Eddie Griffin vol. who built the pyramids

Originally Posted by I Be John Mayer

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by I Be John Mayer

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by I Be John Mayer

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by I Be John Mayer

AntonLaVey wrote:
^^^^Didn't expect you to think so fam.
Many Egyptian citizens willingly did back breaking labor in the hot son.

The Mayan pyramids were also built by slaves.

I honestly don't know if the pyramids were built using slave labor or not, but this is one way that I have weighed the non-slave labor side in my head:

Think about it like Iceroad Truckers or the guys that work on oil rigs. You can make soo much bread on an oil rig because it's dangerous, hard labor but it still takes a level of skill that just anyone doesn't have. And if they were using slaves it would have taken alot less time than 10 and 20 years. You also have to realize that the Kemetic-era pyramids were used as a power source which is why they were near what was water back then. You don't just get any construction crew when building a powerplant or the Pentagon or, say a huge royal mausoleum. You get the best, people who are associated with those who the project is for.
LOL people didn't have cranes back then or any of the technology we have today so comparing an undertaking back then to one today is a flawed argument.

VERY INTERESTING. But like I said before, this is FAR from irrefutable evidence. I know about the Baghdad batteries, that was used for Gold platting I believe. Who knows, again we can only make educated guesses. The Mayan and Egyptian civilization are still two of mankind's biggest mysteries.

That's exactly what I'm saying. And because of the fact that these cultures are so shrowded in history due to lost translation and destroyed libraries and purposeful hiding of certain aspects of history, you really can't rule anything out, which is what you're doing.
I've said several times in this thread, archeologists can only make educated guesses based on limited evidence. I made my own educated guess,I'm not in here claiming to know EXACTLY how the Ancient Egyptians live their lives. My interpretation of the evidence I've been given is that theEgyptians used forced labor to build the pyramids. This opinion is also based on what i know or have read about other ancient civilizations. No one here knowsthe truth, i guess we need to all stop acting like it and calling each other LIARS.
Has anyone here every seen the pyramids?

They're great to see in person and its a cool experience to actually crawl inside of them.

My only problem is with the amount of people there trying to sell you stuff. One guy wants you to pay him to take pictures of you. Another guy wants to takeyou around on a camel/horse. A next guy is trying to sell you some Egyptian souvenirs. All these people trying to make money off of you kind of kills theexperience.

Oh yeah...the Egyptian museum has some of the greatest art in the world. The museum itself is located in some crappy factory looking building in downtown Cairobut they're moving it to a new and modern facility in suburban Cairo. The museum would be even 10x nicer if countries such as England and Germany returnedthe stuff they stole from Egypt in the past.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by I Be John Mayer

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by I Be John Mayer

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by I Be John Mayer

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by I Be John Mayer

AntonLaVey wrote:
^^^^Didn't expect you to think so fam.
Many Egyptian citizens willingly did back breaking labor in the hot son.

The Mayan pyramids were also built by slaves.

I honestly don't know if the pyramids were built using slave labor or not, but this is one way that I have weighed the non-slave labor side in my head:

Think about it like Iceroad Truckers or the guys that work on oil rigs. You can make soo much bread on an oil rig because it's dangerous, hard labor but it still takes a level of skill that just anyone doesn't have. And if they were using slaves it would have taken alot less time than 10 and 20 years. You also have to realize that the Kemetic-era pyramids were used as a power source which is why they were near what was water back then. You don't just get any construction crew when building a powerplant or the Pentagon or, say a huge royal mausoleum. You get the best, people who are associated with those who the project is for.
LOL people didn't have cranes back then or any of the technology we have today so comparing an undertaking back then to one today is a flawed argument.

VERY INTERESTING. But like I said before, this is FAR from irrefutable evidence. I know about the Baghdad batteries, that was used for Gold platting I believe. Who knows, again we can only make educated guesses. The Mayan and Egyptian civilization are still two of mankind's biggest mysteries.

That's exactly what I'm saying. And because of the fact that these cultures are so shrowded in history due to lost translation and destroyed libraries and purposeful hiding of certain aspects of history, you really can't rule anything out, which is what you're doing.
I've said several times in this thread, archeologists can only make educated guesses based on limited evidence. I made my own educated guess, I'm not in hear claiming to know EXACTLY how the Ancient Egyptians live their lives. My interpretation of the evidence I've been given is that the Egyptians used forced labor to build the pyramids. This opinion is also based on what i know or have read about other ancient civilizations. No one here knows the truth, i guess we need to all stop acting like it and calling each other LIARS.

i'm not calling anyone a liar. I'm just stating that me and you are on two opposite ends of the spectrum when it comes to historical theories. Thewhole reason I even entered this thread was to posite the Moses/Tuthmosis Jesus/Ceasarian theory. It's wild and even unbelievable, but i was justwondering what others would think about it. I'm not saying you're wrong or i'm right, especially since i don't have an opinion. I don'tknow how the pyramids were built, but i'm also no ruling out any theories considering the acute possibility of their technology being further advanced thanwhat we have come to think. I also have not ruled out slave labour, but at the same time I'm open to any theory and have yet to put my stamp on one andbecause of my reluctancy to run with one theory I am able to see who the whole Moses/Tuthmosis theory plays into this argument.

