Eddie Griffin vol. who built the pyramids

Originally Posted by bkroc915

black people didn't make the pyramids... aliens and slave jews did
I thought everyone knew this

Nah he was saying that people only believe in aliens when they don't want to give Africans credit for creating the pyramids.

He was saying if you want to imagine how the pyramids were made, you need to flip the concept of up and down in your mind. Hes saying that the pyramids werebuilt from the top down, not from the bottom up.

His explanation was that you take a pyramid made of sand.


And then you place the capstone on top


then you begin to carve out pieces of the sand and insert the stone blocks from the top down...


creating ducts/shaft for for the sand to expel under pressure


Thats his theory on how you could build the pyramids or at least conceptualize them.
the whole mystery of the pyramids were how they got the such heavy bricks so high.

he's saying there was a pre-existing pyramid of sand (which would be understandable), then it was replaced top to bottom with the limestone bricks?

at one point I was thinking he started at the ground and went down clearing sand from around it, to make it seem above ground... but after all these yearsdirt/ground travels up it seems.. not down.

the angle of the pyramids still makes it seem difficult but I guess they could have just made a hill at any angle.
Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

the whole mystery of the pyramids were how they got the such heavy bricks so high.

he's saying there was a pre-existing pyramid of sand (which would be understandable), then it was replaced top to bottom with the limestone bricks?

at one point I was thinking he started at the ground and went down clearing sand from around it, to make it seem above ground... but after all these years dirt/ground travels up it seems.. not down.


I think he was mixing in a little a what you said as well because the Pyramids do have a portion below ground as well. Thats how RaHorMakhet (the Sphinx) wasbuilt. It is actually carved into the ground and sits below the surrounding plateau.

Archeologists and engineers today think that they have a good idea on how the large blocks were able to be elevated so high...

Most modern scholars think they were built with ramps: the crumbling stone chips from the Mokattam formation quarries were close by and may well have provided the secondary material for the ramps.


A system of ramps, sledges and levers.

This is the theory that Eddie seems to be basing his ideas off of though...

Materials scientist Joseph Davidovits has claimed that the blocks of the pyramid are not carved stone, but mostly a form of limestone concrete and that they were "cast" as with modern concrete.[sup][31][/sup] According to this hypothesis, soft limestone with a high kaolinite content was quarried in the wadi on the south of the Giza Plateau. The limestone was then dissolved in large, Nile-fed pools until it became a watery slurry. Lime (found in the ash of cooking fires) and natron (also used by the Egyptians in mummification) was mixed in. The pools were then left to evaporate, leaving behind a moist, clay-like mixture. This wet "concrete" would be carried to the construction site where it would be packed into reusable wooden moulds and in a few days would undergo a chemical reaction similar to the "setting" of concrete. New blocks, he suggests, could be cast in place, on top of and pressed against the old blocks. Proof-of-concept tests using similar compounds were carried out at a geopolymer institute in northern France and it was found that a crew of ten, working with simple hand tools, could build a structure of fourteen, 1.3- to 4.5-ton blocks in a couple of days.[sup][32][/sup] He also claims he found hieroglyphic texts stating they used this technology.

Truth be told, there were so many dynasties, different types of pyramids and possibilities that there is no one correct idea. The Great pyramids were a resultof trial ans error.
Artists (including comedians) are waaaay ahead of the game and closet to the source when it comes to knowledge.

A child born with the ability to create from thought, to manifest his/her imagination is beyond the average person's comprehension. That energy, that soulis so close to GOD because of it's age and many experiences (lives) in this realm.

GOD will not let you leave this realm until you are worthy and ready to travel to the next one.

I know I'm above a lot of heads with that.

Eddie Griffin has a lot of soul and his spirit or Chi is powerful.
Originally Posted by General Johnson

Artists (including comedians) are waaaay ahead of the game and closet to the source when it comes to knowledge.

A child born with the ability to create from thought, to manifest his/her imagination is beyond the average person's comprehension. That energy, that soul is so close to GOD because of it's age and many experiences (lives) in this realm.

