Do you think you will ever get married


Apr 12, 2012
with divorce rates being so high, marrying for money and status, the looming possibility of infidelity, along with how hard it is to find a honest woman do you see marriage in your life. honestly i just want a down aas girl who i can have some kids with, be happy, none of that legal bs. if your married how is it ?
A lot of people get married because it is the "next" thing to do or they feel obligated from social pressure or their partner.

At my age......folks either have kids or are married.
sure one day, i want to. and have children as well. but I'm in no rush, I'll know when the time is right. until then I'm just enjoying life and all these wemenz
with divorce rates being so high, marrying for money and status, the looming possibility of infidelity, along with how hard it is to find a honest woman do you see marriage in your life. honestly i just want a down aas girl who i can have some kids with, be happy, none of that legal bs. if your married how is it ?
Thats what I really want.

I'd rather find someone who wants to see me every day than feels like shes obligated to. And I'd never have a reason to leave. That means more to me than thinking that the only reason you want it to work is the legal hurdle in paper work that keeps you from leaving.

People think marriage is going to fix whats not already there for some reason. I see it all the time. It hasn't stopped anyone from cheating or made you into the person you weren't before you got married. 

I think marriage needs to be reformed.

I heard in Mexico they were experimenting with temporary marriage licenses that expired after 2 years then you had the option of renewing it OR signing another, longer license.

I think the concept of marriage isn't keeping up with the evolution of society and favors arguments that are far too outdated.

Plus, marriages unfairly grant government benefits in ways that civil unions dont get. 
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Probably. My 4 year anniversary is coming up in a few weeks. People my age (Just turned 20 on the 22nd) are either single, or just getting in (usually short term) relationships.
Probably. My 4 year anniversary is coming up in a few weeks. People my age (Just turned 20 on the 22nd) are either single, or just getting in (usually short term) relationships.
word, congrats homie, im always glad to see people actually find happiness
that is horrible logic on their part :smh:

Exactly. Hence why I am neither married nor have kids. Once you do it, there is no going back. There is so much to do and grow as a person in your teen/twenties....getting married extremely young, what do you really have to offer or know about yourself. You are skipping the independent building growth of yourself and building a union.
that is horrible logic on their part :smh:

Exactly. Hence why I am neither married nor have kids. Once you do it, there is no going back. There is so much to do and grow as a person in your teen/twenties....getting married extremely young, what do you really have to offer or know about yourself. You are skipping the independent building growth of yourself and building a union.
exactly, i used to know one shorty that wasnt doing to well with her bf, so he proposed to her, like whats that gonna do she still gon do what she want . im 21 myself, i used to be in the always looking for women thng, but as of late i jus been tryna focus on school/myself/money . i been in some bad relationships and before i get in a new one im tyna better myself
eventually. i have a girl who's a Senior in HS and I'm a freshman in college. We'll end up at the same college and if everything keeps going the way it has been i see no reason to end it w/ her. yeah i'm young, whatever. having fun, living life, and being happy at a young age doesn't require being single in my case. she's a part of my fun, happiness, and me living life so yeah...eventually.
eventually. i have a girl who's a Senior in HS and I'm a freshman in college. We'll end up at the same college and if everything keeps going the way it has been i see no reason to end it w/ her. yeah i'm young, whatever. having fun, living life, and being happy at a young age doesn't require being single in my case. she's a part of my fun, happiness, and me living life so yeah...eventually.

Speaking from similar experience..

The thing about life is, things dont always work out as planned. More power to you if it runs smoothly but be careful bro.

Keep ya heart 3 stacks..
I'm 27 now and I'll say this....if you are single, have no kids, and have a decent career/job (and if you look good even better) the females will flock to you as you are a rare breed. I have no baggage, no drama and can take care/provide for myself.

My advice to the younger folks is to focus on yourself at an earlier age. Be selfish. Travel, focus on your studies and getting the job you want. Don't make sacrafices and life changing decision at 19 because you are trying to please someone else. You will only hurt and upset yourself in the future. Don't put someone else's interest before your own.

You will be a bitter man if you invest all your time and energy into another person and it doesn't work out the way you want and you spent 5 years of your prime and missed out on a lot of individual growth and experiences that could have shaped your future.
Speaking from similar experience..
The thing about life is, things dont always work out as planned. More power to you if it runs smoothly but be careful bro.
Keep ya heart 3 stacks..

i feel you. i won't force anything. i'm just saying you know how NT always on their Forever Bachelor **** and i'm fine w/out being like that. if it works i'm down, if not then that's how life works.
meh... If it comes why not.

If not, it's not that big of a deal.
even if it were legal for me here in alabama... probably not. i've been independent for so long, the thought of sharing space with someone else kinda freaks me out. i do love kids, though... it's been a little bittersweet watching my friends raise theirs.
even if it were legal for me here in alabama... probably not. i've been independent for so long, the thought of sharing space with someone else kinda freaks me out. i do love kids, though... it's been a little bittersweet watching my friends raise theirs.

You can always adopt or have foster kids or something? Just an idea.
A lot of people get married because it is the "next" thing to do or they feel obligated from social pressure or their partner.
At my age......folks either have kids or are married.

im through this with my girl now. Shes feeling the pressure and ready to get married. We had a talk recently and i told her im not ready, i just dont have that "im ready for marriage" feeling. I mean shes who i wanna be with the rest of my life. We've been together since 11th grade, took a break during college, and now we've been back together for 3 years now. Well our apartment leash is up in May and she said if she doesnt have a ring by then she has to walk.

this girl is everything you want in a women. everything. but im just not ready, i dont understand the rush.
im through this with my girl now. Shes feeling the pressure and ready to get married. We had a talk recently and i told her im not ready, i just dont have that "im ready for marriage" feeling. I mean shes who i wanna be with the rest of my life. We've been together since 11th grade, took a break during college, and now we've been back together for 3 years now. Well our apartment leash is up in May and she said if she doesnt have a ring by then she has to walk.
this girl is everything you want in a women. everything. but im just not ready, i dont understand the rush.

Propose + Long engagement = Profit?
I fear marriage hell I fear getting into a serious relationship..the dirt I have done is real and I don't want it to come back on me

But one day Ill man up and get married..
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I was married for three years, together 5 before we got married, and am now in the middle of a divorce. I have no issues with monogamy and want children more than anything but I honestly do not think I will ever get married again. People grow apart, fall out of love, things just happen sometimes. I don't have anything against marriage it's just not for everyone. Some people want the title of husband and wife, they say their vows with integrity and believe in forever. At this point in my life I personally don't think a piece of paper and professing my commitment in front of witnesses proves I love a person. Maybe someday I'll change my mind but for now that my perspective.
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