he started selling it on his own and quickly made enough money to support his entire family. He built his mother a sprawling home in their rural hometown. She's a devout Catholic and "the only one who can change one of his decisions with a word."

"Guzmán spent 1993 to 2001 in a Mexican maximum-security prison before escaping, but his stint was nothing like those of his fellow inmates. He brought in cocaine and women, turning the prison into a “five-star hotel.”

if you was locked up would you want a person like him in there
ive been locked up trust me and i would hed be bringing in so much

"He is the first man to be named “Public Enemy No. 1” in Chicago since Al Capone. His cartel transports upwards of 4,000 pounds of cocaine into Chicago every month, where it makes its way across the U.S."

4000 pounds a month?! BOSS ****

paid 2,5 million in bribes to 78 people = 32k too each person .. thats not helping anybody?!

get real the average median income in mexico is 4,508$$ . hes paying peoples salaries 5x over..
You are an idiot ...


I'm crine!
hahaha i feel you , but paying my tab and the expierence is alright

i agreee though hes not a good person , but **** , hes done alot in his life. More than alot of us will ever do , cant see why people dont give him props..
I can't expect anything else from a dude that's  been in jail.

I see how can you think this is cool ....

A crime boss comes in a restaurant with his goons and I'm told shut up dont stand up and dont use your phones and everything is going to be ok and I'm suppose to be impressed?

What a ******* inconvenience ... The least he could do is pay my ******* tab ....

Give him props for what? LMAO .... srs dude ...
I can't expect anything else from a dude that's  been in jail.

I see how can you think this is cool ....

A crime boss comes in a restaurant with his goons and I'm told shut up dont stand up and dont use your phones and everything is going to be ok and I'm suppose to be impressed?

What a ******* inconvenience ... The least he could do is pay my ******* tab ....

Give him props for what? LMAO .... srs dude ...
you think im the only one whos been in prison , **** jail dude i was in prison . jail aint shiit ..

you can think what you want idc.. not gonna get heated fighting with a dude named keko on the internet
Oh yeah. You'd never forget it. I'd be mad at the time but after I'd be like damn. That's actually a historical figure I ate with. :lol:

I respect the hell out of his grind. Not just anybody can do that. But he's not a good person, he has a role though. If it wasn't him it would just be someone else. He's just the face to it. He ain't the only one doing it.

What's insane to me is the network. We got clubs right here run by Colombians. It's impressive to me, wrong or not. I've seen them getting money first hand all the way in mn.

chandler6008 chandler6008
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Oh yeah. You'd never forget it. I'd be mad at the time but after I'd be like damn. That's actually a historical figure I ate with.

I respect the hell out of his grind. Not just anybody can do that. But he's not a good person, he has a role though. If it wasn't him it would just be someone else. He's just the face to it. He ain't the only one doing it.

What's insane to me is the network. We got clubs right here run by Colombians. It's impressive to me, wrong or not. I've seen them getting money first hand all the way in mn.
this dude understands what im talking about i respect you fam

and i took the wrap for my homie with a family , you ever done anything loyal like that ? keko . i dont think so you just a punk
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Word. You as well. I understand everyone isn't s good guy. But either way they have their place and dude built something crazy on his own.

Don't worry about the time served bruh. No need to explain to nt. just stay off papers and out of the system now. :pimp:
you think im the only one whos been in prison , **** jail dude i was in prison . jail aint shiit ..

you can think what you want idc.. not gonna get heated fighting with a dude named keko on the internet
Keko Jones - Que Cojones (Google it)

I'm CRINE!!!!!!!
I bet cuetero came from a very good home to have a [emoji]128169[/emoji] mindset like that......based on the comments I'm seeing siding with Chapo yall mofos lost deep af in this world :smh: :smh: :smh: business smarts or whatever fam brutally murdered thousands on thousands yall deaf to hearing or seeing that
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