Bottome line, i'm just saying. I wouldn't say "slave labor, that's it." Just like I wouldn't say "sandbox theory, that'sit." Just like I wouldn't say "Egypt = Black people, that's it."
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Huey, lets assume that Hawass is biased.

One can just argue that Cheikh Diop - a black man from Senegal - was also biased and had his own agenda.

What I'm trying to say is that there is no doubt that a significant proportion of Ancient Egypt was black. Many Egyptians back then were mixed as well and partially black. However I take issue with the statement that "Black people built the pyramids" as if they were the only race that lived in Egypt back then. We can all agree that the Ancient Egyptians were mixed, even prior to all the invasions. So if we can agree to this, why cant we agree that perhaps a mixture of races contributed to the building of the pyramids?
Carlos, I agree with you on Egypt being a mixed society. It lasted through the millenia, was invaded by so many different nations and was at thehub of global interaction. I don't think anyone can really disagree with that.

I was disagreeing with you before when you said that Black people didn't create the pyramids, when they definitely did. Nubia/Kush has far more pyramidthat modern Egypt and those were undoubtedly Black creations.


Also there were Pharaohs who have been proven to be Black Africans, who were at the head of Egyptian pyramid construction. Of course that doesn't mean thatall of the workers and masons were necessarily all black.


And the difference between Hawaas and Diop is that Diop never denied other racial mixes amongst the Ancient Egyptians, he was a geneticist, so that was hisforte.

Hawass however, will look at an undeniably Black African Egyptian artifact and simply write it off .

"Tutankhamun was not black, and the portrayal of ancient Egyptian civilisation as black has no element of truth toit"

He has a job to do for the egyptian government and thats what he is doing. Hes currently in the process of steam cleaning the walls of the tomb to make thedrawings lighter.

He's constantly lying and flip-flopping to strip all blackness from Egypt.

Many egyptologist have been spoken out on his actions over the years.

While Diop may have had personal biases, his DNA proof is colorless.

His genetic testing methods revolutionzed science and is used today to identify burned and disfigured bodies.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by bkroc915

black people didn't make the pyramids... aliens and slave jews did


like for real, its THAT hard to accept that the black man built the pyramids?

slave jews....bwahahaha

Like Eddie said they quick to believe in Aliens when it come to shhtt like this.
The theft of African history that is going on in that corner of the world is disgusting.

You have people calling Queen Tiye of Egypt a middle Easterner or an Caucasian red head, when the proof is basically indisputable.

Our history is being stolen from under our feet.


[font=Verdana, Arial]"The Elder Lady"


First identified as Queen Tiye
The occipital bun is reminiscent of Mesolithic Nubians (see below). Sagittal plateau, rounded forehead with moderately projecting glabella; globular craniumwith high vault. Protrusion of incisors, receding chin and steep mandible. Very vertical zygomatic arches and pronounced maxillary prognathism.
certain aspects of history, you really can't rule anything out, which is what you're doing. I've said several times in this thread, archeologists can only make educated guesses based on limited evidence. I made my own educated guess, I'm not in here claiming to know EXACTLY how the Ancient Egyptians live their lives. My interpretation of the evidence I've been given is that the Egyptians used forced labor to build the pyramids. This opinion is also based on what i know or have read about other ancient civilizations. No one here knows the truth, i guess we need to all stop acting like it and calling each other LIARS.

Based on my observations of this thread it seems like you've judged the evidence more often than present the facts with your owninterpretation.

If you want to talk evidence maybe you should try presenting article or any material to refute the position of others.
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Has anyone here every seen the pyramids?

They're great to see in person and its a cool experience to actually crawl inside of them.

My only problem is with the amount of people there trying to sell you stuff. One guy wants you to pay him to take pictures of you. Another guy wants to take you around on a camel/horse. A next guy is trying to sell you some Egyptian souvenirs. All these people trying to make money off of you kind of kills the experience.

Oh yeah...the Egyptian museum has some of the greatest art in the world. The museum itself is located in some crappy factory looking building in downtown Cairo but they're moving it to a new and modern facility in suburban Cairo. The museum would be even 10x nicer if countries such as England and Germany returned the stuff they stole from Egypt in the past.

I'm looking forward to this trip more than anything else. Trying to make it within the next 4/5years.

