Eddie Griffin vol. who built the pyramids

^^^^^if you think its a fact that southern egypt consisted of black people what race of people do you believe inhabited northern egypt?
Originally Posted by jerryjones

^^^^^if you think its a fact that southern egypt consisted of black people what race of people do you believe inhabited northern egypt?
Mixed. Just take a look at Ancient Egyptian art work. Egyptians came in all different varieties of colors...olive skinned, brown-skinned and thesoutherners were black. I think that most likely the majority of Egyptians were very similar to the color the majority of Egyptians are today while a minorityblack population came from Southern Egypt/Nubia/Sudan.

To say that "the Ancient Egyptians were black" is inaccurate based on what we do/do not know about Egyptian history.
Not mixed as in mixed with other cultures...that happened later on in Egyptian history.

I mean mixed as in the population naturally had different skin tones...some were lighter-skinned (olive colored) while others were darker-skinned (brownish).
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

HueyP, I just went back and read some of your posts. I realize that I misunderstood what you were trying to say.

When I think of "the pyramids", I automatically assumed that we were talking about Khufu, Khafre and Menkaure's pyramids in Giza. I didn't realize you were talking about the pyramids in Southern Egypt/Sudan which were indeed built by Blacks.

Although it appears that these pyramids built by blacks in modern-day Sudan were built many years after the Giza pyramids as a way of reviving the Pharaohs' tradition.

Its almost a fact that Southern Egypt consisted of black people...but I still do not see how people can make the definitive claim that "The Egyptians were black" as if Egyptians were all originally black without any facts to support this claim.

Aside from MAYBE Morocco, Egypt had the most influence from Europe more than any other African country in the past century ( The English ) They made them hate themselves.
Can you tell me what influence the English have had on Egyptian culture? I cant think of many.

Egypt's single biggest influence has come from their 7th century Arab conquerors. Egyptians have more in common with Arabs than they do with sub-Saharan Africa. Egypt has little in common with Europe and Europe has had little influence on Egyptian culture. British rule of Egypt was viewed unfavorably by the Egyptian people which contributed to the 1952 revolution.

Although "socially" you are correct, in every other way you are wrong.
but there has never been a period in time when black people only came in one skin tone. so i am confused as to why you would believe than skin tone variationis a sign that the egyptians were not black and at the same time hold the position that the northern egyptians were not mixed with an outside group.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by I Be John Mayer

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by I Be John Mayer

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by I Be John Mayer

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by I Be John Mayer

AntonLaVey wrote:
^^^^Didn't expect you to think so fam.
Many Egyptian citizens willingly did back breaking labor in the hot son.

The Mayan pyramids were also built by slaves.

I honestly don't know if the pyramids were built using slave labor or not, but this is one way that I have weighed the non-slave labor side in my head:

Think about it like Iceroad Truckers or the guys that work on oil rigs. You can make soo much bread on an oil rig because it's dangerous, hard labor but it still takes a level of skill that just anyone doesn't have. And if they were using slaves it would have taken alot less time than 10 and 20 years. You also have to realize that the Kemetic-era pyramids were used as a power source which is why they were near what was water back then. You don't just get any construction crew when building a powerplant or the Pentagon or, say a huge royal mausoleum. You get the best, people who are associated with those who the project is for.
LOL people didn't have cranes back then or any of the technology we have today so comparing an undertaking back then to one today is a flawed argument.

VERY INTERESTING. But like I said before, this is FAR from irrefutable evidence. I know about the Baghdad batteries, that was used for Gold platting I believe. Who knows, again we can only make educated guesses. The Mayan and Egyptian civilization are still two of mankind's biggest mysteries.

That's exactly what I'm saying. And because of the fact that these cultures are so shrowded in history due to lost translation and destroyed libraries and purposeful hiding of certain aspects of history, you really can't rule anything out, which is what you're doing.
I've said several times in this thread, archeologists can only make educated guesses based on limited evidence. I made my own educated guess, I'm not in here claiming to know EXACTLY how the Ancient Egyptians live their lives. My interpretation of the evidence I've been given is that the Egyptians used forced labor to build the pyramids. This opinion is also based on what i know or have read about other ancient civilizations. No one here knows the truth, i guess we need to all stop acting like it and calling each other LIARS.

