Do you think you will ever get married

The problem with marriage today is a reflection of society. We have no morals or values. People have no work ethic. People in general are crud balls who constantly make bad decisions all in the name of instant satisfaction or gratification. Nothing but crud balls almost every where I see. A family member once told me the right thing to do is always the hardest thing to do. It's easy to screw off
So that makes you better? I don't understand this argument.

What do "morals" have to do with getting "married?" And what makes that the "right" thing to do?
To some degree yes, but I don't kid myself thinking my ish don't stink. I'm a human being with faults just like everyone else.

As far as morals, having a good moral compass is one part of being married (not lying to your wife, not cheating, generally doing the right thing). I see too many people who hit a rocky patch their relationship or marriage & think it gives them to go out & cheat or do whatever instead of making an effort to work through the issue with patience, love, understanding, & some level of humility.
What makes you better then?

That you got married?

You said it was the right thing to do. No one is talking about cheating or anything of the sort.
No getting married doesn't make me a better person over someone else that's not married or otherwise.

Being married has helped me become a better person though. Does that make sense?

Once you make the commitment to getting/being married, doing the right thing is working to make your marriage successful. It's a lot of hard work.
The problem with marriage today is a reflection of society. We have no morals or values. People have no work ethic. People in general are crud balls who constantly make bad decisions all in the name of instant satisfaction or gratification. Nothing but crud balls almost every where I see. A family member once told me the right thing to do is always the hardest thing to do. It's easy to screw off & do the wrong thing. It takes no effort.
Having said that, I knew I was going to marry my wife the first time we went out. We've been together 16 years, married for 12. Yes, we've had our tough times, but marriage takes work. It's not something you just coast with. I love her & our son. I can't imagine life without either of them.

Props man. :smokin

I'm not married yet but I know it will take a lot of work daily. A lot of people think of marriage on the same plain as dating. Its not.
I'm 27 now and I'll say this....if you are single, have no kids, and have a decent career/job (and if you look good even better) the females will flock to you as you are a rare breed. .

Not necessarily....I'm 26 and I've been asked twice by 2 different women this year WHY I don't have kids :lol: :smh:

There's a reason why we get more play when we're involved as opposed to being single.

Women say they want a single guy with no kids etc...but on a primitive level they're drawn to the opposite

But to answer OP's question...I doubt it
I guess my advice to the younger guys here n NT is not to get married if you feel it's just the next step or if you think it will fix some issue you & your girl (guy) are facing. Don't get married thinking everything is going to be honky dory. Marriage takes a ton of hard work. Having a family is even more work. It's the hardest thing you will ever do but it's gratifying. As you get older, those old sayings will really start to make sense & ring true (labor of love, time flies, etc). Marriage will only amplify where you are in life.
I'm 34 and with the amount of crap I've been through or been involved in because of women I'll say put me down for an effin No.

I always wanted to find the right person and I'm well aware that my actions have ruined some of my better relationships when I was younger but now that I'm much more mature I figured it would be easier to find someone on my level.  Nope because all I attract are younger women because I still look 25 myself.  A lot of my friends who are married with kids think it's great that I have younger women after me.  I think it sucks because they have no idea of what it takes to be in a relationship just like I didn't at their age.  The women that are around my age have been even worse.  I see why they aren't married.  You would have to be out of your mind to put a ring on their finger, it would be better to put a shotgun to your chest.  No thanks.

I've always wanted kids too but lately with how hard it is out there, how rotten people are, how there are so many babies having babies, how corrupt everything is, this whole look at me and what I have society that has developed and plenty of other stuff I really feel like bringing a child into this world is wrong.

