Eddie Griffin vol. who built the pyramids

My problem is personal agendas that have more opinion than fact. I honestly don't know but I do believe black/african were in Egypt. Why not? Egypt is inAfrica.

As for Eddie, dude is smart for real he's got knowledge of many things but I feel his substance issues warp his thinking. IMHO, if he allowed God to reallyspeak to him, dude could be a very powerful voice for the Kingdom. Real smart and funny guy.
Originally Posted by jbone2308

My problem is personal agendas that have more opinion than fact. I honestly don't know but I do believe black/african were in Egypt. Why not? Egypt is in Africa.

As for Eddie, dude is smart for real he's got knowledge of many things but I feel his substance issues warp his thinking. IMHO, if he allowed God to really speak to him, dude could be a very powerful voice for the Kingdom. Real smart and funny guy.
what is this kingdom you speak of?
Egypt is in africa, yet they don't consider themselves to be african.

How does this make ANY kind of sense? Like you african doggie, you sound foolish denying it.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Egypt is in africa, yet they don't consider themselves to be african.

How does this make ANY kind of sense? Like you african doggie, you sound foolish denying it.
This. I understand that they may not be dark skinned, but they are in fact African. I don't see how that's even debatable.
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Huey, I guess we'll have to agree to disagree.

I'm assuming that although you agree Ancient Egyptian society was mixed...you believe that Egyptians were originally Black before other cultures and races entered Egypt.

I believe that the original inhabitants of Egypt were light skinned in the North (but not Caucasian)...more like the color of Egyptians today (olive, brown) and Black in Southern Egypt. In my opinion I think that its most likely that both light and dark-skinned (black) Egyptians helped to build the pyramids. I think that it is a stretch to make the bold claim that "The pyramids were built by blacks" as if Blacks were the only inhabitants of Egypt at the time.

The argument that Egypt is in Africa, therefore Egyptians were black is illogical. Most North Africans are brown-skinned (not black or white). If you look at indigenous North African populations, they are not black. The Berbers of North Africa are not black...the majority of North Africans are NOT black. Being geographically located in Africa does not necessarily make you black.

Carlos...I was referring to the Nubian pyramids in my last post.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

At the end of the day, no one knows for sure.
Yep some people in here are drawing conclusions based on their own personal agendas. Nobody really knows. I believe Egyptians were Black at some point, I believe slavery was used to build the pyramids. This is MY educated guess. I'm gonna stop claiming any of that to be fact, unlike some people in here.
someone else told me to consider the following. "So you think it's a coincidence the direct correlation in the rise ofwestern/europenan/global technology with the excavation of the pyramids and tombs? Take a look at the correlation of the time-lines, then get back tome." Not my words, but from a friend
Race itself is not a social construct. Black, white, yellow, brown, red, olive skinned people exist. Just look around you.

The idea that one person is superior to another based on race is definitely a social construct.

To the guys who say Egypt is in Africa so Egyptians are Black!!!!....go and read my previous post. Egypt being geographically located in Africa does not meanits inhabitants were originally black.

Egypt is in africa, yet they don't consider themselves to be african.
Thats because Saharan Africa and Sub-Saharan Africa are like two entirely different continents. Egypt today has little in common with the AncientEgyptians and sub-Saharan Africa. Egyptians today are largely a by-product of their 7th century Arab conquerors. The language, religion, diet, legal system,appearance of North Africans are very similar amongst each other, however very different from Sub-Saharan Africans. And hopefully no one here is naive enoughto believe that this is a race issue. Egyptians do not really consider themselves to be African due to cultural differences, not because they arelighter-skinned than the majority of Africans.

I still dont understand why people here are saying that "The Egyptians were definitely black". Some people here use Egyptian art as a way of backingup this statement while ignoring that Ancient Egyptian artists clearly differentiated between the multiple races that co-existed within the country. TheAncient Egyptians were MIXED...there is a consensus amongst most scholars that they were mixed. There is no denying that there was a significant Blackpopulation in Egypt but to say that "The Egyptians were definitely black" as if its 100% factual that all Egyptians were black is inaccurate.
Originally Posted by I Be John Mayer

I'm really feeling this thread.� I rememberseeing� this standup on tv a minute and was really suprised by Eddie's awareness.There's this theory i'd like to posite, and this seems like an appropriate thread:

I was watching this documentary a little while ago, and it brought about a pretty crazy yet kind of plausible idea.