It can be a life changer from what I have been told.
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

At the end of the day, no one knows for sure.

see that's my thing, though. Call me crazy, but i feel like there are a few people in the world who do know. They're just sworn to secrecy on some"keepers of the light" type stuff.
Originally Posted by I Be John Mayer

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

At the end of the day, no one knows for sure.

see that's my thing, though. Call me crazy, but i feel like there are a few people in the world who do know. They're just sworn to secrecy on some "keepers of the light" type stuff.

Would you say about 10%?
Originally Posted by THE FAME

Originally Posted by I Be John Mayer

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

At the end of the day, no one knows for sure.

see that's my thing, though. Call me crazy, but i feel like there are a few people in the world who do know. They're just sworn to secrecy on some "keepers of the light" type stuff.

Would you say about 10%?

i see what you did there. i used to be down with that whole thing,but i just couldn't convince myselve that white people were grafted or that jews are the spawn of satan. cats was clowning the thought of dinosaurs androlling up with pages of the bible. just not my scene.

i still be doin the day's math, though, just outta habit.
Originally Posted by I Be John Mayer

Originally Posted by THE FAME

Originally Posted by I Be John Mayer

airmaxpenny1 wrote:
At the end of the day, no one knows for sure.

see that's my thing, though. Call me crazy, but i feel like there are a few people in the world who do know. They're just sworn to secrecy on some "keepers of the light" type stuff.

Would you say about 10%?

i see what you did there. i used to be down with that whole thing, but i just couldn't convince myselve that white people were grafted or that jews are the spawn of satan. cats was clowning the thought of dinosaurs and rolling up with pages of the bible. just not my scene.

i still be doin the day's math, though, just outta habit.
If you are talking about the Nations of Gods and Earth, that is not necessarily their beliefs...
but I do agree that somethings have you like ok.
....while others arelike wait..
85 10 5 does make alot of sense though....
Originally Posted by I Be John Mayer

I'm really feeling this thread.� I rememberseeing� this standup on tv a minute and was really suprised by Eddie's awareness.There's this theory i'd like to posite, and this seems like an appropriate thread:

I was watching this documentary a little while ago, and it brought about a pretty crazy yet kind of plausible idea.

�What if, instead of denying the crown, Moses actually became the pharoah Tuthmosis that people hear about?� And people like Solomon and so on were all actually kings of the new Egypt as opposed to these vague kingdoms that people really don't know too much about?� The theory posites that Hebrews were actually not slaves but a working class that were moving their way up in Egyptian society and intermarrying.� Eventually, a move was made by a Hebrew who attempted a violent coup, and the royal family did some crazy things involving the murder of first borns and stuff in the bible.� The story of Moses was like that in the bible, but instead of the burning bush telling him to run away or whatever, he remained in the royal family, hid his Hebrew bloodline (Ancient Egypt really was multicultural so he could have just been thought of as lightskinned).� This theory is crazy because it states that as time went by this bloodline eventually came in and out of power and came back through Cleopatra.� When she married Julius Ceasar he was given God status in Egypt and she was given the title of The Virgin Mother.� They then had Cesearian, who was their only child before Julius was assasinated.� When the�stuff went down and Cleopatra married Marc Anthony, Ceasarian was sent away as to protect him from any harm and was given to the care of two Hebrews named Mary and Joseph.� I guess you can guess the story from there.� Crazy, right? I'm not saying this is true, but it is very interesting.

wow deep
Originally Posted by THE FAME

Originally Posted by I Be John Mayer

Originally Posted by THE FAME

Originally Posted by I Be John Mayer

airmaxpenny1 wrote:
At the end of the day, no one knows for sure.

see that's my thing, though. Call me crazy, but i feel like there are a few people in the world who do know. They're just sworn to secrecy on some "keepers of the light" type stuff.

Would you say about 10%?

i see what you did there. i used to be down with that whole thing, but i just couldn't convince myselve that white people were grafted or that jews are the spawn of satan. cats was clowning the thought of dinosaurs and rolling up with pages of the bible. just not my scene.

i still be doin the day's math, though, just outta habit.
If you are talking about the Nations of Gods and Earth, that is not necessarily their beliefs...
but I do agree that somethings have you like ok.
....while others are like wait..
85 10 5 does make alot of sense though....

yea that's who i'm talking about. if that weren't their beliefs, then the cats who were kicking it to me were mixed up. i've had one of mybest friends who is in it try to convince me that Buddhism is a fallacy and then i seen the papers in which he had to swear by that. might have been the 1-40. i had a couple of
moments where cats would just gloss over wild statements like that and then say"you gotta take the good with the bad" as opposed to questioning it. then if you did question it, it was like you were questioning the nation as awhole and what they stand for rather than specific statements or beliefs. That's too much of a follower mentality for me, and if there's one thing inlife i've learned it's to never trust a naked bus driver. I just wish I could take some of it and not all, but the nation is kind of secretsociety-esque when it comes to that. It's like you have to buy into it 100% and be crazy active in order to learn anything.
Huey, I guess we'll have to agree to disagree.

