Donald Trump is running for president


Bill was getting yambs way before Hillary, during their marriage, and most likely still is. Hill knows what's up.

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Yeah, Thursday can't get here quick enough. Never thought I'd see the day I said that about a Republican debate. :lol:
Or let me guess "He's a successful businessman, he can fix the economy and run the country like he did his businesses"

If Trump is president, United Sates filing for bankruptcy confirmed :lol:

But if it gets us out of paying our debt all while hiding money...

Would be a win if the Fed didn't essentially control our money :lol:

I don't take dude seriously but it's interesting to watch. He's in the lead but the GOP gon shaft dude and put Jeb as their candidate, once that happens, sit back and enjoy the lulz
The republican party is a disgrace. This a dream come true election for Hillary. Might as well start preparing her for her first day. That's unless Biden decides to run.
Trump is the best Troll. Make America Great Again makes a lot of sense. No matter how you cut it, the typical administration in the past few decades has done nothing but deteriotate America.

No sugar coating, no politcal correctness overcast is probably something we need.

The phone thing was nothing, but the jab at the POW and I don‘t like peeps being captured was great. lol
He stole his slogan from Reagan

And Reagan probably did more harm to his country than any other president in recent memory
Every president put their print, but what matters is looking at Obama and what he has done. In the 8 years or whatever, I don‘t know what corrective measure he has done to make America better.
You must not be paying attention. Coming from Bush II, I say some things are better.
^^ I can give you a couple off the top but I'm not gonna waste my time bc you sound like your mind is already made up or either you're just repeating what you've been force fed.

This trolling is strategic if you ask me. Don makes a fool of himself & takes up all the attention knowing damn well he doesn't stand a chance in hell at getting in the white house
while the legitimate candidate lays low and continues to finesse his campaign. They know what they are doing.
Every president put their print, but what matters is looking at Obama and what he has done. In the 8 years or whatever, I don‘t know what corrective measure he has done to make America better.

There is no comparison between Obama and Reagan IMO

Obama is has been an infinity better president than Reagan.

Reagan legacy has scared this country for decades. He basically ushered in a new era of white supremacy into America
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Trying to continuously pin point events of the past does no good though. That‘s like blaming the economic strife and leverage outcome on certain laws, regulations, etc. Glass Stegal, FDRs 30 year mtge.

It would be better to look at our current Obama administration and what potential candidates/parties have in store for us. They will scrutinize Obama and the Democrats in the debates/campaign anyway.

Trump will probably not win, but the noise he creates is entertaining.
He stole his slogan from Reagan

And Reagan probably did more harm to his country than any other president in recent memory

Reagan was bad, but George W. Bush takes the cake IMO.

2001 tax cuts, in which the middle class got some small up front tax cuts, but larger tax cuts for the wealthy were phased in, in such a way as to hide them.

Weakening of OSHA and EPA were major blows to regulations that protected the working class and the environment

Change of the overtime pay rule, which greatly reduced the number of Americans eligible and helped the wealthy to essentially make more off their workers labor.

And the list goes on and on...
The republican party is a disgrace. This a dream come true election for Hillary. Might as well start preparing her for her first day. That's unless Biden decides to run.

Not if Bernie Sanders has something to say, dude is KILLING it with young kids and has a strong following online

People complain because politicians only speak out fluff and what corporations tell them to say, but when Trump is speaking his mind(might not always be right) dudes get shook for him talking
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