EL CHAPO escapes from prison

US Government, Mexican Government, El Chapo, DEA, and Sinola Cartel are all terrible people
They have all contributed to this drug war mess
Dude is flooding the whole country w drugs not just the hood. Drug use is a nationwide issue.

 And unless someone put a gun to your head and forced you to do drugs, I have no sympathy.  People make consious decisions to do drugs, knowing the effects.  I feel that those people should be allowed to destroy themselves if they choose.  Put that "War on Drugs" money into getting tuition down at these public colleges, increasing jobs, anything other than locking somebody up because they just wanted to get high or supplied someone with drugs that would've gotten their hands on it somewhere else anyway.

I dont agree with his killing, but i dont give a damn about the drugs.  Theres a reason the drug trade is so lucrative, and its not the users or the sellers.
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This is funny. The day he escaped. Or better yet the day the US found out. So Cal had all the raza driving out in SUVs. Its funny cause even the carless ones were on bus stops dressed in paisa clothes. Its even funnier because people glorify him like he knows them. I think its cool he escaped and he is a kingpin. But lets keep it moving. #keepingitreal
Vote Trump and lets get that wall up asap.
 We already know how you feel.
:rolleyes Cut it out. As mentioned earlier, the same cat y'all glorify is the same one flooding your hood with stuff that is destroying families. The Americans need to bypass the Mexicans if they don't want to play ball and capture/kill him. Everything that went into getting him just went out the window.
Shut yo unaware *** up
Bruhs the cartel be on the internet fams, they got hackers on deck checking IP addys for anyone bad mouthing these dudes....we know deep down NONE of us about that Cartel life, so just chillllllllll

Ya seen what they did to hose bloggers man :lol:
Yall act like someone can just make a movie about el chapo and live off the profit. You gota have dat vatos permission and its gona have to portray him the way HE wants it. And you might even get pistol whipped if the sex scenes aint on point.
:rolleyes Cut it out. As mentioned earlier, the same cat y'all glorify is the same one flooding your hood with stuff that is destroying families. The Americans need to bypass the Mexicans if they don't want to play ball and capture/kill him. Everything that went into getting him just went out the window.
Shut yo unaware *** up
:lol: cat thinks invading Mexico is a good move.
5 millions Mexican $$$ in bribes is like $5 USD.

Flood of more drugs and illegals is going to come through the border soon... so we need to hold presidential elections this year.

Get Trump in office now and we should have a wall and moat up by 2016.

someone get this clown a chair..
Who said anything about invading Mexico? The States regularly sent in Delta Force throughout Latin America to take out narco groups. Why is that not a feasible solution? Israel routinely had their agents kidnap Nazis that took refuge in Argentina. Who the **** is Argentina and Mexico to do anything?

Shut yo unaware *** up

That's all it took to get under your skin? I'm going to have fun with you.
I really doubt it would go that smooth. Plus too many people are making money off this, they're not just going to go kill him. No way.
That's the problem. Too many people are profiting from the war on drugs. If there wasn't money to be made, it would have ended already.
Didnt chapo build a school, supply the school, pay the payroll of the teachers, all in sinaloa? And besides that, chapo always gave back to HIS community. He always took care of his ppl- especialy those that werked for him
Didnt chapo build a school, supply the school, pay the payroll of the teachers, all in sinaloa? And besides that, chapo always gave back to HIS community. He always took care of his ppl- especialy those that werked for him
Sometimes this Cartels need a head to keep the knuckle heads in check.

These dudes are ruthless man .. I don't even think people know how bad they are. It's a shame kids idolize people like this .... These dudes and their cartels terrorize communities, wipe out entire generations, kill infant the all the same, they are brutal with their killing and torturing techniques, basically they are monsters. However, these dumb as rappers and kids be idolizing them because all the weight they push .....

The only good thing is if they manage to scare the ****  out of Trump .... Trump got weight, but these dudes push the same weight and have more people willing to die for them. 

Trump has exploited minorities for years, not want to talk all this BS.

**** TRUMP!
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