Dressing Better Vol 2.0

I'm going to try to go for finance related interns now, although my degree is in information systems. All of my finance classes have been more interesting and enjoyable than the IS ones, so I'm going to see if I can have any luck with that.

How was UAB's MBA program? I'm surprised it was only a year

Thanks to everyone who voted. Just looked at the top votes and other entries...no way I'm getting close to winning

A lot of you guys should enter though, especially Wisith. A lot of your fits are winning material

Here's how you can enter. Post your links so I can vote for y'all if they select you. Seems like they're selecting a ton of people as long as your fit is decent
I was considereing IS, but I was already too far along to switch majors.  UAB was pretty good, but I chose that for convenience to home and what not.  There are definitely better options.  A lot of classes were waived since I was a buiness major, and I took 18 hours each for two semesters, so that I could go ahead and finish.
My gf put me onto Etsy and they have some used Allen Edmonds

They also have a huge selection of tie-bars and cufflinks. About to buy Wu-Tang cuff inks tho I'm not sure when I'd ever actually wear them
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Wes's contest skipped my eyes. Quick, someone make a thread to secure the win for him!
I was considereing IS, but I was already too far along to switch majors.  UAB was pretty good, but I chose that for convenience to home and what not.  There are definitely better options.  A lot of classes were waived since I was a buiness major, and I took 18 hours each for two semesters, so that I could go ahead and finish.

They have a really nice campus with ill restaurants around it. Ever been to Al's?

Wes's contest skipped my eyes. Quick, someone make a thread to secure the win for him!

lol I already made one. You really should consider entering it man, you'd have a better chance than I.
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Jking, thanks bro these are women's, so go up two sizes and if you are anything bigger than a 9.5 I don't think you'll be able to get them :\

Marmour, yeah bro women....sometimes it can be beneficial to be an 8 :lol:
You're a sz 8 in men? I thought I had everyone beat as a 9 :lol:

That sounds like there's a ton of money in it. You from Texas?

I know a petroleum engineer in Texas and he's living the ife
You can't focus solely on money, man. If you do make guap doing what you hate, your life will still be misery.

Jordan II for casual Friday

This is really good! Throw on a tie and its GQ worthy :lol:
They have a really nice campus with ill restaurants around it. Ever been to Al's?
lol I already made one. You really should consider entering it man, you'd have a better chance than I.
What's the contest about? I'd appreciate if you can post the link to the guideline. :smile:

I'll check later when I'm home on the CPU.
I hear you Wisith, that's another reason why I switched from engineering. IS is better, but I still haven't found that one thing I really enjoy.
Suit wearing careers. :smile:

Haha, I remember thinking I wanted to wear a suit to work everyday.  That hasn't happened yet :lol:

I've honestly never had the desire to wear a suit everyday.

If I could live in a ToJ DR with a white oxford, light denim, and Margiela side zips or desert boots I would. I appreciate the look of a suit but honestly it's not my style to wear it everyday.

My style is pretty much exactly like RFX's (Come back :frown: )
Stay hungry and stay humble. Couldn't have said it any better.

Surprised at the age range. I'm 25 myself and in the process of applying for my MFA in Design.


What kind of cologne are you most of you wearing these days?

I'm the type to rock cologne everyday even if I spend the whole day at home chillin, its just part of my routine like brushing my teeth. So I have a decent variety..I like trying new stuff..

but my everyday ones are

winter: Jean Paul Le male, Mandarina Duck Pure Black, Paco Rabane 1 mil, YSL Pour Hom, Hanae Mori, Dior Fahrenheit,
Summer: Paul Smith extreme, Lacoste essential, Terre d hermes, Gucci pour home II :smokin, DG the one, Versace eau fraiche, Prada amber (all seasons)

those are my main ones i have more but those are my every day type scents depending on the season or event..i recommend all those..they are all available are ur local nordstroms or dept store
I hear you Wisith, that's another reason why I switched from engineering. IS is better, but I still haven't found that one thing I really enjoy.
I know where you're coming from. I used to talk to my undergrad professors about their pay. I was pretty close to several of them and saw them as career counselors too. Most stated that they broke into 6 figure about after 10 years of working. I had MySpace profiles of them so I did the math :lol: then I accounted for inflation and stuff.

To be considered in the 1% rank you need to command a salary of $350k a year. That's not even millionaire status. If there's one country where anyone make it in, it's USA.