�What if, instead of denying the crown, Moses actually became the pharoah Tuthmosis that people hear about?� And people like Solomon and so on were all actually kings of the new Egypt as opposed to these vague kingdoms that people really don't know too much about?� The theory posites that Hebrews were actually not slaves but a working class that were moving their way up in Egyptian society and intermarrying.� Eventually, a move was made by a Hebrew who attempted a violent coup, and the royal family did some crazy things involving the murder of first borns and stuff in the bible.� The story of Moses was like that in the bible, but instead of the burning bush telling him to run away or whatever, he remained in the royal family, hid his Hebrew bloodline (Ancient Egypt really was multicultural so he could have just been thought of as lightskinned).� This theory is crazy because it states that as time went by this bloodline eventually came in and out of power and came back through Cleopatra.� When she married Julius Ceasar he was given God status in Egypt and she was given the title of The Virgin Mother.� They then had Cesearian, who was their only child before Julius was assasinated.� When the�stuff went down and Cleopatra married Marc Anthony, Ceasarian was sent away as to protect him from any harm and was given to the care of two Hebrews named Mary and Joseph.� I guess you can guess the story from there.� Crazy, right? I'm not saying this is true, but it is very interesting.

My man, where do you read up on this idea. Im interested of reading the fleshed out version. Thanx.
Originally Posted by Mr Kuter

Originally Posted by I Be John Mayer

I'm really feeling this thread.� I rememberseeing� this standup on tv a minute and was really suprised by Eddie's awareness.There's this theory i'd like to posite, and this seems like an appropriate thread:

I was watching this documentary a little while ago, and it brought about a pretty crazy yet kind of plausible idea.

�What if, instead of denying the crown, Moses actually became the pharoah Tuthmosis that people hear about?� And people like Solomon and so on were all actually kings of the new Egypt as opposed to these vague kingdoms that people really don't know too much about?� The theory posites that Hebrews were actually not slaves but a working class that were moving their way up in Egyptian society and intermarrying.� Eventually, a move was made by a Hebrew who attempted a violent coup, and the royal family did some crazy things involving the murder of first borns and stuff in the bible.� The story of Moses was like that in the bible, but instead of the burning bush telling him to run away or whatever, he remained in the royal family, hid his Hebrew bloodline (Ancient Egypt really was multicultural so he could have just been thought of as lightskinned).� This theory is crazy because it states that as time went by this bloodline eventually came in and out of power and came back through Cleopatra.� When she married Julius Ceasar he was given God status in Egypt and she was given the title of The Virgin Mother.� They then had Cesearian, who was their only child before Julius was assasinated.� When the�stuff went down and Cleopatra married Marc Anthony, Ceasarian was sent away as to protect him from any harm and was given to the care of two Hebrews named Mary and Joseph.� I guess you can guess the story from there.� Crazy, right? I'm not saying this is true, but it is very interesting.

My man, where do you read up on this idea. Im interested of reading the fleshed out version. Thanx.

�It would play into the theory that the three major religions were plagiarized from Egypt, there are a lot of things that potentially point to this. I'llhave to look into this more.
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by Mr Kuter

Originally Posted by I Be John Mayer

I'm really feeling this thread.� I rememberseeing� this standup on tv a minute and was really suprised by Eddie's awareness.There's this theory i'd like to posite, and this seems like an appropriate thread:

I was watching this documentary a little while ago, and it brought about a pretty crazy yet kind of plausible idea.

�What if, instead of denying the crown, Moses actually became the pharoah Tuthmosis that people hear about?� And people like Solomon and so on were all actually kings of the new Egypt as opposed to these vague kingdoms that people really don't know too much about?� The theory posites that Hebrews were actually not slaves but a working class that were moving their way up in Egyptian society and intermarrying.� Eventually, a move was made by a Hebrew who attempted a violent coup, and the royal family did some crazy things involving the murder of first borns and stuff in the bible.� The story of Moses was like that in the bible, but instead of the burning bush telling him to run away or whatever, he remained in the royal family, hid his Hebrew bloodline (Ancient Egypt really was multicultural so he could have just been thought of as lightskinned).� This theory is crazy because it states that as time went by this bloodline eventually came in and out of power and came back through Cleopatra.� When she married Julius Ceasar he was given God status in Egypt and she was given the title of The Virgin Mother.� They then had Cesearian, who was their only child before Julius was assasinated.� When the�stuff went down and Cleopatra married Marc Anthony, Ceasarian was sent away as to protect him from any harm and was given to the care of two Hebrews named Mary and Joseph.� I guess you can guess the story from there.� Crazy, right? I'm not saying this is true, but it is very interesting.

