Dexter Season 7 Thread - Premiers September 30 - 2 min. Sneak Peek Video

man they been making these episodes extra scary lately. geez
Get a Dexter nightlight.

Good Episode. Happy Deb Is taking it all in, and seeing Dex's POV when Justice falls and lets the bad free. 

When Dude caught Dex in the Trailer, I thought He was done. A Bull in a tiny room vs Dex, Crazy.

Next week is gonna be INSANE.

Quinn is pissing me off, that stripper is going to do him dirty.. 
Def got the Ayo vibe from fake Clooney.

I like how all the pressure and heat on Dex this season is making him have to go a little unconventional with the kill rooms. Most likely setting up for him to get sloppy and possibly get caught (if that is the way they go to end the series). It would be a little too unrealistic to have him with the extensive kill rooms with Deb on his *** most of the time. Even tho now it looks like she understands and may start working with him to get "justice" that the law cant always get. I wouldnt be surprised if they start their own little code. Where they do what they can to get a real conviction. But if that doesnt work then Dexter gets to do his thing.

But if they wanted to make the getting rid of the blood slides more realistic the bull dude should have been caught by police because of his "trophies". So it would show Dexter you just cant have all that evidence around. Would have been real easy since he said the RV was in the police impound. How was it just sitting there on a murder charge and no1 opened the ******g glove box. It just seemed forced that he would get rid of his blood slides. Because unless I missed a scene or something, no1 even knows Laguerrta found a blood slide at the church. I might have to go back and watch the last 2 episodes. But him just ditching his slides was a little out of left field.

Still, in the end thats just nit picking. Im really liking the season. And it looks like it is going to pick up even more next week.
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With all the build up for Louis, I'm pretty disappointed. I'm sure Dexter will get blamed for Louis' death and Louis will live on to haunt Dexter that way, but I was hoping there would be something bigger than that. It seemed like Louis knew Dexter's secret, asking him about his serial killer video game and sending him the ice truck hand. I thought he was a relative of Dexter's and/or Rudy's. My only hope now is that Louis had someone he was reporting to that does have a connection to Dexter somehow. If what we've seen is all there is to Louis though, I'll be really confused and will have to re-watch his season 6 build up.
I see a crucial swerve towards the end. Dexter is supposed to end Season 8, but nothing has been official. I think LaGuerta might crack the case of the Bay Harbor Butcher open.
Loved last night. Deb is starting to see it. You can feel it, he's turning her. She's seeing why he does it, and the merit with it. She can't allow it in the end, at some point she has to be the one to "stop" Dexter, but for now, while she tries to understand what he's doing, she's seeing it. And that makes it more awesome.

Fuax Clooney threw a curverball last night with his whole crying at the picture thing. I didn't expect that, and frankly, I like him better when he's making dudes kill themselves while not threatening them. :wow: :lol: He seems pretty damn lethal, but that one weak moment threw me.

And gee, I guess I called that after last week talkin about the kid always been watched by some girl, now he's off the show for a "few weeks" :lol: By Harrison, we'll never see you again.

Now that they have drug a few episodes out, you can see they are going to start the wheels in motion, Clooney clone and Dex will be on each other's radar, the hot blonde about to be a problem, and of course LaGuerta. 8 episodes before the final season.
Liking this season so far....glad Lewis is killed off..I got tired of the "its always the closest to Dex that screws him over" twist.

Glad the Felcher story got deaded quickly....He walked..again :rolleyes....Dex mocking Ray as he was spazzing had me rollin. "FUUUUUUUUUU!!"

If Deb and her .5 lead pencil frame get on board, i might relinquish some of the hate i have for her.
What they did to the bartender was so wrong :smh:. Dude was just trying to be a good bartender and send money back to his family. They could've at least brought over a few of the dancers and let him have some fun before they made him shoot himself. So Victor was the head gangster's boytoy?
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a kill montage next episode would be too cool lol.

like watching scenes of killers getting off scot-free and deb giving dexter the head nod to do what he does. :lol:
Best season since the trinity killer. I wonder how the whole Laguerta/Blood slide thing will play out.
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i think deb thinks that he killed Rita :smh:
that he killed her while she was taking a bath (probably because she thought Rita knew about dex's dark passenger)
and that deb thinks that she's next now...
i think deb thinks that he killed Rita

that he killed her while she was taking a bath (probably because she thought Rita knew about dex's dark passenger)
and that deb thinks that she's next now...
I don't think Deb thinks that at all.

Deb asked Dex when he killed Trinity. Which was before he found out that Trinity killed Rita.

If Deb had found that out, then she'd know that Rita's death had everything to do with Dex's dark passenger.

Also she's going to flip if she finds out that the doomsday killer almost killed Harrison.
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At first I thought it was his son but then I saw people in this thread were saying the boss was ayo :lol:. I think the hidden picture of the two of them has me leaning towards them having some kind of gay relationship.

I think since Louis is out of the picture, he should get in the guts of Jaime. I want to see some skin from her. He'll probably get with the blond chick since she's showing an interest in him.
:lol: @ that Russian dude crying for his criminal friend.
The moves that this dude is making is so unjustifiable that it's sickening.
Dude had the audacity to say that he was going to avenge him.
Cut your losses and go back to Russia comrade.

i'm thinking he's an ayo. just a thought. :lol:

That's the first thing I thought when he was reminiscing over that photo.
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