Dressing Better Vol 2.0

That's Express?  I follow your blog you wear alot of ThickAsThievies suits. Very fresh pic though..
Pic got like 800 reblogs on Tumblr :lol:

This was before lil bro got a professional job.
Never hit that 1k doe :frown:

But yeah mang. I copped that joint for just over a hundo (dropped about 2 hunnits in tailoring though but that was spread out over a few months :lol:) back when I was still a broke college kid. As Wis stated, professional job allowed for the TaT cops.
I need to start shopping for a suit.

Never really owned a suit..besides cheap H&M for quick interviews. Put on about 18 lbs since 2011, so that doesn't fit anymore. :lol:

Got a gut feeling I'm about to be laid off..so gonna need to start job hunting.
The express photographer suit is ok quality with the 40% off price tag. I got married in the photographer, went well.
The price ain't bad either. I ain't got it like most of these guys in Dressing Better Thread...

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