Do you think you will ever get married

NTers are a bunch of pessimist loners dawg, i swear...

As for myself, yes i think i will get married... I sure hope i do at least.
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I think I will get married. I have a gf now who I am very happy with. Been together for 3 1/2 years. Our situation is different than most, but it works for us, which is most important. I think a lot of people do it so that they can fit into what "society" wants. You're supposed to be married, have kids, and whatever else at x age. My feeling is, do it when you are ready. I believe, and I could be very wrong, but I think when people get married, they aren't doing it totally because it's the person they know they want to spend their life with. There are doubts-big ones, but people fool themselves into thinking that it is minor and they can fix it, or it will work itself out. Marriage is work, period. Too bad we're a lazy society. There is no path and do what works for you. People need to be real with their partner and be honest, if something bothers you, talk about it. I think people don't initially try to solve the problem in the beginning out of fear that their partner would be so upset and leave them, and God forbid your partner leaves you and you are alone. But that's just me :rolleyes
I was married for three years, together 5 before we got married, and am now in the middle of a divorce. I have no issues with monogamy and want children more than anything but I honestly do not think I will ever get married again. People grow apart, fall out of love, things just happen sometimes. I don't have anything against marriage it's just not for everyone. Some people want the title of husband and wife, they say their vows with integrity and believe in forever. At this point in my life I personally don't think a piece of paper and professing my commitment in front of witnesses proves I love a person. Maybe someday I'll change my mind but for now that my perspective.

I completely understand that POV. That's one of my biggest fears with my girl, falling out of love. But then I think about, if you fell out of love with someone, were you even totally in love with them in the first place? Thinking about that argument is like a dog chasing it's tail.
Propose + Long engagement = Profit?

nah i cant do that to her. But she tries to live her life by deadlines, married by 27 and her own buisness by 32. i always try to explain to her, you cant live life like that it will drive you crazy. She mention Saturday night a couple of her friends said they dont see us getting married soon. she felt embarrassed bc people question OUR relationship...

what type of **** is that

serious question...

not trying to bring up race or turn this topic in that direction, why do southern white people get married so early?
Nah. Don't really want to either.

I'm fine with children out of wed lock with multiple women no matter who judges me for it.
I'd like to eventually but i'm in no rush to. I wouldn't marry some chick just because it's the thing to do. I'm 23 so i'm still young. Should be leaving for the military early sometime next year so their are so many things that i want/need to do before i settle down and get married. Wouldn't settle for just any broad just to tie the knot, i want to find someone i truly enjoy being with and wouldn't mind spending the rest of my days with her.
I always wanted to and probably would still like to, but I'm getting more comfortable with two things. One, living and enjoying the single, bachelor lifestyle a la George Clooney. Two, finding the right woman and settling down, except without the labels. Wedding, husband, wife, etc.

For men the challenge is that women are often insecure and uncomfortable without the clarity, labels, titles, and security.
I always wanted to and probably would still like to, but I'm getting more comfortable with two things. One, living and enjoying the single, bachelor lifestyle a la George Clooney. Two, finding the right woman and settling down, except without the labels. Wedding, husband, wife, etc.

For men the challenge is that women are often insecure and uncomfortable without the clarity, labels, titles, and security.
Dudes don't have enough paper or fame to live like clooney.

I forget who said it, but I heard someone say that marriage was a proposition for poor and middle class men. 
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I'm 31 and am getting married next July. I am pretty indifferent about the whole thing but I definitely love my girl. It was never necessary for me to get married, but I don't see myself ever being with another girl like this. She's amazing and has always been a great girlfriend and I know she'll make a great mother to my kids. The whole wedding prep irritates the ever living hell out of me though. Gotta appease so many different people.
I'm 31 and am getting married next July. I am pretty indifferent about the whole thing but I definitely love my girl. It was never necessary for me to get married, but I don't see myself ever being with another girl like this. She's amazing and has always been a great girlfriend and I know she'll make a great mother to my kids. The whole wedding prep irritates the ever living hell out of me though. Gotta appease so many different people.