To each is own though.  If you have that special bond with someone, you have trust and you bring the best out of each other then Congratulations. 
finding a GOOD baby mother >> getting married as far as im concerned. you can divorce a skeeza da next day, but once you have a kid with someone you're linked

with them forever.

thats what im about in 2012 and beyond..but before all that, make sure your whole immediate situation is good, great job, no baggage, and im telling you, women will

act in thirsty sahara ways you never seen..especially if they aint got nothing going on for themselves, then they gotta cater to you, not da other way around.
The problem with marriage today is a reflection of society. We have no morals or values. People have no work ethic. People in general are crud balls who constantly make bad decisions all in the name of instant satisfaction or gratification. Nothing but crud balls almost every where I see. A family member once told me the right thing to do is always the hardest thing to do. It's easy to screw off & do the wrong thing. It takes no effort.
Having said that, I knew I was going to marry my wife the first time we went out. We've been together 16 years, married for 12. Yes, we've had our tough times, but marriage takes work. It's not something you just coast with. I love her & our son. I can't imagine life without either of them.
This...after my last relationship I just don't know.... A lot of women want this dude that doesn't exist.... Unrealistic expectations, but I don't want to grow old alone, hopefully one day I can meet a girl with integrity and just overall a good friend, somebody that can help me smooth this thing out called life( shout to 3 stacks for that line)... And I really hate women that listen to their friends who are either single and have ****** attitudes or jaded ******* that hate... To truly make a relationship work keep your problems between your mate because other people will kill your relationship
Prob not. most women now days don't deserve no love. every girl i had are all the same. Straight *******. But when the right ones comes...I wont let **** get in the way... :smokin
Moving in together with a GF is the most i'll go, but i wouldn't be shocked if we got married.
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And I really hate women that listen to their friends who are either single and have ****** attitudes or jaded ******* that hate... To truly make a relationship work keep your problems between your mate because other people will kill your relationship

I hate that **** too...
I understand you..But don't worry, I'm sure theirs still hope out their...
didn't read any other posts...just typed this response... i really think it'd have to be a special kind of female that i'd end up getting married to...certain things that people associate with relationships, i'm just not down with...there's certain things that people associate with "loving" someone, that i don't find necessary, and the girl i would marry would have to be able to understand that just because i don't show these "certain things" doesn't mean i don't love her. i imagine it'll be hard to find this particular female, and i'm completely prepared for life without her
[COLOR=#red]finding a GOOD baby mother >> getting married[/COLOR] as far as im concerned. you can divorce a skeeza da next day, but once you have a kid with someone you're linked

with them forever.

thats what im about in 2012 and beyond..but before all that, make sure your whole immediate situation is good, great job, no baggage, and im telling you, women will

act in thirsty sahara ways you never seen..especially if they aint got nothing going on for themselves, then they gotta cater to you, not da other way around.

:x :x

this thread pops up at least once every 3 months.....always the same argument, those anti-marriage justifying why they don't believe in the institution of marriage and why one shouldn't marry when most of them have never even been married or even in a long term least those pro-marriage have lived both types of lifestyles first hand....bunch of dudes basing their lives off other statistical failures of society....just because 100 marriages failed doesn't mean yours will....

once again :x @ the thought of calling the mother of your kid, your "baby momma" cmon son....
The women that are around my age have been even worse. I see why they aren't married.


make you wanna settle for whats "ok/acceptable" instead of finding what's great and finding out aint S!!! worth having left.

idk tho. I aint really too worried. living life now....
Sadly despite my views on marriage i have come to grips with one thing.

I really want kids. And if my future mate says no kids without marriage i think i will cave. Kids > Marriage to me and i would be willing to do almost anything if i think she is the right one to raise my children. If there was a woman who was cool with the "I don't need validation from a fake religion or other people to prove i love you and want to be with you forever" mentality and was willing to have my kids then that's what i want. But the older i get the more i realize how impossible this is to find. So i would compromise with her and say yes i will marry you if you give me the gift of children.
Getting married next May...I'll almost be 26 and she will be 27 by then
I think George Clooney is doing it right.
Man who you telling...
I highly doubt ill get married either, but i would want too if i found the right one

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