Donald Trump is running for president

Trump has a better chance of getting impeached than Hillary so I'm Koo with it
Better chance as in 0.1% compared to 0.0%??

You're seriously delusional if you think there is any actual chance of him getting impeached. If he got away with all the illegal **** he got away with so far, he sure isn't going to get punished for it while he's the president.
Trump has a better chance of getting impeached than Hillary so I'm Koo with it

Better chance as in 0.1% compared to 0.0%??

You're seriously delusional if you think there is any actual chance of him getting impeached. If he got away with all the illegal **** he got away with so far, he sure isn't going to get punished for it while he's the president.


hrc had a better chance at getting impeached imo, though now her indictment is very likely.
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Hes gonna have a majority Republican Senate, house and supreme Court. The man is not getting impeached
Man I'm not into politics, but the trumpman winning is hella motivating to me. Donald Trump proved the entire world wrong and deified all odds. What's stopping you from achieving your dreams b? He was splitting straight fire in his victory speech.
My cousin said the same thing about Bush. It was like a half insult. He basically said "if this dumbass can be president, anyone can do anything".
if i was born a billionaire but suffered from a low iq and lack of empathy, i too would be inspired that my vast wealth and social ineptitude wouldn't hold me back.
I don't think people should be saddened or disparaged about this.

This is who our country has chosen to lead and we should accept it.

That's the way this works. You just have to hope that he does the right thing......and even though we don't know yet if he will.....there is the possibility that he can.

I talked alot of **** about this guy and his supporters for a year and although i still disagree with many things he and them believe in, the main thing is i hope he can lead America in a positive direction.
well said. this is how democracy works. you live with your choices and that helps you take responsibility and make better choices in the future.

i do hope we're proven wrong and trump makes a good president. but I'm not holding my breath.
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While I think both Trump and Hillary are disasters, the fact that she couldn't pull it off against him says all I need to know about her.
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Woke up to this news today.....for some reason decided to check NT lol. I truelly hope the best for this country.......but I must say on a lighter note, there are a couple quotes on this page alone that are making me literally laugh out loud.....ahhh man.
Bizarre as ****, but I hope he does well now that he has it. Sad, but **** may get done now that the majority has someone that looks like them again.
While I think both Trump and Hillary are disasters, the fact that she couldn't pull it off against him says all I need to know about her.

I think this says more about the country than her. Nothing she's done has overshadowed any other corrupt male politicians skating by.
Man i k now too many families that can be broken up cuz of this dude.

Even besides that, it aint good for blacks and browns.
I really hope I'm wrong and delusional about the newly elected pres :smh: hoping for the best is all I can do at this point. Could def use an order of fries with my salt :lol:
Watching the votes get counted was like watching someone fall in *slow motion*. Time slowed down and I knew it was going to hurt :x :x
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The more things change the more they stay the same.

Country was heading towards a (fake) middle ground and the majority wasn't feeling it. So here we are :lol:
Dat ninja was right lol.

I give him that. He saw something i definitely did not

Congrats on your guys win.
This. Regardless of how disappointed I am, da Ninja stuck to his mans from the start even through the dire times. And he has something to show for it. So he deserves some credit here.
I never discounted the possibility of him winning but I definitely didn't expect it to actually happen, by the looks of it neither did the rest of us.
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I don't think people should be saddened or disparaged about this.

This is who our country has chosen to lead and we should accept it.

That's the way this works. You just have to hope that he does the right thing......and even though we don't know yet if he will.....there is the possibility that he can.

I talked alot of **** about this guy and his supporters for a year and although i still disagree with many things he and them believe in, the main thing is i hope he can lead America in a positive direction.
I do agree despite how much I hate the platform Trump ran on and his policies (lack there of lol) I do hope the country will be fine but I'm not holding my breath
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