Do you have any unpopular opinions???VOL....2

Lol where are you from?

There are some young cats at my job that throw it around like crazy, whether they speaking English, Spanish, or Spanglish, and both are SUPER white passing. It's basically replacing guey/whey in their vocabulary. I'm a white dude, so not my place to say who should and shouldn't be saying anything of the sort, but coming from their mouths it hits my ear like a hundred hands full of fingernails across a chalkboard every time they're talking to each other.
There are some young cats at my job that throw it around like crazy, whether they speaking English, Spanish, or Spanglish, and both are SUPER white passing. It's basically replacing guey/whey in their vocabulary. I'm a white dude, so not my place to say who should and shouldn't be saying anything of the sort, but coming from their mouths it hits my ear like a hundred hands full of fingernails across a chalkboard every time they're talking to each other.
As a white man, you could be the advocate for change.
As a white man, you could be the advocate for change.
Pre ordering games in the digital era is dumb. Even if you get "bonus" its rarely worth it.
I don't think many people would disagree.
I tend to preorder games I'm very confident in because it usually comes with a so-called early release, which is a scam itself. No such thing as 'early release', it's just marketing speak to not explicitly say that regular buyers get the game x days later than the true release.

I think the games I've preordered this year are Elden Ring and that's about it.
Not a fan of whistlers. Not sure that's unpopular as I've never seen someone snap their fingers and whistle along.
More of an ear grinder #, but the symmetrical tendency of my mind makes he irritated to see people only one-strap their bookbags.

Stop putting stress on one shoulder and out the other strap up man.
You start school rocking 2 straps, then in middle school everyone used to do the one strap because we thought it was what the cool kids do. Eventually, you discover 2 straps are superior in everyway. By the sophmore to junior year, you're back to 2 straps. The circle of life. :lol:
More of an ear grinder #, but the symmetrical tendency of my mind makes he irritated to see people only one-strap their bookbags.

Stop putting stress on one shoulder and out the other strap up man.
Guilty, and I have recently felt that stress leading to me now regularly putting both straps on.
The mental health crisis in America needs to be handled the same way cigarettes were. There should be commercials that highlight positive mental heath habits as well as pointing out negative mental health habits and symtoms. Yes make awkard moments at the dinner table. Some folks need to know they're wrong.
I'd argue it's mostly unsolvable. You can't use Neosporin or put a Band-Aid on psychological issues.

In California, you can't even put people on hold for more than 72 hours or force people to seek treatment for mental health issues unless they commit a serious crime.
If “we” can get people to entertain alternative pronouns, “we” can get people to take mental health seriously. If my 63 year old dad can realize the westerns he grew up watching were racists and stop watching them, “we” can get people to take mental health seriously. The question is do “we” want to?
I think the problem with wanting mental health taken seriously is that men’s mental health will never be a forefront issue, nor taken as serious as it needs to be.

It’s difficult to really push mental health when half the population affected isn’t really taken care of or looked at.. and also shamed when they do suffer and truly voice their mental health struggles.
I think the problem with wanting mental health taken seriously is that men’s mental health will never be a forefront issue, nor taken as serious as it needs to be.

It’s difficult to really push mental health when half the population affected isn’t really taken care of or looked at.. and also shamed when they do suffer and truly voice their mental health struggles.

Wish I could rep this twice
If Donald Trump can get people to believe he is the second coming of Christ...literally, people can be talking into taking mental health seriously. Marketing works.
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If Donald Trump can get people to believe he is the second coming of Christ...literally, people can be talking into taking mental health seriously. Marketing works.
What marketing is gonna make a man who has to provide for his family take a sabbatical from life to address his anxiety issues? :lol:

I actually strongly agree with your sentiment, but the majority of people who NEED help don't want it, or take it seriously... and a lot of people actually aren't in position to seek help.
Because no one is talking to them about it. If commercials pointing out bad mental health come on during the Price is Right, it'll sink in. You just have to deliver it correctly. Again, marketing works.
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