Dexter Season 7 Thread - Premiers September 30 - 2 min. Sneak Peek Video

Pretty disappointing ending to this season. Season was pretty much up and down.

Seeing Doakes brought back good memories. He was a good character. Telling Dexter he don't even walk like a normal person, he glides. :lol:
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I like the idea of where they're going with what happened but it was just terrrrible execution. I've never been one to be critical of the show but that was a terrible finale.

LaGuerta was going to die. I liked that they were gonna have Deb kill her. It leads up to a new relationship with her and Dexter where I think they can no end up being together because she now has murdered someone as well. But the way they did it was awful. She could have totally avoided having that **** on her conscious by just walking out of the crate and let Dexter do his thing. And why the hell would Dexter say "shoot me its the right thing to do" he knows that would F her more than anything. He would never do that.

Few other things...
Harry said, "this is different she's an innocent this isnt part of the code at all" the hell? Don't get caught is rule ******g rule #1 :smh:
Way to convenient and coincidental for Laguerta to find dirt on Deb.
Hannah breaking out very unrealistic
why wouldn't Laguertta call for back up when Estrada called her.

Dexter was gonna set it up so it looked like they killed each other. Why on earth would they kill each other and be in a crate. What motive would Estrada have to kill Laguertta? She got him out of jail. And obviously Lageurtta wouldn't kill him because she's not a murderer. The only reason he was hiding was because of Dexter. Nothing would have pointed more to Dexter than them both being dead in a crate.

I have no idea what next season is consist of. The only question there really is will Dexter end up in Argentina with Hannah or end up with the Deb and their new relationship. Other than a battle between those 2 I don't know what else is gonna go on. But one of them is going to die and I think both scenarios will make for a good ending. Hannah put the plant at his door for a reason, to poison Deb. So either Dexter puts a knife through Hannah's chest or poisons Deb and lives happily ever after with one of them. I think we can assume Dexter will never be caught.
i could just be mad the patriots lost today but , it just kinda sucked for me

-as soon i saw hannah admitting to poisoning deb 4 minutes into the show with no real pressure from dexter

i knew this episode was gonna be some soap opera  , cop out themed episode

- i thought estrada was gonna tell dexter something next level bruh , like harry ordered the hit out on dexters mom cus he was a dirty cop

in bed with dealers

-debra putting all that dna all over the place , tears,blood,fingerprints .........she really sucks at this , 

but i heard it wasnt scripted and the director thought it was a powerful scene.

-batista getting to retire without dying was cool , his cheers themed spinoff is still in play lmao

-"you glide like a lizard on ice" classic doakes

-"get on your knees and start kissing anything that remotely resembles ...." classic matthews

-everytime hannah is gonna kiss dexter i think about that scene in batman and robin with poison ivy

-stellar acting job by deb , solid season for her ...strong work

i am going to say this tho..............deb was looking FINE in that dress
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Told ya'll Deb has been lookin better lately. :lol:

Crazy that her runnin to LaGuerta wasn't scripted.
That **** mades no sense to me. When I didn't know and when I found out it wasn't scripted. What's wrong with her? She was so caught up in the role and story that she thought she really killed her? :lol: or did she think some improvisation would be a good move then? I mean her tears on Maria, Maria's blood on her, etc.

That was the one scene I wasn't tense about cuz I knew she was gonna kill LaGuerta. Only thing I liked is what Dex said and how it seemed he was actually prepared to die and just kinda gave up given the situation or maybe he was mind ******g her cuz he knew she wasn't going to kill him.
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yall complain too much. deb hugging laguerta annoyed the mess out of me too but Dex has made mistakes before and cleaned up e.g. on his boat.

Including blood stains on the boat from whatever the video game makers name was, and more
I have no idea how to feel right now...but I do know I'm ready for next season..I see a lot of people saying they were let down,but I for one enjoyed it..
Lots of plot holes but it's expected with a show that has been going on for 7 seasons. I just hope they finish it the right way. Good episode
I just wondering how season 8 will be..No more LaGuerta on Dexter's tail..Will be interesting..

My theory is Hannah?
Ok why does Deb care so damn much. All Dexter needed to do was say she was gonna put both of them away with phone tracking. SIMPLE. Deb should know by now to STOP GETTING INVOLED!!!!!!

Should have walked away and let baby brother handle the business. Ignorance would be bliss for her and she choose to know.
Pretty weak finale but I still enjoyed the season overall. If next season is going to be the last, I hope they come correct and end the show with a bang.

It looks like next season will revolve around Hannah. I'm guessing Dexter will have to decide whether to be with Hannah and be on the run or he will have to kill Hannah and choose Deb's side. Next season can go in so many different directions.
yall complain too much. deb hugging laguerta annoyed the mess out of me too but Dex has made mistakes before and cleaned up e.g. on his boat.

Including blood stains on the boat from whatever the video game makers name was, and more
Given the amount of stuff that happened off camera I have to assume Dex cleaned up real good despite this ep being a good example of how much Dex has ****** up and how many things he's done where he could get caught (even if they were instances pulled out of nowhere to be convenient).
Just watched the season finale.

It was good for the most part and the flashback scenes with Doakes were great but there were some
moments in this episode.

Dexter really going to kidnap Estrada in broad daylight in a park with a bunch of people? I know he was desperate but come on.

Why wasn't there a police officer watching Hannah in the hospital? She was accused of murder after all. You'd think the police department would monitor her whereabouts at all times.

Not surprised that LaGuerta got got. That was the only end game at that point, and when Deb found out about her location I figured it would probably be her that ended up killing her.

That final scene with Dex, Deb & LaGuerta was great, intense as hell, but they're gonna have a hell of time trying to pin LaGuerta's murder on Estrada since it was Deb's gun that did the deed. The fact that Deb seem to incriminate herself with her improvised scene didn't help either.

As if Deb wasn't ****** up learning about Dexter's true nature, her killing LaGuerta will definitely push her to the breaking point. Wouldn't be surprised at all if she's Dexter's main antagonist in the final season.

Quinn is still alive unfortunately.

Glad my dude Batista made it through another season. Was scared as hell he wasn't going to make it since he's retiring and all.
My biggest question for next season is what is Deb going to become now??

They had to dump the bodies since Deb shot LaGuerta with her gun.

I dont see Dex turning on Deb after what she did for him.....unless she really pushes him

I dont like how Deb just went back to the party regular like nothin happened. Theres NO way she would be able to hold herself together after somethin like that the same night it happened. I know it would make her look more suspect if she didnt go back, but they coulda thought of somethin else.

Damn I am sad though...only one more season of Dex and 1/2 more of Breaking Bad. I dont know what imma do!
 When Deb heard that guy making noise in Dexter's trunk.

Jaime needs to get naked next season.
The scene in trailer was ******ed imo.

From La Guerta being like "shoot him". Really your a killer now too? Shouldn't your first thought be arrest him?
Dex saying "shoot me", rather than continuing to tell her to **** of there.
Deb actually shooting La Guerta? Whats the point of you doing it, let Dex do it. It wasn't like La Guerta made a move or anything, she was just sitting there.
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