NIKETALKERS BUILD PYRAMIDS. don't these quoted posts look like a pyramid from a top/bird's eye view?
Originally Posted by jerryjones

but there has never been a period in time when black people only came in one skin tone. so i am confused as to why you would believe than skin tone variation is a sign that the egyptians were not black and at the same time hold the position that the northern egyptians were not mixed with an outside group.
will love to here the answer to this.................
The best msot intelligent post I've ever read on NT aand it's thanks to Eddie Griffin whoda thunk it? lol
Originally Posted by CasperJr

Originally Posted by jerryjones

but there has never been a period in time when black people only came in one skin tone. so i am confused as to why you would believe than skin tone variation is a sign that the egyptians were not black and at the same time hold the position that the northern egyptians were not mixed with an outside group.
will love to here the answer to this.................
Originally Posted by jerryjones

but there has never been a period in time when black people only came in one skin tone. so i am confused as to why you would believe than skin tone variation is a sign that the egyptians were not black and at the same time hold the position that the northern egyptians were not mixed with an outside group.
this is exactly why i said race is a social construct. It's extreemly hard to set up points where a race starts and stops because it's notreal. When do you say this tone is black, but this tone is brown?
Originally Posted by jerryjones

but there has never been a period in time when black people only came in one skin tone. so i am confused as to why you would believe than skin tone variation is a sign that the egyptians were not black and at the same time hold the position that the northern egyptians were not mixed with an outside group.
I believe that skin tone variation was a sign that not ALL Egyptians were black because when you look at Ancient Egyptian art, you see that theyclearly differentiate between "us" and "them". If you look at the art, you see that the Northeners paint themselves as lighter skinned andthe Southerners as clearly black (they use really dark paint).

I think it is important for us to analyze the way the Ancient Egyptian depicted themselves. They clearly believed that they were ethnically different fromAsians in the North-East and Negros in the South. Their features are clearly characterized differently in Egyptian art.

Take a look at this piece...


It seems to me that it is clear that multiple races existed in Egypt at the time and there is little evidence to suggest that the Ancient Egyptians were blackas if that was the only prevalent race in the country at the time. If the Egyptians themselves depicted their skin color, clothes, facial features, hair,material goods as different from Asians and Negros, then why do you guys still insist on bunching the Northern and Southern Egyptians together under one race?The art itself is telling us that they were different.

The Egyptians in northern Egypt appear to be originally light-skinned, just like the original inhabitants of the rest of Northern Saharan Africa.

Other than a few people in here, I do not see many of you providing evidence to back up the claim that Egyptians were black other than "Egypt = Africa =Black".

This is not a matter of Eurocentrics trying to downplay the "Black mans accomplishments in ancient civilizations" as some of you may think. Letsby-pass the European twist on things and look at how the Egyptians portrayed themselves.
i haven't studied this but what you posted doesn't prove to me they were not black...

black people come in so many shades...
Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by jerryjones

but there has never been a period in time when black people only came in one skin tone. so i am confused as to why you would believe than skin tone variation is a sign that the egyptians were not black and at the same time hold the position that the northern egyptians were not mixed with an outside group.
this is exactly why i said race is a social construct.
race doesn't exist. people are lighter or darker depending on where your ancestors migrated too thousands of years ago. people had to adaptto their environments. some parts of the planet are exposed to more sunlight than others, hence darker skin tones. same goes with body hair, hairier peoplecome from places where it was colder. it's adaptation and evolution combined.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

When we do something good, we different, when it is something bad; we all the same

please share that w/the people in the Kanye/VMA threads
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

i haven't studied this but what you posted doesn't prove to me they were not black...

black people come in so many shades...
Thanks for ignoring the evidence above that:

a)All of North Africa is lighter-skinned and have different features from Negros

b)Ancient Egyptians illustrated themselves as being different from the Asiatics and Negros

c)The consensus among scholars that many different shades of Egyptians existed throughout Ancient times