The organisation for a wedding must be crazy :x

Congrats, hope everything will work in the long run :smokin
maybe. my gf and i agree that marriage isn't the most important thing in the world, so it's not really something on our minds. i'm sure if we're together long enough, we'll eventually decide to do it.
I think so. I'm lucky enough to have accidentally knocked up a girl who is smart, pretty, a great friend, a proficient-level cook, an exemplary mommy, can hold a conversation, and she also has some other abilities that I'm just not going to discuss on NT.

As an added bonus, she is neither a ***** or a money-grubbing dogwife. I can trust her (just not everybody else) ...holy ****.

She's going to be around in some capacity forever anyway, she had no problem with the DNA test, she'll sign a pre-nup if I ask, she's willing to watch (and learn about!) football and despite her being female, I can stand the sight of her for over a week straight...hell, that's enough motive for me.
Let her go man, at least for a year if she's really coming to your college. Sounds like she may be the/one of the only girls you've ever been with. There's so many girls to experience at college. You don't even know what you like yet. In the words of Ferris Bueller...

but i don't have a reason to other than you thinking you know what's best for me. don't mean to sound all mad that's just how it came out. :lol:
and idk what y'all call a lot, but i started having sex kinda early and experiencing other girls doesn't really drive me. if it's working i'm not gonna end it. if it stops working i will. i'm happy...why make my self unhappy by ending something just to experience something i don't care about? and don't tell me i don't know what i want or what i'm missing by not experiencing them...that doesn't hold much importance in my life. this is not the time or place to explain my entire school of thought on life, but just know i'm 1000% sure it's not like most NTers or 18 y/o dudes so you really can only give me the cookie cutter answer you just gave, which is fine. that's what adults do. but i'm cool over here homie. we good. :smokin
I would ONLY if she's

1- independent, has her own
2-not a skeezer who's been with everyone literally
3-on the level as any woman posted in the black woman appreciation thread
No.. been with my girl a few years now and still no.. bout to have our first kid and still no.

We're completely happy the way things are at the moment no need for none of that
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The problem with marriage today is a reflection of society. We have no morals or values. People have no work ethic. People in general are crud balls who constantly make bad decisions all in the name of instant satisfaction or gratification. Nothing but crud balls almost every where I see. A family member once told me the right thing to do is always the hardest thing to do. It's easy to screw off & do the wrong thing. It takes no effort.

Having said that, I knew I was going to marry my wife the first time we went out. We've been together 16 years, married for 12. Yes, we've had our tough times, but marriage takes work. It's not something you just coast with. I love her & our son. I can't imagine life without either of them.
The problem with marriage today is a reflection of society. We have no morals or values. People have no work ethic. People in general are crud balls who constantly make bad decisions all in the name of instant satisfaction or gratification. Nothing but crud balls almost every where I see. A family member once told me the right thing to do is always the hardest thing to do. It's easy to screw off & do the wrong thing. It takes no effort.

Having said that, I knew I was going to marry my wife the first time we went out. We've been together 16 years, married for 12. Yes, we've had our tough times, but marriage takes work. It's not something you just coast with. I love her & our son. I can't imagine life without either of them.
So that makes you better? I don't understand this argument.

What do "morals" have to do with getting "married?" And what makes that the "right" thing to do?
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The problem with marriage today is a reflection of society. We have no morals or values. People have no work ethic. People in general are crud balls who constantly make bad decisions all in the name of instant satisfaction or gratification. Nothing but crud balls almost every where I see. A family member once told me the right thing to do is always the hardest thing to do. It's easy to screw off
So that makes you better? I don't understand this argument.

What do "morals" have to do with getting "married?" And what makes that the "right" thing to do?

To some degree yes, but I don't kid myself thinking my ish don't stink. I'm a human being with faults just like everyone else.

As far as morals, having a good moral compass is one part of being married (not lying to your wife, not cheating, generally doing the right thing). I see too many people who hit a rocky patch their relationship or marriage & think it gives them to go out & cheat or do whatever instead of making an effort to work through the issue with patience, love, understanding, & some level of humility.
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