GOD will not let you leave this realm until you are worthy and ready to travel to the next one.

I know I'm above a lot of heads with that.

Eddie Griffin has a lot of soul and his spirit or Chi is powerful.

Originally Posted by CasperJr

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by Definition Of Dopeness

A branch manager

Yeah this stand up is dope. I was watchin' TV the other day, see my guy has a reality tv show comin' out.

show looks so embarrassing...not for black people but for Eddie...
how if you watch that whole stand up act and dont
you have a problem

and at the same he drop some knowledge how much you pick up on depends on how deep of a person you are i would say alot of it went over peoples haeds as jokes if they didnt get it or understand

i'm talking about his reality show
Originally Posted by General Johnson

Artists (including comedians) are waaaay ahead of the game and closet to the source when it comes to knowledge.

A child born with the ability to create from thought, to manifest his/her imagination is beyond the average person's comprehension. That energy, that soul is so close to GOD because of it's age and many experiences (lives) in this realm.

GOD will not let you leave this realm until you are worthy and ready to travel to the next one.

I know I'm above a lot of heads with that.

Eddie Griffin has a lot of soul and his spirit or Chi is powerful.
Word. I didn't completely expect this from Eddie Griffin but he is moving in the right direction.
excuse my ignorance but,
how did Egyptians get so light-skinned after the fact?
did they mix with a race at a certain point in time? is their skin color insignificant with their ancestry(were they always this color and 100% African)?
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by General Johnson

Artists (including comedians) are waaaay ahead of the game and closet to the source when it comes to knowledge.

A child born with the ability to create from thought, to manifest his/her imagination is beyond the average person's comprehension. That energy, that soul is so close to GOD because of it's age and many experiences (lives) in this realm.

GOD will not let you leave this realm until you are worthy and ready to travel to the next one.

I know I'm above a lot of heads with that.

Eddie Griffin has a lot of soul and his spirit or Chi is powerful.
Word. I didn't completely expect this from Eddie Griffin but he is moving in the right direction.
the older one tells me people are on this planet for one reason only. unfinished business. that business is to learn unconditional love.
The original egyptians where BLACK but intermarrying with the asians and caucasians who slowly infiltrated egypt changed the complexion of some of the people,who refered to themselves the real egyptians.
Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

excuse my ignorance but,
how did Egyptians get so light-skinned after the fact?
did they mix with a race at a certain point in time? is their skin color insignificant with their ancestry(were they always this color and 100% African)?

This is A VERY good question, because a lot of historical accounts and archeologica evidence (drawings, sculptures) point to Egyptians being dark Africans. Ithink it has something to do with migrations of people from the the middle east and conquerors (they became part of Alexander the Greats empire). So a lot ofmixing took place.
airmaxpenny1 wrote:
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

SOn talkin' bout God but then charity comes up he want to go silent. Son prolly don't even give @$#+ back.

he didn't go silent...he said he doesn't like to talk about it...he does what he does and there's no need to tell the world...
It's true, slaves built the pyramids. By built I mean manual labor, not necessarily the designing and engineering that went into it. Anyonewho thinks otherwise is a fool.

I was having an argument with one of my friends and he really tried to tell me Egyptians didn't have slaves. I explained to him that there is ample writtenhistorial accounts of Egyptians owning slaves. His argument turned to, well they didn't build the pyramids. I guess the Egyptian slaves were sitting aroundall day singing "Don't trust them new n$$$@@" and drinking watermelon smoothies.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

airmaxpenny1 wrote:
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

SOn talkin' bout God but then charity comes up he want to go silent. Son prolly don't even give @$#+ back.

he didn't go silent...he said he doesn't like to talk about it...he does what he does and there's no need to tell the world...

He seems willing to tell the world about everything else...
I'm really feeling this thread.� I rememberseeing� this standup on tv a minute and was really suprised by Eddie's awareness.There's thistheory i'd like to posite, and this seems like an appropriate thread:

I was watching this documentary a little while ago, and it brought about a pretty crazy yet kind of plausible idea.

