Do you ever feel like a shell of your former self?

Jan 2, 2005
I was thinking about how different my views of life and approach on certain situations has changed so much over the last couple of years. In my late teens/early 20's I was more energetic and charismatic, like I was full of life. I know change is a part of growing up but do any of you feel that you are just a shell of who you used to be? Like less energetic, rather be alone than hanging with friends, not as easily amused anymore? I know everyone here (including myself) likes to joke around on this board, but lets be real for a moment. Anyone who has been through this or is going through this, how did you overcome or cope with it?

No judging each other in this thread btw.
Nope, been there though. Ain't nothing to it but to do it. Really. You recognize the issues, start chipping away.
Yep. I used to make some of the dumbest threads on NikeTalk.

Growing up is for the birds.
When I was younger, I used to make dumb threads on nt that reflected my immaturity. The one that I remember best was "what do lobster's eat?" With the bad punctuation and all. Back when I was 18 I wanted a pet lobster but didn't even own a fish tank. The thread went on for like 20 pages full of :lol:

I miss being young and dumb. My poorly thought out plans, lax view on life. I'd give anything to turn the clocks back a bit. Every morning I wake up with what seems like a new responsibility and a new level of maturity that has to correspond with it. I feel, as you said, like a shell of my former self. The **** sucks. Growing up is for the birds.
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i think this situation is what people refer to as being 'weary eyed' 

do you have goals op? do you let them fall through?

kinda have to figure out who you are before you make those goals though.

I don't think you simply want to 'cope' with it. 

for the longest time, I hated setting goals. i thought i could just 'think' up what i want and go do it without planning. this worked because my goals were very simple.

you have to write them down, and also map out how they will be achieved. it can be a lot of work, but it gives you drive and focus. 

good luck, and let me know if you find something else that works.
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I was thinking about how different my views of life and approach on certain situations has changed so much over the last couple of years. In my late teens/early 20's I was more energetic and charismatic, like I was full of life. I know change is a part of growing up but do any of you feel that you are just a shell of who you used to be? Like less energetic, rather be alone than hanging with friends, not as easily amused anymore? I know everyone here (including myself) likes to joke around on this board, but lets be real for a moment. Anyone who has been through this or is going through this, how did you overcome or cope with it?

No judging each other in this thread btw.

what you are explaining sounds like depression.
i think this situation is what people refer to as being 'weary eyed' 

do you have goals op? do you let them fall through?

kinda have to figure out who you are before you make those goals though.

I don't think you simply want to 'cope' with it. 

for the longest time, I hated setting goals. i thought i could just 'think' up what i want and go do it without planning. this worked because my goals were very simple.

you have to write them down, and also map out how they will be achieved. it can be a lot of work, but it gives you drive and focus. 

good luck, and let me know if you find something else that works.

I have goals and plans on how to achieve them, but I fear that I wont be able to achieve them and that brings me down.

what you are explaining sounds like depression.

Yea, I would say that's a fair assessment.
I use to think everyone who :pimp: was a criminal.. I no longer think this
:smh: I'd have to say yes.

I've been feeling that way now more than I ever have before.
I was thinking about how different my views of life and approach on certain situations has changed so much over the last couple of years. In my late teens/early 20's I was more energetic and charismatic, like I was full of life. I know change is a part of growing up but do any of you feel that you are just a shell of who you used to be? Like less energetic, rather be alone than hanging with friends, not as easily amused anymore? I know everyone here (including myself) likes to joke around on this board, but lets be real for a moment. Anyone who has been through this or is going through this, how did you overcome or cope with it?

No judging each other in this thread btw.
If you are strapped down with a ton more responsibility this would make sense.  Been there.  Not easy.  Get busy livin or dyin.  Gotta make that choice.
:smh: I'd have to say yes.

I've been feeling that way now more than I ever have before.

Why is that, if you dont mind saying?

If you are strapped down with a ton more responsibility this would make sense.  Been there.  Not easy.  Get busy livin or dyin.  Gotta make that choice.

More responsibilities come with age, but I dont think that's the particular reason why I feel like this. I've been pretty responsible my whole life, but suddenly I just dont have that enthusiasm (for lack of a better word) like I used to. Like pyhton said, maybe I have depression.
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I been there OP. I had the gift of gab, quick wit/ rapid response. People love being around me, I was very charismatic and energy poured out of my pores. THis is up to bout 23. Then I hit a invisible brick wall. I became socially awkward, just wanting to be alone or with a veeerry small group of ppl im close with (1 or 2 ppl max lol). No energy, enthusiasm, and I didnt even notice when the change occured. Just one day, I remember looking back, like what the ________ happened to me? ( age 26) Went to the Dr, and he tol me I was depressed. Gave me Prozac ( low dosage). First time I took em, ( big mistake) I felt like a switch turned on, and I was back. Then the feeling was less intense as I began taking em more daily. I started taking more per day then realized I dont wanna live like that. ( Pills never made me who I was, so they shouldnt now) Finished the bottle but was good for 3 more refills. Never refilled tho. I just started taking better care of my mind, body, and soul. Started working out again, eating a really healthy diet, and started studying scripture. I stuck with a routine and found that I was " feeling" better about myself in all aspects.(age 27) Now I feel like ME. Not who I used to be, I can never be him, cus I have been through fire, grown, matured, have way more experiences n responsibilities. But I feel I am who I would've been, if not better.
This worked for me, but all I can say is take care of yourself. Pay close attention to what habits you have and what habits you would like to have.
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I don't mind.

I've just come to a point where I don't know what the **** i'm gonna do with my life.

Like... I don't even know where to start TRYING to figure it out you know?
you may have depression, you may not. the most important thing for you to do is not focus on whether or not you might be depressed or why you are feeling depressed, but to go out and try to occupy yourself with activities or find new things to do that you like. sitting on your computer all day and thinking about why you are depressed will only make you more depressed my friend
maybe you are just growing up my dude..

i used to do mad drugs now i dont even drink, would always invite like 10 friends to come kick it, now i dont even keep in touch with any of em..

i grew out of going to bars and things of that nature, now im just happy chillin at home with my dog living my life..

no i dont think you're suffering from depression, thats where alot of people get it wrong.

i hate seeing those commercials for antidepressants..

are you not happy find yourself not interested in the things that used to excite you blah blah blah..

that ish sends the wrong message, if thats the case then the whole world is depressed, 

i think you are just reflecting and noticing that you are just not into the things you used to like, its part of human nature to outgrow things, hell animals do it too.
I don't mind.

I've just come to a point where I don't know what the **** i'm gonna do with my life.

Like... I don't even know where to start TRYING to figure it out you know?

How old are you? What do you like? ( very broad for a reason. could be sports, the moon, plastic forks, anything, name it. )
my lifting max #'s have dropped
My cardio isnt what it used to be
Ive gained 20 lbs since HS
I also feel alot lazier now, which pretty much accounts for the 3 above me
HTG, Gatzby and Sreal, you guys all make really good points. Ruxx and Chicagokid, the important thing we should remember is it can all turn around if we work hard at it.
Only in terms of shooting jumpers. I don't get to play ball as much as I used to so my jumper hasn't been falling as of late.
Ima complete failure, I have no drive and lost all confidence due to scars and bad skin. It feels bad, I don't think I will ever be the same,and I'm only 20 man. I don't do anything in life.
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