Do you have any unpopular opinions???VOL....2

Probably one of the most unpopular takes in here:

In my opinion, I find Caitlyn Clark highly attractive and she definitely fits one of my types.
At least I acknowledge she’s a type most people would understandably disagree with :lol:
I cut it from my vocab entirely like at least 9 years ago when I was in nursing school.

I’m a moderator in several Twitch streamers at the top of competitive Mortal Kombat so I’m responsible for banning idiots who step out of line. I noticed I haven’t had to give someone a timeout or perm ban for the R slur in ages.
IRL I don’t hear it at all anymore.

The most common one I see on the Twitch channels I moderate is the F slur, by far. Perm bans for racism in general are more common but for the most part they avoid outright slurs.

I haven’t heard anybody say the f slur in forever

With fascism making a push again do you notice more racism in there or is it the same?
I haven’t heard anybody say the f slur in forever

With fascism making a push again do you notice more racism in there or is it the same?
I don’t really hear much super explicit racism (slurs etc) like a decade ago for example but the dogwhistling has turned into a megaphone.

The far right here definitely knows how to hide explicit racism behind all kinds of dogwhistling. When far right politicians’ group chats leak though… then it’s just straight up Klan rally talk. Things like chanting “chop those hands, chop those hands, we own Congo”, referring to Leopold II’s atrocities committed in Africa (especially Congo) during colonization.
More of an insider opinion but schools waste SO much money towards things that don't have anything to do with getting children on grade level in reading, writing, and math. This is common across the country and if yall could see the stuff schools waste money on you wouldn't believe it.

Do you talk about this IRL? If so, what are your responses to when people say it's necessary to get kids in the mood/right state of mind to be even able to learn
Like I said, she’s not gonna be seen as conventionally attractive by most people.
I definitely wouldn’t call her ‘ugly’ either even if she didn’t fit one of my types though.

Either way it’s pretty obvious she has certain features (or lack thereof) that result in very very few people finding her as attractive as I do.
Do you talk about this IRL? If so, what are your responses to when people say it's necessary to get kids in the mood/right state of mind to be even able to learn

1. We always talk about how much money is wasted on nonsense.

2. Kids definitely need to be in the right headspace to be able to learn. They are the same as adults. But Chakra Resetting has nothing to do with getting kids right to learn. Plenty of other things that can be done than to spend that money on that.
'Resetting' chakras?

Might as bring in the healing crystal ‘witches’ too. Maybe a tarot card reading so the kids know their future and act accordingly.

Surely some friend of a friend is getting paid on that deal…
There’s a lot of extremely dumb delusional people but a school spending money on that?
Simple as that because there is no way to explain that spending when kids can't read and count.

Do you know of any success stories of schools/school districts that were able to spend wisely or even throw $$$ around to turn things around? legit interested in reading some case studies
Do you know of any success stories of schools/school districts that were able to spend wisely or even throw $$$ around to turn things around? legit interested in reading some case studies

I mean it's deeper than whatever the school can do.

Schools tend to reflect the zip codes of the students they serve. Until you fix the outside world, it's only so much a general neighborhood school can do to close the gap.

Charters have the luxury of selecting their own students, so they wouldn't face the same issues. Same with application schools.
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