About RFX, in the og thread he was dress shirt and ties too! :lol:. :tongue:
Re: colognes. I have so many because my former neighbor has a cologne and perfume store :lol:

I'll chime in later. Typing long post on the iPhone sucks.
I'm in the engineering field.

Gas pipeline engineer.

That sounds like there's a ton of money in it. You from Texas?

I know a petroleum engineer in Texas and he's living the ife

I'm in Chicago actually. First project out of the gate was working on a 20-year renovation project in which the company is changing a majority of the natural gas pipelines in the city from cast iron and steel to yellow plastic.
I'm going to try to go for finance related interns now, although my degree is in information systems. All of my finance classes have been more interesting and enjoyable than the IS ones, so I'm going to see if I can have any luck with that.
I've taken a few finance classes as well, definitely more interesting than a lot of the other business classes I had to take. My friends with finance degrees like their jobs and tried to get me interested in the field. My school college is small though and doesn't offer much other than a business management degree. I plan on getting another more focused degree after I graduate in May. I like accounting and economics so I might look into those fields.
Sarg, Wis and Bama with some solid advice.

I went to McMaster University (in Canada) originally for their strong Bio/Health program, but within the first semester, I hated it. I had low grades and couldn't transfer over to the Commerce program. So strategically, I switched over to Math & Stats with the intention to land within the business field. It was the closest thing that I could do to keep me on pace to graduate on time and something I could hope transfer in skill sets. I also knew I could aim to minor in Economics.

I buckled down and made a point take business related stats courses (e.g. Stochastic Processes, Financial Modelling). I did the same for my economics courses (e.g. Game Theory, Health Econ, Public Policy, Trades & Union Labour). I also took intro Accounting as a requirement for my minor. I also took on some interesting electives including 20th Century Pop Music Post WWII, Intro Communications, and Intro Psych.

It wasn't until the I took the Communications course and a few Econs that I really started to appreciate variations of systems thinking and lock into what I wanted. I took an extra year at a community college (Humber) in Marketing Management and landed a digital marketing internship thru LinkedIn for a major Advertising agency. It eventually turned into a full time job. I do User Experience design, where I build blueprints/wireframes for websites to digital applications. Ideally my work helps sets the tone for flow of information for users which leads to meeting business requirements of branding, digital customer experience, etc. I really enjoy it since it really links both creative and business aspects. Sometimes I get involved for new business. If you read FastCoDesign or Smashing Magazine, you'll know what I mean.

I strongly believe in Bama's advice in specializing as a Bachelor's is very common. Overtime, you'll develop a style or an approach; be it Management Style or Creative Style. As I mentioned earlier, I'm in the process of applying for my MFA in Design at SCAD or Parsons to strengthen how I view business solutions. My current experience is leading towards designing physical user flows for digital retail/kiosk environments that would integrate with your phone or wearables. I'm not sure yet though.

Don't get me wrong, a Bachelor's is still very hard achieve but most of my current skill sets were the result of on-the-job training. Because I took a wide array of courses, I felt attaining my degree helped my networking skills and appreciate the value that other contribute towards society. I don't look back and say it was a waste of time, but rather glad I did that foundational work. Pending, some employers appreciate multidisciplinary thinking skills over the turn-key methods we're accustomed to. There's still the aspect of work Politics/Likability/Culture but I'll save that for another post.

Do take interesting courses in undergrad. Do work hard. Do stay hungry. Be humble and don't be afraid to ask for what you want out of a company nor address what you want for yourself.
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I really appreciate all the advice guys. I really, really do.

As for my own story, had my first job in Engineering Thermal Solutions when I was 17 and worked their until I was 18. I started out during the summer, and then every day during HS I would go there right after school 2-6 shift. I worked in inventory management and in the shipping department. After about 5 or 6 months, I became one of the heads of the shipping department just based off of how efficient I was, pay was good too and has helped me pay for school. I got to see some amazing stuff, military equipment, hospital tools, and a number of other things. Left that job when I went to college, and I'm still on good terms with everyone there.

Almost immediately after that I applied to work at Footlocker during the summer so I could have some cash in my pocket. Started working when I was 18 as a sales associate, and last summer I began management training. Still working on it, and hoping that it adds up to something. (A DM makes about 80k a year)

As far as school, I had a 3.11 GPA my first year which I wasn't really proud of, but I'm still working on getting it up. Right now, I'm starting to look into internships and finishing my resume. Ideally I'd like to be in healthcare administration, and there's a few internships at a hospital about 10 minutes from my house (Lawrence & Memorial)

Again, thank you all for your advice.
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