�What if, instead of denying the crown, Moses actually became the pharoah Tuthmosis that people hear about?� And people like Solomon and so on were allactually kings of the new Egypt as opposed to these vague kingdoms that people really don't know too much about?� The theory posites that Hebrews wereactually not slaves but a working class that were moving their way up in Egyptian society and intermarrying.� Eventually, a move was made by a Hebrew whoattempted a violent coup, and the royal family did some crazy things involving the murder of first borns and stuff in the bible.� The story of Moses was likethat in the bible, but instead of the burning bush telling him to run away or whatever, he remained in the royal family, hid his Hebrew bloodline (AncientEgypt really was multicultural so he could have just been thought of as lightskinned).� This theory is crazy because it states that as time went by thisbloodline eventually came in and out of power and came back through Cleopatra.� When she married Julius Ceasar he was given God status in Egypt and she wasgiven the title of The Virgin Mother.� They then had Cesearian, who was their only child before Julius was assasinated.� When the�stuff went down and Cleopatramarried Marc Anthony, Ceasarian was sent away as to protect him from any harm and was given to the care of two Hebrews named Mary and Joseph.� I guess you canguess the story from there.� Crazy, right? I'm not saying this is true, but it is very interesting.
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]Since when has Egypt not been black? People looking into western views on history are getting theirminds scrambled...like many historical figures, they made their image of a white man and woman....movies, paintings, etc.....

seems like black/brown people can never catch breaks in anything besides peanut butter and sports[/color]
Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

excuse my ignorance but,
how did Egyptians get so light-skinned after the fact?
did they mix with a race at a certain point in time? is their skin color insignificant with their ancestry(were they always this color and 100% African)?

Foreign invasion is responsible for the light skin of modern egyptians. There are largely a nation of invaders and don't even associate themselves withAfrica. They see themselves as Middle Eastern. A contributing factor to much of the racist twist on history that has griped many peoples mind.

The original African gene pool contained the full spectrum of human psychical characteristics and traveled from the horn or Africa. Ethiopia and Somalia to therest of the world. But they were 100% Black Africans. Many of those Ku****es had the same characteristics of the so-called early Egyptians and the geneticlineage has been verified since the 70's but what goes on today is an academic game of dodgeball. People ducking and dodging the truth, using differentperiods of Egyptian history to claim that foreigners are responsible for Egyptian creation, when the Egyptians themselves tell of coming from Africa'sinterior (Kenya).

The real Ku****ies, Nubians and early egyptians almost certainly looked liked the aboriginal peoples of Egypt/Sudan and Somalia today.



Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

It's true, slaves built the pyramids. By built I mean manual labor, not necessarily the designing and engineering that went into it. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a fool.

I was having an argument with one of my friends and he really tried to tell me Egyptians didn't have slaves. I explained to him that there is ample written historial accounts of Egyptians owning slaves. His argument turned to, well they didn't build the pyramids. I guess the Egyptian slaves were sitting around all day singing "Don't trust them new n$$$@@" and drinking watermelon smoothies.


Skilled Masons 10,000 - 20,000 of them at a time built the pyramids. They were paid well and lived as elites in communities surrounding the pyramids.

Local Egyptians also volunteered their time during the off-agricultural seasons and went back to their regular lives during times of harvest.

Their grave sites were discovered in 1990 and the hieroglyphs have always recorded that.

All Egyptologists and archaeologists have accepted this as truth since the mid 20th Cetnury.
airmaxpenny1 wrote:
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

airmaxpenny1 wrote:
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

SOn talkin' bout God but then charity comes up he want to go silent. Son prolly don't even give @$#+ back.

he didn't go silent...he said he doesn't like to talk about it...he does what he does and there's no need to tell the world...

He seems willing to tell the world about everything else...

there are alot of people like that, though.� i mean you say "he seems willing to tell the world everything else" but�no one on this board�really knewhe was on this stuff until this thread so�wouldn't him telling the world everything else mean that he was always going on about metaphysics?� he's not,and he's probably just being private about the charities he is involved with.� but, i mean, if you are looking for something�to use to discount the thingshe says or whether people should listen to him, then�by all means go ahead and use that.
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