I do not think you can lump all non-white, non-Asian skinned people as being black. So are all non-white and un-mixed North Africans today considered black?How can you consider them black if they do not consider themselves to be black? More importantly in this context, how can you consider the Ancient Egyptians tobe black if they did not consider themselves to be like the negros?
Originally Posted by Breakyaneck3000

Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by jerryjones

but there has never been a period in time when black people only came in one skin tone. so i am confused as to why you would believe than skin tone variation is a sign that the egyptians were not black and at the same time hold the position that the northern egyptians were not mixed with an outside group.
this is exactly why i said race is a social construct.
race doesn't exist. people are lighter or darker depending on where your ancestors migrated too thousands of years ago. people had to adapt to their environments. some parts of the planet are exposed to more sunlight than others, hence darker skin tones. same goes with body hair, hairier people come from places where it was colder. it's adaptation and evolution combined.
this is what i was told in my history class
I don't think that those tones in the pictures can disprove that the Egyptians were black because the different tones denoted nationality not race.

These modern racial classification weren't around back then, the ancients were more concerned with nationality than race and that's what the differenthues represented.

They were Black Africans prior to Hyksos and Greco-Roman invasion just different competing, rival and intertwinging African civilizations. Thats why Nubianculture and Egyptian culture was so interchangeable and their Hyksos neighbors to the North brought destruction and an end to their civilization, they werepeople of different culutre and race. Egyptians constantly traded, shared customs and resources with Nubia and surrounding African neighbors.


They were a mixed peoples that if we saw them today, we would unquestionably call them black. Genetic test have proven most of the old kingdom mummies werehigh in melanin, comparable to other blacks in the region and x-rays reveal prognathism common to Black African skeletal structure. They even depicted the neckfolds found and elongated skulls found amongst the native Black peoples of the region. The headwear, weapons, fighting styles, religion, culture is morepreserved amongst the Black African tribes surrounding Egpyt than amongst Egyptians themselves...how is that possible? We already have the infallible mappingof human genetic history and its migration out of Africa. The ogrinal peoples left the horn of Africa, went into the middle east and came right back settlingon the banks of the nile to blend with the orignal sub-saharan Africans prior to foreign invasion. Its not a mystery or a debate..more of a reluctance to handaccomlishments so great over to Black history.


Mayans for the Latinos.
Greece for the whites
Sumeria for Middle Easterners
Ancient China for the Chinese
Ancient India for the Indian
Jomon for the Japanese

Alien invaders, make believe jewish slaves and a specially classified mystery race for the Black Afrcans

The politically correct consensus is that they were dark-skinned peoples with middle easterner and caucasian facial features...making them their own uniquerace. That's BS because many Ethiopians present the exact same features and they are today classified as Black/Negroid. It seems like no one wants to calla spade a spade and give Africa its proper glory. There was a significant population of Blacks and other ethniciteis in Ancient Greece but no one would darelabel that as anything other than a Mediterranean/European culture. Somehow Egypt has to be everything else but black.

Genetic continutiy...cultural continuity....in their own words they came from the Great Lakes region of Africa...The proof is overwhleming.


King Userkaf
- 5th dynasty


Menkure - 4th Dynasty





The further down the dynasties you go the more mixed they become but I don't see the proof that indicated Old Kingdom Egyptians were anything but BlackAfricans.

And even in the later dynasties....


They had kinky hair and rocked Afros and dreadlocks.

Not to mention that the last dynasty of Egypt which lasted for hundreds of years was Nubian under Napats, Taharqa and their succesors....unquestionably Black


I don't undertand it.
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

More importantly in this context, how can you consider the Ancient Egyptians to be black if they did not consider themselves to be like the negros?

There was no such thing as negro during that period. That a retro-actively fitted racist assertion.

They differentiated themselves from other civilizations including Nubia but they never made racial classifications.

The Nubian temple at Jebel Barkal was the second holiest site in the Egyptian empire...they believed it was the psychical home of Amun.





They saw the protruding portion at the front of the mountain to be the uraeus (snake headrest) of their chief God Amun...this is in the heart of Nubia, home tosome of the Blackest people on the Planet Earth...I don't think that type of divine self-identity and sacred cultural exchange takes place between peopleunless they share similar "racial" or cultural identities.

That would be like having the Vatican relocated to Ghana.
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