DMX ...

Wow I'm catching the end. DMV tried to hug his son and his son refused n the lady said no u don't have too. So he didn't hug him. N dmx got in argument with black lady again. Wow this quality right here.
Yea he refused DMX's hug because he wanted DMX to stop using drugs before they rebuilt their relationship.

X got mad & took that as his son putting conditions on his love when DMX always loved his son unconditionally. My mom & others in my house took it as X choosing drugs over his kid.
First Magic now DMX son is terry cloth?
straight bounty tissue paper
straight dry snitching on your pops
At people saying his son is soft. His son is behaving like a gentleman , and how DMX should be behaving.

Then again, I just watched a family keep a minor hostage, and take turns in beating on his face. So, I'm not surprised by how ANYBODY would be raised into thinking what is "right" anymore.
Now smile and apologize! 
I feel 'em though. Georgia just passed that new law. Mandatory minimum 15 year sentence for any theft over $1.
not that i steal or anything, but i hope this isn't true..

living in the bible belt is already hard enough, especially as a minority.
....I'm pretty sure that isn't true about the 15 year minimum for theft over $1

EDIT: I just watched that interview.

DMX is a ******g ****. Dude really chose drugs over his son. Like how you gonna be cryin like "i wish we would have a relationship" but the moment he hears how his son felt about seeing his mom getting cheated on all day he wanted to go off on him? And he really had tears and hugs for his son until he wanted X to get off drugs AT AGE 42. It ain't about unconditional love at this point. It's about priorities. DMX is 42 years old and seriously could not give up the nose-scratching type of drugs in exchange for a chance at a relationship with his son??? Wow...

DMX is not a man. Straight up. He played himself so hard in my eyes, and so has anyone who condones that kind of behavior.

Maybe it's because I have some dad issues; my dad wasn't even around. I can relate to your father being right in front of you and choosing to not REALLY want to have a relationship with you, but talk about it until it's time to actually start building and find an excuse to back out of it. That happened to me just like it happened before my eyes to X's son.

This is not even funny. It's hard to watch when you realize that this is an actual person doing this to his son. You can say whatever about his son or the fact that the whole situation was set up and amplified by some over-nurturing women, but none of that takes away from what DMX did as a father and as a man, and the fact that X seems to refuse to take any responsibility for himself even at age 42. There are alot of things and behaviors and attitudes dude should be past by that age, but he's obviously not and he is completely blind to his own role in his life outside of being "DMX."

I no longer support that dude, for real. Like I said maybe that interview hit a little too close to home for me, but i can't rock with this guy. And I used to bang Flesh of My Flesh Blood of My Blood on cassette super hard. No longer.

Man. **** DMX. That guy can eat a ****.

And anyone defending him needs to realize that he is a real person with a real family. Dude's last words to his son were "See you at my funeral." That is some real ****** up **** to say moments after crying saying you loved him and wanted to have a relationship with him.

**** DMX. :smh:
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DMX is my favorite rapper by a landslide & personally i deal with alcoholism & addiction everyday. Yes it is a struggle, some days are easy, some days are hard. But it takes time & effort. You have to want it. DMX has no idea how to deal with these kind of situations, hence why he acted the way he did. Dude still smokes crack & weed & drinks on the regular. I don't care what he says. That chick asked him straight up "Are you high" when clearly she already knew he was cracked out.

DMX not wanting a relationship with his first born is selfish on his part. He wont change for anyone. He wont even change for himself. Dude is in straight denial about his problems and I'm proud of Xavier for sticking up for himself & doing what he thinks is right.

This whole situation is not a laughing matter. Its sad. 
I dunno man. I thought it was really sad. I know DMX is unstable but i'm looking at it like, a father has had a crap relationship with his son and now they unfortunately have to try to repair it at the witness of america. It's sad, that kind of pain to not have a father/son relationship is just too much real life for me to laugh at.

No judgement on anyone else, because i laugh at messed up things all the time so carry on.

25 years ago, the responses to something like this would be somber.

However, we live in a compassion-less society now. This stuff is entertainment. The sad part is, I'm old enough to remember when something like this would be tragic to look at. Most of the youngins who watch this for lulz cannot understand how this could be anything else EXCEPT lulz. It's like if you explain to them how messed up that situation is, it will not compute.

Dudes saying his son snitched on his pops? He's soft? :lol:

Obviously his father is the main cause of a lot of his mother's hurt, so who are you siding with? Most people choose their mom

He even said he doesn't think he was fatherless and his pops taught him some life long lessons. That boy could of said much worst about his father TBH
Cant tell a grown man how to live his life, just love your pops for who he is and move on and build a new relationship. You dont tell your pops i only want you in my life if you change your habits. WTF

Its not like he didnt provide for them and left them broke. His son is too grown to be acting like that, then he didnt wanna give his pops a hug smh.
That see you at my funeral line was reckless tho
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