Do men compare themselves to other men?

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***** what?
...a chick who regularly hits up NT ... would most likely attract/have similar interests as a guy who regularly hits up NT

let me know if i have to break it down to simpler terms
***** what?
...a chick who regularly hits up NT ... would most likely attract/have similar interests as a guy who regularly hits up NT

let me know if i have to break it down to simpler terms
No need, I can. "What type of guy dates a woman who's on a forum that he is not on?". That's what you said, simplified. What kinda dumbass question is that?
10 pages, still no pics, Kelly you lame
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Which is why you're in the totally wrong place. You wanted "to relate" and you're not going to find that here. NT is probably about 98% male and most males don't sit around and heal after leaving a relationship we go out and smash what's next available. Just like @Brolic Scholar already told you.

And upgrading would be the exact definition of the word. Finding something better than what you had. Which would be a partner who actually loves you, wants to be with you, and is more compatible with your needs.

Most women do the same.

But I'm not like most women. And I'm sure not every male can jump into bed with one woman and be in love with another.

Then go out on dates with other dudes, it doesn't have to be about sex.

I mean if you got so much going for yourself, it shouldn't be a problem finding a willing supply of guys wanting to take you out

But putting yourself out there will be the best way to find out if something is truly wrong with you, if anything.
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No need, I can. "What type of guy dates a woman who's on a forum that he is not on?". That's what you said, simplified. What kinda dumbass question is that? 
i didn't imply "a forum" i specifically stated niketalk.

your comprehension is lacking
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No need, I can. "What type of guy dates a woman who's on a forum that he is not on?". That's what you said, simplified. What kinda dumbass question is that?
i didn't imply "a forum" i specifically stated niketalk.

your comprehension is lacking
Is niketalk not a forum? What good reason can you give me why any man would not date an attractive woman just because she frequented niketalk or any other forum that he does not visit? It's a stupid question. You trying to go the "Maybe it's too deep for you" route really isn't helping either.
This thread :lol:

To OP, of course they compare with each other. But at the end of the day you ain't moving forward if you keep doing that, and the other person gives no damn about you. I'm sorry that you haven't found your answer after 9 pages. I'll break it to you, just move on.
Is niketalk not a forum? What good reason can you give me why any man would not date an attractive woman just because she frequented niketalk or any other forum that he does not visit? It's a stupid question. You trying to go the "Maybe it's too deep for you" route really isn't helping either.
I did not imply either of the things you are using to negate my statement.

your comprehension is lacking....

read the first response when i tried to elaborate on the point i was making... 
No need to compare myself to any other dudes when I'm the standard to be compared to.............

not srs................srs
Then go out on dates with other dudes, it doesn't have to be about sex.

I mean if you got so much going for yourself, it shouldn't be a problem finding a willing supply of guys wanting to take you out

But putting yourself out there will be the best way to find out if something is truly wrong with you, if anything.

I've already addressed all of this and don't feel like typing it all back up. Lol. Don't need a date to reflect if I have issues. I've been around people and dated my whole life.

Reading is fundamental.

And not that I care but typically men who bash women online or go this hard for someone they don't know have women issues.

You should take your own advice. For all you know I might not even be a woman. The possibility is triggering you though.

There's a lot of assumptions , generalization, personal feelings involved in your block of information.

And I may or may not respond to you again.
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