I'm assuming that although you agree Ancient Egyptian society was mixed...you believe that Egyptians were originally Black before other cultures and racesentered Egypt.

I believe that the original inhabitants of Egypt were light skinned in the North (but not Caucasian)...more like the color of Egyptians today (olive, brown)and Black in Southern Egypt. In my opinion I think that its most likely that both light and dark-skinned (black) Egyptians helped to build the pyramids. Ithink that it is a stretch to make the bold claim that "The pyramids were built by blacks" as if Blacks were the only inhabitants of Egypt at thetime.

The argument that Egypt is in Africa, therefore Egyptians were black is illogical. Most North Africans are brown-skinned (not black or white). If you look atindigenous North African populations, they are not black. The Berbers of North Africa are not black...the majority of North Africans are NOT black. Beinggeographically located in Africa does not necessarily make you black.
Wow people didn't know this???

Real talk it is amazing. When I talk to Egyptians some don't even consider themselves African. Due to the over whelming Arab influence there the peoplelook middle eastern in most parts. But it is truth that the pyramids and Egypt's history has been distorted. Even in major films a Pharaoh isn'tdepicted as being black unless he is evil.
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

At the end of the day, no one knows for sure.
Yep some people in here are drawing conclusions based on their own personal agendas. Nobody really knows. I believe Egyptians were Black at somepoint, I believe slavery was used to build the pyramids. This is MY educated guess. I'm gonna stop claiming any of that to be fact, unlike some people inhere.
Na, the Egyptians were definitely black, I am not debating that fact. All you have to do is look at the sculpture and pictures, there features look prettyAfrican to me. I am just saying we really don't know how they built it, who built it etc. Just like we really don't know %*@+ about Jesus or all thatother crap.
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Huey, I guess we'll have to agree to disagree.

I'm assuming that although you agree Ancient Egyptian society was mixed...you believe that Egyptians were originally Black before other cultures and races entered Egypt.

I believe that the original inhabitants of Egypt were light skinned in the North (but not Caucasian)...more like the color of Egyptians today (olive, brown) and Black in Southern Egypt. In my opinion I think that its most likely that both light and dark-skinned (black) Egyptians helped to build the pyramids. I think that it is a stretch to make the bold claim that "The pyramids were built by blacks" as if Blacks were the only inhabitants of Egypt at the time.

The argument that Egypt is in Africa, therefore Egyptians were black is illogical. Most North Africans are brown-skinned (not black or white). If you look at indigenous North African populations, they are not black. The Berbers of North Africa are not black...the majority of North Africans are NOT black. Being geographically located in Africa does not necessarily make you black.

well race is a social construct...

so i think you guys are arguing about something that doesn't really exist. Brown, light brown, dark brown, black, wesley snipes, race isn't easilydefined, so you can come out and be like "black people built the pyramids"
You know this is why I like NT, because you learn new things from it everyday. Alot of the things posted are really enlightening as a way to rethink the thingswe've been taught.

As a matter of fact I never really thought of the idea of Egyptians being black and always thought that they were the same skin color as Arabians.

Just looking at all this stuff reminds me of the Michael Jackson video "remember the time" with the whole egytian theme and black people as theegyptians...Maybe he was more up on this stuff that we thought.
Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Huey, I guess we'll have to agree to disagree.

I'm assuming that although you agree Ancient Egyptian society was mixed...you believe that Egyptians were originally Black before other cultures and races entered Egypt.

I believe that the original inhabitants of Egypt were light skinned in the North (but not Caucasian)...more like the color of Egyptians today (olive, brown) and Black in Southern Egypt. In my opinion I think that its most likely that both light and dark-skinned (black) Egyptians helped to build the pyramids. I think that it is a stretch to make the bold claim that "The pyramids were built by blacks" as if Blacks were the only inhabitants of Egypt at the time.

The argument that Egypt is in Africa, therefore Egyptians were black is illogical. Most North Africans are brown-skinned (not black or white). If you look at indigenous North African populations, they are not black. The Berbers of North Africa are not black...the majority of North Africans are NOT black. Being geographically located in Africa does not necessarily make you black.

well race is a social construct...

so i think you guys are arguing about something that doesn't really exist. Brown, light brown, dark brown, black, wesley snipes, race isn't easily defined, so you can come out and be like "black people built the pyramids"

basically. there's not even a point in saying "black" when talking about the people of acient egypt because that's reactionary. i highlydoubt back then they were worried about labeling themselves by hue. like someone said in another post, the whole "black" and "white" thingreally started as a way for rich whites to control poor whites and stop them from teaming up with poor non-europeans to overturn the status quo.
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