Do you have any unpopular opinions???VOL....2

Of course, this will be the wrong messenger for many and we know how important liking the messenger is in our world.

I Don't even think this one should be unpopular but Quiet as it's kept, in some of these situations these parents seem to almost hand over their kids to these folks.

Felt the same way when watching the R. Kelly doc.

Of course, this will be the wrong messenger for many and we know how important liking the messenger is in our world.

I Don't even think this one should be unpopular but Quiet as it's kept, in some of these situations these parents seem to almost hand over their kids to these folks.

Felt the same way when watching the R. Kelly doc.

This should not be unpopular. Shows how ****** our society is
The push to convince women that a life of "sex work" is something they should be proud of (and not ashamed of) is counter productive to women. Many women feel that way and side eye the whole agenda so these aren't just my words/feelings .

But we live in a shameless era so they have to do what they have to do to make everyone feel good about their life decisions.

I blame men for having a lack of self control and sexual discipline.
Ya know I see these regular *** chick's on ig with 100k+ followers getting thousands and thousands of likes and part of me can't blame them at all for tryna monetize that engagement, you'd almost be stupid not to. Now idk about full on sex work but you're getting the looks because the pics are sexy, and sex sells so you gotta give them what they want in some form or fashion.

I feel like if men were able to garner that sort of attention so easily we would 100% be doing the same thing lol.
are people against this also against the consumption of it? should it all be banned?

Nobody is against it. It will always exist so that is fighting a losing battle.

We are just saying we need to stop this game where we pretend it is a respected profession and it's something women are somehow liberated while participating in it.
sorry, poorly phrased. i was going more along the lines of consuming it without shame v judging those who provide the content
I’m not against the consumption of it nor am I even against people doing it

Just don’t be upset when the obvious repercussions of showing da yambz online for $5 show up in your life

Literally anyone and everyone can sub.. I’ve heard of step dads subbing to OF’s of their step daughters.. Y I K E S
I’m not against sex workers, I just think they should expect to be treated with little to no respect because they’re sex workers.

That’s totally fair.
I think DC's og post hits the nail on the head. Nobody should be all openly & proudly talking about being a sex worker. It's weird b. My taxes went into educating you to becum a productive member of society but instead you're online convincing younger girls that there's no shame in selling your body. Your family members aren't bragging about you. More than likely, you will probably try to find a way to hide this from your future SO/husband (I think we know sum of these girls lol)
Yea sex work isn't something you PLAN on getting into. It's something that you fall into due to things not going in a certain direction in your life.
You can listen to any podcast with former sex workers and they are willing to admit it. (Don't listen to the ones in it now because they lie to themselves all the time.)
Not sure if shaming will be helpful either. Whether its shaming or banning it, at the end of the day you can't force morality. Best you can do is talk to the people you know in your personal life and give them the guidance and wisdom you feel they need to navigate life the way YOU feel is best, which sometimes is not enough.
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