Do men compare themselves to other men?

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@Kellyrep  answer this the streets wanna know, who from NT have you received flowers from already
Lol Wut? It's extremely easy for a man to cheat with another woman and have no emotional attachment to that other woman. We're impulsive by nature.

Again with generalizations. I said I. I described myself and a group who thinks similarly.

I'm going to give you the best piece of advice I can. Wayy more women are like this then you give credit for. Men are really clueless about what women do, even the ones who say that they are in love.

I personally know just as many cheating women as men if NOT more. The only difference is the men will never know.

What I said is SOME people aren't like that.
Dudes always comparing themselves to me...I must be that good :pimp:

I'm not bragging tho
Lol @ the thread title. I don't compare myself to others. Other men can inspire me though. Even NT members.
SMFH how could yall let this thread move with no pics. For all we know yall must be talking to a bum as cat.
Then go out on dates with other dudes, it doesn't have to be about sex.

I mean if you got so much going for yourself, it shouldn't be a problem finding a willing supply of guys wanting to take you out

But putting yourself out there will be the best way to find out if something is truly wrong with you, if anything.

I've already addressed all of this and don't feel like typing it all back up. Lol. Don't need a date to reflect if I have issues. I've been around people and dated my whole life.

Reading is fundamental.

And not that I care but typically men who bash women online or go this hard for someone they don't know have women issues.

You should take your own advice. For all you know I might not even be a woman. The possibility is triggering you though.

There's a lot of assumptions , generalization, personal feelings involved in your block of information.

And I may or may not respond to you again.

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If you're a dude, then bravo at the trollin brah

If you're a really a female, then you're just being stubborn and delusional :lol:
:lol: Those are all typical NTer responses typed out.

"Reading is fundamental...

"You bashing women/women hater.... YNS..."

"Your jimmies are rustled.."

It's a dude. I'm convinced now.

That "K" response didn't throw me off. I'm betting, like others, that this is someone that's been on NT before under another troll account.

Was probably hoping to get "saved" to use as ammo under one of their other sn's. That sad internet life.
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The world doesn't begin and end with NT. Lol. Everyone uses those.

I'm really just enjoying the view. People are genuinely tripping over someone they don't even know. How far will this go?
I'm doing it out of respect for him. But since it's anonymous, he was persistent about not using protection.

Before the argument, we were together (intimate) and he proceeded to go forward without using protection, knowing my feelings. He stopped afterwards but if I hadn't noticed would have kept going. I had to tell him twice.

I blew up. I got home and felt myself becoming upset. I told him he was a jerk. That he had issues. I didn't want to get pregnant and I wanted to be safe. I badgered him about why he did that. I asked him how many partners he'd had, how often he did it unprotected, and when was he last tested.I never yelled at him. This was through texting.

After he explained everything. That he didn't have bad intentions, I felt bad.


I guess Illuminati body lets him do what he wants.

yea your annoying...i can see why he got outta there while he still could.
Yeah Kellyrep you lost your cool take your L I mean that in the nicest way....
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