My man, where do you read up on this idea. Im interested of reading the fleshed out version. Thanx.

�It would play into the theory that the three major religions were plagiarized from Egypt, there are a lot of things that potentially point to this. I'll have to look into this more.
If you have even the slightest interest in the similarities between Egyptian, Olmec, Mayan, etc religions and christianity you should read"Fingerprints of the Gods"

..It's interesting how similar yet distant time-wise some of the stories and figures are...Also the Egyptians made a game out of using subliminal math intheir religious texts.

I can't remember specifically how it went but they mentioned the cycle of precession of the equinoxes in a way that was something like
"72 warriors 365 people, 2160 years, 43,200 somethings etc.." all those numbers are rounded up and refer to the different key #s in the precessionalcycle in reference to the # of days years etc it takes to make certain movements..Damn Im bout to hit the sheets but if I got time this week i'll look itup and post
..It's interesting how similar yet distant time-wise some of the stories and figures are..

Wordd. You can only put so many dots together till you realize something is/was going on. I suppose it would make sense, the universe works in cycles..whywouldn't everything in it work that way too?

Damn Im bout to hit the sheets but if I got time this week i'll look it up and post

Please do, that sounds interesting.
another book that illustrates connections between egyptian/african cultures and olmec and mayan civilization is " They came before columbus" by IvanVan Sertima

I need to stop being lazy and cop that book already. I particularly find it interesting that you can find pyramids all over the world, some currentlyunderwater. Off to bed.
^^^^ That image is often used by those who posit the "Ancient Egyptians were black" idea to support their theory.

However Egyptologists have never been able to conclude that an actual bust of Narmer exists. This is the only confirmed image of Narmer that we have:


As you can see, Narmer's race is inconclusive here.
Originally Posted by jerryjones

another book that illustrates connections between egyptian/african cultures and olmec and mayan civilization is " They came before columbus" by Ivan Van Sertima



Originally Posted by Mangudai954

..It's interesting how similar yet distant time-wise some of the
stories and figures are..

Wordd. You can only put so many dots together till you realize something is/was going on. I suppose it would make sense, the universe works in cycles..why wouldn't everything in it work that way too?

Damn Im bout to hit the sheets but if I got time this week i'll look it
up and post

Please do, that sounds interesting.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Egypt is in africa, yet they don't consider themselves to be african.

How does this make ANY kind of sense? Like you african doggie, you sound foolish denying it.

Aside from MAYBE Morocco, Egypt had the most influence from Europe more than any other African country in the past century ( The English ) They made them hatethemselves.
HueyP, I just went back and read some of your posts. I realize that I misunderstood what you were trying to say.

When I think of "the pyramids", I automatically assumed that we were talking about Khufu, Khafre and Menkaure's pyramids in Giza. I didn'trealize you were talking about the pyramids in Southern Egypt/Sudan which were indeed built by Blacks.

Although it appears that these pyramids built by blacks in modern-day Sudan were built many years after the Giza pyramids as a way of reviving thePharaohs' tradition.

Its almost a fact that Southern Egypt consisted of black people...but I still do not see how people can make the definitive claim that "The Egyptians wereblack" as if Egyptians were all originally black without any facts to support this claim.

Aside from MAYBE Morocco, Egypt had the most influence from Europe more than any other African country in the past century ( The English ) They made them hate themselves.
Can you tell me what influence the English have had on Egyptian culture? I cant think of many.

Egypt's single biggest influence has come from their 7th century Arab conquerors. Egyptians have more in common with Arabs than they do with sub-SaharanAfrica. Egypt has little in common with Europe and Europe has had little influence on Egyptian culture. British rule of Egypt was viewed unfavorably by theEgyptian people which contributed to the 1952 revolution.
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