Do you have any unpopular opinions???VOL....2

What marketing is gonna make a man who has to provide for his family take a sabbatical from life to address his anxiety issues? :lol:

I actually strongly agree with your sentiment, but the majority of people who NEED help don't want it, or take it seriously... and a lot of people actually aren't in position to seek help.
Anti smoking campaings were more than just commericals. Its going to have to be more than just commercials. Its going to have to be a whole reform. Provide benefits and aid for people medically diagnosed with anexity so if they need to find another job, because lets be for real, if your job is stressing you like that, your in the wrong place. Also, when you say 'provide', do you mean making sure one's family is alive and well or do you mean having ****. We have gotten so deep into materialism, most of the folks are stressed over the EXTRA. Like I said, its going to be some uncomfortable moments. A lot of people are going to realize they're doing it all wrong but IDing the problem is the firs step of solving the problem.

Or maybe is something in the air or its just a wild coincidence its mostly Americans out here going crazy.
Sadly, with our healthcare system, we are reactive vs proactive, so it has to get really BAD before anything is done about it with a push. I don't think mental health should be categorized by gender, it's a problem no matter how you slice it. Although I won't ignore that your mental health can be affected by your gender in certain situations. There are so many layers to it, and there is no blanket solution, it's a very individual issue.
Mental Health will never be taken seriously because it's not something you can really see unless it's out of control.

Sometimes I wanna take a day for my "mental wellbeing" but you will always been seen as a pansy in corporate America.
Yeah I lie for those and just say I have a migraine (which I really get).
In a few years mental health will be at the forefront once the older folks create space. ETA most older people I know don't believe in mental health per se. They believe people suffer trauma and go crazy but stuff like anxiety (menu anxiety comes to mind) will have them clown you into depression.
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It’s gonna take a real cultural overhaul for this country to start taking mental health seriously, and as it stands right now I don’t think we’re up for it in a collective sense.
"Look, get in line or we're taking everyone's guns away.."

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I dont understand how no one see's that this is where its going.
Conservatives have been fear-mongering about their guns being taken away after every school shooting for almost 2 decades now.

The ease of access to guns is absolutely a problem in this country, but anyone that thinks a government official knocking on their door to take away their guns is right around the corner is terminally stupid and worth walking away from mid-conversation.
Personally I think America is too capitalistic of a nation to ever care about mental health on a wide scale.
I would add 'arrogant' as well.
And 'ignorant.'
But then we've got 'capitalistic, arrogant, and ignorant' and now we're just describing America.
Ok, then I'll praise men who abandon their children.

You'll let the abortion matter be then?
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