Dexter Season 7 Thread - Premiers September 30 - 2 min. Sneak Peek Video

[quote name="wcghost" url="/t/345358/dexter-season-7-thread-premiers-september-30-2-min-sneak-peek-video/450#post_16749782"Deborah Morgan]Hannah McKay & Jamie Bautista. :evil:[/quote]
matthews with multiple swag lines on laguerta

they ended quinn's sublot so easy , i would like for them to tie that in some how in the finale
the been dedicating five minutes of sublot to that story almost the entire season


jamie still doesnt have a social life of her own

and i dont know if you guys remember but there was a black chick with a blonde afro who dexter got his record from
back in the days that said of the three men that killed dexters mom , one was dead , one was running a tavern in naples
which was jimenez and one was doing life without the pssibilty of parole

This also randomly ran across my mind, like what does she do besides babysit Harry?
Jamie's so damn hot. I'm surprised Dexter never got in that. Maybe next season :nerd:. She spends almost as much time, if not more time with Harrison than Dexter does.

I saw in the preview that Dex was making out with Hanna in one of the interrogation rooms :lol:. They did that close up of Deb's pill bottle when she was in her car and it made me think she put too many pills in her water bottle. I'm not sure if it was by accident or on purpose so that Hanna gets the blame. But it would've been a serious risk since the possibility of her dying in a car accident or killing someone else was really high.
dexter needs to get jamie a mothers day present lmao

also clip from the finale

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and i dont know if you guys remember but there was a black chick with a blonde afro who dexter got his record from
back in the days that said of the three men that killed dexters mom , one was dead , one was running a tavern in naples
which was jimenez and one was doing life without the pssibilty of parole

Estrada was able to get out of prison because Laguerta pulled the strings for him to do so. She was trying to use Estrada as bait for Dex knowing that Dex would possibly try to kill him (remember she now knows Dexter's story).
^ What didn't make any sense to me was why would someone from the police dept call Dex and tell him that Estrada was having a parole hearing? Is it standard procedure to call the victims of every crime when that happens? Especially one that happened 30 years ago (I swear I heard Dex say 40 years although 30 makes more sense). How would they have up to date phone numbers to even do that (yeah I know he happens to work there)?
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I remember Jamie was saying something about baby sitting Harrison is good for her major in school.
Enjoyed this episode.

Season as a whole has still been meh. Hoping they end it on a good note.
^ What didn't make any sense to me was why would someone from the police dept call Dex and tell him that Estrada was having a parole hearing? Is it standard procedure to call the victims of every crime when that happens? Especially one that happened 30 years ago (I swear I heard Dex say 40 years although 30 makes more sense). How would they have up to date phone numbers to even do that (yeah I know he happens to work there)?
Yes it's normal.  Because victims have the right to confront them and testify at the hearing as to why they shouldn't be granted parole.
Amazed at how Dexter could be so stupid to go after Estrada. C'mon now. You think someone wouldn't put two and two together? Especially La Guerta
on another note, :wow: :wow: :wow: :pimp: :pimp: :pimp:. dope episode. albeit a bit rushed when it came to planting the evidence and the quinn subplot.

gotta give LaGuerta her props, though. :lol: very smart. :pimp: but she needs to die. lol

and lol @ people thinking doakes is alive.

i don't think deb poisoned herself. what good would that have done for her? it's not like she knew dex would give her incriminating evidence afterwards, much less knew about sal price's pen. something is definitely fishy, though. maybe hanna and her old roommate were working together, and she slipped into deb's house while her and hanna were talking. i guess we'll find out in due time.

season finale. my body is ready.
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Dexter y u stupid? Why would you give Laguerta the absolute pivotal pieces of evidence that would make her "lizard brain" go off?

The whole time I was thinking, if Dex even so much as shows up at the same store as the dude who killed his mother, Laguerta is going to know that without a doubt that Dexter is the BHB.

What does Jamie do? Like damn, she must be getting paid enough to practically be Harrison's mother.

I thought that the Hanna Mckay story was so useless. Okay we get it, Dexter can't have relationships.

In season 8, I hope that there's another character similar to Lundy. When Lundy was asking Dexter about why his blood work was sloppy for the people that the BHB murdered after they were paroled etc I was like oh ......
after all the hype, thought id give the show a try.....watched an episode where his sister tells him she is in love with him......

im done......never finished the episode....
after all the hype, thought id give the show a try.....watched an episode where his sister tells him she is in love with him......
im done......never finished the episode....

Why would you start watching the show on season 7? :smh:
I didn't get the end too much, maybe someone else answered it. But why would Dexter turn in Hannah if Hannah knows about his past? She could easily turn around and spill the beans to Laguerta.

Show and writing have gone downhill, but this season is better than the last I guess.
Why would you start watching the show on season 7?
i was talking about it with a friend and he was a fan....happened to have that episode on his phone cuz he was watching it earlier....i thought....let me get the jist of this, and watched a few mins of it....

i did like the narration part of it, but sir this show is not for me 
   people taking the idea of being open minded a little too far, and i know its just a show...but eh...

scandal all day
Why would you start watching the show on season 7? :smh:
i was talking about it with a friend and he was a fan....happened to have that episode on his phone cuz he was watching it earlier....i thought....let me get the jist of this, and watched a few mins of it....
i did like the narration part of it, but sir this show is not for me :lol:    people taking the idea of being open minded a little too far, and i know its just a show...but eh...

scandal all day

You sound like such a coddled individual.
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